ehh, i wouldnt want the actual spell "invisibility purge" to give that kind of power...its a lvl 4 spell that sorc/wiz/cleric have as well. i was thinking more of a pure ranger unique ability with just the invis purge visual (the dispel thing when it hits looks cool lol ).
and to all you skeptics...this would probably be their lvl 34 item, similar in use to the fighter kd token and whatnot...but this would probably have to last a few rounds as an aura upon use, or else it only hurts a Hipster for...1 hips.
the other abilities i would hope gave the ranger respectable defense so they can survive against other things besides SDs...just...its a ranger, the hunter class...they should have an ultimate hunt ability.
it could work the same way hellball and bigbys crushing hand and grease and whatnot take a HiPster out of stealth, but this would be an aura so if they were near, they wouldnt be able to hide. enemies only though...or else itd be dumb heh, why would a ranger give up the position of a friendly?...or, it could work by giving -127hide/ms to all enemies in the area as the enemy enters the aura and reapplying for each round they stay in the aura (preventing a simple restore pot from making this ability useless). i like giving it a slow side effect too, like..if they ranger would have spotted you before the aura, it slows you as well as taking away your stealth supremacy....or something, i dunno
i like rangers, give me good stuff LinuxPup