Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

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Post by TheRaptor »

What your all forgetting is this server has a little bit of RP in it. Allot of what goes on is based on the fact that youve been thrown into a big war among the factions. IMO thats whats going to make NS4 fun and unpredictable. After a while mods usually get boring, but how can i get boring when you never know who your going to end up fighting just by walking around in another server.

Even if you don't like RP, you have to accept the fact that there is SOME here. If you want to go exploring, you usually have another faction thats friendly twords you... Go There. If your a low lvl char you shouldn't be going into another factions server anyway, LvL in your OWN server, thats what its for. If you go tramping into another factions server you should be prepaired to either run away or die.

If your in your own server and someone comes in and starts killing you, like was said before send out a shout and ask for help. There are allot of people out there that will rush to your aid and help you slay the offender, and then because of the script that gives you a while before you die you can be rezed just by a healing spell.

If your in another faction's teritory and they let you go explore, how does that fit at all? Even though this is a game, lets compair it to RL for a second, if a military person from a country thats at war with the country you live in decideds to come in and start looking all over your stuff... what is going to be done with them? Its the same principle only this is a game, and by killing someone your not acually causing them real pain.

bongoblue wrote:I've seen real death. I don't care to attack a real player's game character.

I have too. Im a First Responder for the fire department, and ive seen alot more than most people want to even think about. Although there is No way to even remotly compair this with any killing of any game chars in NS. Your not acually taking anything away from that real person, your not acually hurting them, your not doing anything to cause them pain. sure they may get angry but thats just because they have a problem with saying "OK. this is a game and this is how its played" You cannot compair real life things to things that happen in NS, because NS IS JUST A GAME. an extreamly fun one, but still... just a game.

Ill stop typing now because if i go on anymore noone will read it cause it will be to long

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Post by Æ »

Well that's my point Raptor my fellow folower }: )... I'm not a part of the neversummer military, i didn't sign up nor was i drafted, I'm a neutral party exploring ALL of this world who happens to live in neversummer with my guild...

Those of us who want to remain neutral should be allowed to... I have no allegiance to any government, i'm still contemplating slaughtering the celestials and neversummer guards and making them permanent enemies like i did with those annoying little buggers in evenshire. My loyalties are only to myself and to the Followers of the Silent Lord. I'll kill anyone we :[FotS]: call enemies, but i'm not going to kill anyone just for being from a different land or because the Neversummer government calls them enemies.

I don't want to be enemies with everyone on every server, I want to meet each person as an individual and become friend or foe...

Maybe my character is just and anthropologist studying cultural phenomenon across factions and offered to share my data with the scientists in the faction i'm visiting in exchange for safe passage through their lands lol

Such things do happen in real life, the world, real or otherwise, has alot of grey area between the black and white

Furthermore, my character's a true neutral reconciler with a personal vendetta against demon-kind and his own personal agenda }: P

And I think what was at the root of bongo's statement, and the point, is that he, like me, would rather be kind to his fellow man and make friends than to fight... personally I have plenty of fun killing computer-controlled monsters with my friends... monsters who don't hate me for it and hold a grudge the next time they see me lol

Which is not to say I don't PK, I just reserve it for the people I dislike... when you run around randomly killing anyone from another faction, you don't get a chance to find out if you'd like eachother or not and be friends, you're just enemies, for no reason... and there's not even any real roleplay element to it except "well you're from somewhere else"... I guess there has to be more personal reason for me to want to harm someone, even if it is a game, and I don't want to ruin someone's fun when they're just trying to level up or find some equipment and they just took a long trip from somewhere else....... some people may have fun being annoying, but I don't
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Post by TastyTreat »

I must say that my views are very similar to yours on pking, but unfortunately not everyone will share them and I have come to accept that way before NS4.

Æ wrote:...some people may have fun being annoying, but I don't

This is the category that most infamous pkers fall into. Basically they enjoy causing others grief and/or exercising their power (being higher level) over others. Now whatever a persons reasons for pking are, they have the freedom to do so. If certain people/guilds/factions reach the point of becoming infamous for pking the one real defence anyone has is to rally a bunch of people and return the favor. Of course this requires some cooperation from other players and from my understanding NS4 is supposed to encourage people to get together with a common goal in mind. :D

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Post by Revenge »

Oh so you want to be friends with us, and our enemies? Why would we let you within 200 miles of our capital if we knew that you were going over it our enemy's capital tomorrow to have a friendly chat with their leaders?

Whether are planning on playing either all or no sides in this, in a logical sense you wont be trusted nor welcomed anywhere. Besides, as a drow I hate all surface dwellers, therefore if you aren't one of us, then you are one of them. And all of them are going to die.

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Post by Æ »

LOL, no don't want to be friends with everyone or enemies with everyone, I want most people to leave me alone }: )
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Post by Revenge »

Hermit!!! Hermit!!!!

And on that note, have you checked out the unaligned faction?

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Post by Æ »

No, wasn't aware there was one...

I'll check that out, thanks }: )
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Post by deathdearler1 »

PKing in general isn't that bad, i've helped stop raids into beautiful Menzoduran. i've even turned a corner and been jumped by a party of 9 (which i happened to be looking for, intelligence said 3). i have even participated in revenge killing, of an okie hehe, however i have seen alot of higher lvl ppl killing off the gaurds to any town they choose. isn't the point of having a home base with your own gaurds supposed to mean something?? i would figure that a lvl 13 fighter couldn't come to town and slaughter everything, i mean come one we have 40 lvls to work with. is there any way to make them more beefy?? i'm sure that would protect the noobs from other factions for a little bit....unless i really wanted to kill them. :twisted: fear the warrior
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Post by Æ »

I have nothing against PvP, all I'm saying is that you should be able to stay out of it when you want to... like with my putting everyone on neutral or "like" suggestion
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Post by Alexiagold »

Something most of you fail to realized is that faction leaders drop the best of the level 16 gear. That's right 16, not 40. This means you should be able to raid a faction with a party of levle 16 players, not 40. Maybe faction leaders could carry level 40 gera, then you can buff guards.

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Post by Æ »

You seem to fail to realize that it's possible to say something calmly, nicely and respectfully without the condescending, bitter, snide attitude... even when you disagree (*gasp* you mean disagreements can be calmly discussed without arguing?! NO! get out of here!)
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Post by EvilIguana966 »

So far I have not had any pvp related issues. I do not initiate fights, and my pally is capable of defending himself. I have been the victim of griefers on other servers however. The reason that PVP is so complicated is that in order for it to work correctly there must be balance. In any action game your ability to win is based on your skill, not your accumulated play time. When the match begins you are all on equal footing and if you want an advantage over another player you have to beat him or her to a powerup or be more skilled then he or she is. In NWN, your level and gear make skill less relevant. There is also the concern of inherant balance. The game was not balanced for pvp, so some character builds are clearly superior than others in this respect.

You will find that in unrestricted team vs team games like Desert Combat (a Battlefield 1942 mod) the designers go to great lengths to achieve game balance. If the game is not balanced and one side is handicapped then the disadvantaged players will stop having fun and simply quit. Theres no fun in seeing red and respawning all day, which is why most civilized players and servers make it a bannable offense to base rape. Base raping is where one team gets out early and simply kills the enemy as they respawn before the enemy can react or get a vehicle to defend themselves with. In war this would be victory, but in the game the players have to sit through this until the timer or points max out. Base raping is not fun for either side unless you are A) into S&M or B) An asshole. In most cases when there is no way to fight back the players just leave.

You people calling others Care Bears are most likely assholes. I will fight you on a fair field and I will kick your little asses. Killing young players for no reason is just wrong. The designers are trying to find a way to solve this problem.

My suggestion: Make it so that pvping anyone outside of your level +/- say 30% has penalties or is impossible. Make it so that a player has a choice starting at level 5 to defend his realm or abstain from the battle. When he or she is ready they can talk to a recruiter and be flagged as pvp with anyone else who is flagged, giving up their +/- 30% rule and therefore being able to kill any invaders. By about 20 or so you would be automatically pvp flagged and recruited to defend your realm. Perhaps have 2 choices after 20: militant or non militant. Non Militant players would not start hostile to non militant players of any realm, but militant players would be hostile to everyone. This would signal the general intent of a player. Militant would always be in killable pvp mode but others would have to click the like/dislike button.

Seems complex and it might not be possible and surely will need some tweaking but it's an idea.

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Post by Dallas17 »

alright here's how i see it, too many of you are still in the NS3 mentality of soloing and exploring, these things are fun, but this is NOT NS3, it's NS4. and in NS4 the focus is on factions and exploring. what people need to do is start making friends in thier faction. i myself have made tons of new friends in MA and have made some friends with the okies as well (they don't seem so bad to me :P).

if we're at deugar, we're in enemy territory and as such, if enemies come along i fully expect them to try and expel us, and if some lone dwarf comes along we'll be sure to not let him report our position. is this fair to the lone dwarf? yes, because he was alone and took the risks that come with being alone. parties arn't just for synergy bonus, they're also security. people that party with me get raised if they die, that's security. people that party with me have a cleric at thier side if the enemy shows up. honestly you people need to stop soloing and learn about security in numbers.

granted i think the exp system isn't kind enough to parties, imo it should be the same for every member of the party regardless, however no synergy bonus. and then ofcourse exp must be lowered, it's too much right now imo.. i mean i made level 12 in 2 days....

anyways, people need to stop thinking about themselves as an individual and realize your just a part of a faction that is indeed at war with another faction. i'd shudder to think what the matron mother would do if she knew you were letting dwarves roam freely in the underdark. work as a faction and you'll find PvP is alot less griefer based, because generally griefers don't travel in packs.
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Post by bongoblue »

Æ wrote:I have nothing against PvP, all I'm saying is that you should be able to stay out of it when you want to... like with my putting everyone on neutral or "like" suggestion

My feelings as well. If two or more players want to bash each other's characters, I don't care.

But I'm not interested in being part of that.

And I cannot be having holdover feelings for all the fun on NS3, as I've been here only about a month.

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Post by bongoblue »

TheRaptor wrote:
bongoblue wrote:I've seen real death. I don't care to attack a real player's game character.

I have too. Im a First Responder for the fire department, and ive seen alot more than most people want to even think about. Although there is No way to even remotly compair this with any killing of any game chars in NS. Your not acually taking anything away from that real person, your not acually hurting them, your not doing anything to cause them pain. sure they may get angry but thats just because they have a problem with saying "OK. this is a game and this is how its played" You cannot compair real life things to things that happen in NS, because NS IS JUST A GAME. an extreamly fun one, but still... just a game.

Ill stop typing now because if i go on anymore noone will read it cause it will be to long

I know all of that, I just choose to not do PvP.

I have no interest in it. I have a problem with it.

I'm not stopping anyone else from doing PvP, I just don't want to be part of it.


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