Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

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Post by Roomulus »


I must be doing somethig VERY wrong. :cry:

I have several PC's so far and the highest is level 4. Most enemies give me 20-30 xp. Is that to much??


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Post by Uber_Hoser »

Well, I like to report some abuse.

(-) Axon, login as Axongold, is a lvl 22 spellcaster, and he is basically killing ppl left and right in the RK stronghold.

Do I find this fun?

Not really, since I am only lvl 7 and don't spend huge amounts of time leveling up, like he has. I actually have a life and responsibilities. I play NS4 to have fun. Tonight, trying to come in defence of our clan, I got hosed..several times..

With his power levels, not even our leaders have much chance of defeating him (The NPC leaders that is.)

Since I do have responsibilities, I will probably not reach uber high levels, which is fine with me. After all, this is a game, and I try to find some enjoyment in playing it, with other responsible people around the world. The developers have made a great mod and I thank them for this.

My question is this.. why does the world breed people who, for all intensive purposes, ruin the game for others.

The new NS4 is going to breed meglomanics like him, who's sole purpose in the game is to PK.. if this is the case, we need to have an arena set up, that all factions can get to thru a portal in their main towns.

Or a way to kick these campers out of places after a while.
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Post by JesterOI »

You're such a hoser!!! Get me a beer eh?

Oh and make sure to read faction info so you get treated well by your deity!
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Post by Uber_Hoser »

JesterOI wrote:You're such a hoser!!! Get me a beer eh?

Oh and make sure to read faction info so you get treated well by your deity!

1) Thank you for you response. It make no sense what so ever.
2) Why do you think I am canadian?
Gotrek TrollSlayer - RK Barbarian/Fighter/Weapon Master
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Post by JesterOI »

1. DM's play the deities for NS, if they are on, ask them for help vs the overpowered "evil" doer.
2. I didn't think you were Canadian, I just pulled a Bob and Doug Mackenzie on you!!!

Now TAKE OFF!!! eh?!!!
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Post by Uber_Hoser »

Ok Geddy :) I loved that movie when it first came out.. LMAO since I am just 45 min from the canadian border ;)

I did ask for the DM's help, none where there :P I really hope he/she gets what is coming to him/her..Like a severe case of the clap or something :lol:
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Post by Alexiagold »

Well, I like to report some abuse.

(-) Axon, login as Axongold, is a lvl 22 spellcaster, and he is basically killing ppl left and right in the RK stronghold.

Bah I repeatedly told you to go away, you repeatedly attacked me. What did you expect, that I'd let you kill me?

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Post by Uber_Hoser »

So I guess that I should allow you to come into our main base, kill all of our NPC leaders, and let you go free ?

Nice....I guess if that is your bag, the good for you...

And the only comment I got from you was a sarcastic remark about "not being protected from death magic"

Servant shouted that we had intruders in our main base, I came to see if I could help. If I had know in advance that you were such a high lvl spellcaster, I would not have attacked. But since this was the first time I was anywhere near our base when it was attacked I decided tosee if I could help.

After being killed several times, I then did a forum search on your name and learned that you are probably the highest lvl character in NS4, barring the developers and the DM's.
Gotrek TrollSlayer - RK Barbarian/Fighter/Weapon Master
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Post by sep caldessian »

i have finally started running into what i call greifing:

made a new char to try out/playtest some other factions. literally set foot outside my home town and was killed before my screen was done loading. brand new level 1 character and boom i was dead. so i curse a few times, and respawn, walking around town to see if theres any jobs since i cant go outside the city gates. all of a sudden the guy is in town and once he sees me, leaves the guard he was fighting to kill me. im all for PvP when its RPed, and even lenient when its not, but killing a brand new level 1 character twice in 5 minutes when he didnt even leave his home town is really low. if i was a new player i would never come back, regardless of how many cool features, cutscenes, and other dev projects there were.

also, the reason for making a new character is because my char ive been playing cant move two screens rom his home base without being killed on sight. i didnt raise anythign about that because i wasnt so close to town, and i was at least level 3 so i had a chance against the "Impossible" rated people that killed me. also i was wearing the green dragon outfit or whatever, so i supposed they could know who i was on sight.

frankly, i dont know what can be done to curb griefing, yet still allow unrestricted RP PvP. its not an easy solution.

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Post by powerferret »

Last edited by powerferret on Mon May 03, 2004 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tukaitangata »

There are many varied and diverse opinions coming through on this thread. Some intelligent and well thought out, some less so. Well for better or for worse, here are some of mine.

This is as stated, a PW PvP Faction based game. Here, the different Factions will vie for control of their own destiny. Here too, they will vie for supremecy over the other Factions, both territorially and economically. Kingdoms will rise and Nations will fall. Factions will rely upon the strength of arm of their citizens, their Leadership and the courage of the collective Heart of each Faction.

The complexities of the human [let us think RW for a minute please...apologies to all Dwarves, Drow, Elves, Orcs and the Planar Beings and whoever else I missed, Halflings, Kender etc] mind and soul will come into play. Some will be Warlords, some Paupers, others will be Royalty and yet others Thieves. All will act according to their nature, to carve a niche for themselves in this new society. No matter the status of the individual [character] it will be the mind of the player that dictates their characters actions.

So what does this mean I hear you all ask? Simply this. Having served for 30 yrs for my countrys' Military, I have seen the best and the worst that we, as humans, are capable of doing. I will not elaborate. However I will say this.

In any situation the individual is capable of many things. The bravest may turn cowardly, the most craven may indeed be a hero. The gamut of human emotion is, at its' best, impossible to predict, and at its' worst, predictable only in its' impossibility. Ok, I'm getting to the point, trust me.

Back to NS4.

Being a Faction based PvP, warfare will be rife. There will be instances when the lone scout will come across the enemy and be severly outnumbered. There will be times where the numbers will be even. Times there will be where the innocent shall unfortunately fall and there will be the roving bands of the awless. In warfare, whether gaming or RW, these things exist. As one writer to this thread pointed out, it is a *pseudo Medieval setting. However, even in those times they knew the meaning and concept of Honour and of Chivalry. The warriors had a Code by which they lived. Geneva Conventions? Yes, because they understood the concept.

Let there be honour in combat. I applaud the battle within the Mines. Honours to both victor and vanquished. Let the Chivalric Code live. I have, with my character both fallen in to the *invaders blade and to the *griefers blade. In one I chose to make myself part of the battle in the other, the choice was taken from me.

I would ask, that even though we are playing a PvP / RP game, that individuals respect the fact that others need time to level their characters and it will take them time. It is dishonourable for *High Level chars to make *grief for the Lower Levels.

Another thing is *Arrogance. Be arrogant in the fact that you have a character that can hold its own against another and even prevail. Be not, however, arrogant to the point where you degrade another player. I was witness to one player coming across a fallen enemy and typing "I *urinate*[edited] on you" That shows a total lack of maturity and respect and calls into question the individuals mindset.

In conclusion, let there be Honour in combat and Respect of the individual. If we can apply these to the game, it will be a wonderful, thrilling, entertaining and exhilarating environment for all to want to visit and spend time in, with both friends and foes alike.

My sermon has ended.

The Whisperer. LA.

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Post by powerferret »

I guess basically what is really bothering me is that people want to take away other peoples freedom to play the game because a few people are dishonorable and like to kill newbies. You all have to realise that at the moment we are in beta and the DMs and DEVs are all busy trying to fix bugs and problems with the game. When the final version comes out, I fully expect there to be a few DMs on at a time on each server who can and will deal with the overpowered killer of new characters by warping the offender out, stripping his gear, spawning a few silver dragons around him, or just appearing out of thin air and smiteing them.

Rely on the DMs, they will deal with anyone they feel is being abusive, but give them time to fix the real bugs in the game first.
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Post by Macifer »

Some remarks added to the neverending discussion:

- I don't mind getting killed, but when I attack someone, I do mind getting ignored, even when I'll prob be killed in one blow. I know when I'm outmatched and I prob run away, but sometimes I want to die in honor.

- How the heck are we low lvl's supposed to even hit a high lvl when our lvl restricted weapons are too lousy to do even do 1 point of damage on a char who has higher lvl items? This makes the task even more impossible.

Well, back to killing orcs I guess ...
-- Balin Redhammer, RK (Fighter/WPM)
-- Balin Skullstitcher, RK (Cleric)
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Post by Revenge »

Gah yes, there's always enemies running all over Menzo not bothered by anything we can throw at them... I mean sure, I'm getting rich by selling all the loot they leave behind, but I'm sick of losing my inv and really want my drow spec ability back....

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Run Away! all you need to do. Keep a haste pot for that special occasion, or just ask to be left alone. I don't know anyone here who wants to ruin another's experience. They just want combat, and as they can't get any 1v1 challenges, why not attack a whole town and fight npcs and pcs alike?
And if you can't run away, there are things like invis or stealth, or pets to slow the person down. I really honestly don't see how out of all the people here, no one has an "I escaped from axon" story, just a "i tried to attack him or fight him and he killed me, wtf is that? no way!"
Lindon Erithar
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