Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

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Post by Sofa King Canadian »

bah your all cear bears

pvp makes it a more interresting game and is more interesting than fighting monsters
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Post by KillingSheep »

Why do people give a [censored] if they get PK'ed? - you don't lose anything. Faction fighting is more fun than generic monster stomping.

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Post by powerferret »

all i can say is this....


that is all
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Post by Phaeton »

The point of this thread is NOT to discuss whether or not PVP will be ALLOWED (PvP will be a part of NS4, that is already known), the question is "How much?" and, on another level "What are the rules?". More importantly, this thread will set the expectation levels from this point forward.

Should the Dev's put as a warning in the Rift Portal saying "Welcome to NS4. Be prepared to die and be PK'd at any time, anywhere, by anyone even if they are 39 levels higher than you. No whiners or (what seems to be the word of the day) carebears wanted. Enjoy! stfu, kthnx buhbye"? Is that what the Dev's (and the players) really want?

Re: thinking that NS4 should be considered "Team Deathmatch"...if that's the case, NS4 should be properly listed, not under PW Action.

In the end, I think what people really want are just some guidelines on what will and will not be allowed. I would think that the Devs and DMs are working on these guidelines now. If there aren't any guidelines, I'm thinking people will just KOS anyone who is not part of their faction.
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Post by bongoblue »

Lothy wrote:
bongoblue wrote:I dislike PvP.

If its free for all PvP on NS4, I wont be playing NS4.

its not free for all PvP, its party PvP.

you can think of NS4 as a "team deathmatch"

PvP when parties meet ?

But not individuals ?

I realize a number of folks here have no problems with PvP.

I have no problem fighting computer AI characters.

But its my personal issues that causes me to be bothered by players fighting. I'll either deal with it or not.

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Post by KillingSheep »

You guys care way to much about a computer game. If you don't like it, make your own world and sit around being the king [censored] whinge bandit.

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Post by Ace Dragonfury »

I'd say enforce a set level say 10... if killed by another player, the killer gets the respawn penalty.

Those that are above 10 will know they are fair game and should approach others cautiously. Allowing for newbs the chance to lvl up.

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Post by bongoblue »

KillingSheep wrote:You guys care way to much about a computer game. If you don't like it, make your own world and sit around being the king [censored] whinge bandit.

I've seen real death. I don't care to attack a real player's game character.

I'm not whinging.

I know some folks like PvP, others see no problem with PvP.

I don't like it.

If there were rules for when PvP was acceptible, I wouldn't have so much problem with it.

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Post by ATI »

I think bongoblue has a point....there are COUNTLESS reasons why PvP isn't cool for some players, and he illustrates one of those points. The limit should be this.....when someone says "Alright dude, your 5 lvls higher than me, there's no point to killing me, just leave me alone, I've walked all this way to get to NC...please just let me pass" you should let them live. Killing people for no reason isn't fun...i've done it. and Now Heidi Insane 3 probably hates my guts, (consider this a public apology for my actions :D)

What is the point of killing players that are such a low lvl? Do people get their kicks from that sort of crap? I mean why not just go and kick a dog or something...that'll reassert your dominance, and its in the real world so its ultra cool! NOT!!!! Hurting those for no reason other than your own personal gratification is analagous to lots of things, Hitler, Rape, the Holocaust, and Hiroshima. you know what it isn't Analagous to? Sanity. Your right to swing your sword ends when I ask you to recognize I exist. If I never tell you to leave me alone, then swing away, but the moment someone says stop....stop.

To sum up...the rule should be when someone says Stop (and not to gain an advantage in battle, that should be a one day ban offense) the battle should end unless there are extremely extraenious circumstances(like a DM event).

the even more adult thing to do, even in an RP sense in an enemy faction, would be to talk and commission rights of passage to guarantee safe passage from the inhabitants of the server. I've done that after my episode with Heidi Insane 3. I ask invaders first "Why are you here? You don't belong." If they can't give me a reason I say "this is enemy territory, I suggest you leave" if they don't I say "Listen I want you to leave and im willing to pay you x money to have you leave" If they don't do that i suggest warning them one last time "This means the faction will be ordered to kill you onsight for TPing on our territory?" Still ignore you...KoS.

This gives the person lots of opportunity to explain themselves. Maybe the person is looking for items in another town or has a friend in another faction they want to lvl with. you shouldn't kill or punish players just trying to enjoy the game. But people who invade, or intentionally try and cause PvP situations well, they deserve some PvP.

well im tired and im rambling so... goodnight :D
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Post by KillingSheep »

Killing players is fun, there's nothing more amusing than walking up to somebody and thumping them.

Can I get an Amen brothers?

I party with LA people sometimes as well as beating the [censored] out of them, it's all good. So far I haven't encountered any issues when I am attacked or killed by a PC - stop your moaning and deal with it.

Now if you don't mind I'm off to push mother down some stairs....can I get another Amen brothers?

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Post by powerferret »

dude... its a game. you all need to stop, take a step back, and tell yourself " This is a game." You all are getting way too emotional, and way to conveluded in your arguements. If someone wants to attack and kill lower level characters, they have a right to do that because this is a game. You don't have a right to live, you have a right to defend yourself. If someone in another faction lets you go by withought attacking you, its a favor not a right. The entire premise behind NS4 is pvp. If it wasnt, it would not be so hyped up. Anyone who plays this game NEEDs to understand that you can die at any time for any reason, and there ARE no rules against it. Even in avendell which is neutral, you can kill someone if you really want to. But then the "gods" become angry with you and you get your comeuppuns. This is an entirely and totaly free mod. If you so desire you can kill every single living or undead thing that comes into view, and then you have no allies, cant buy or sell anywhere and soforth.

In conclusion, you will die. many times. even by level 40 characters when you are only level 3. even by level 50 dragons if you go there when you are level 3, they dont care what level you are, and thats the way it should be, computer and human player alike. If someone wants to let you go withought a fight, good for them, they are a nice person. If someone kills you just because they see you, well good for them, they are a mean person.

/end rant
Last edited by powerferret on Sun May 02, 2004 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JesterOI »

What's wrong with kicking dogs? :?
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Post by Æ »

I have one suggestion about this...

Something that seems to work for me: when i cross borders into enemy territory to explore, I put everyone on like and announce that i'm exploring and will remain neutral so long as no one attacks me... and most people are friendly and leave me alone, even the okies (except okie christ who hates FotS lol)

What if we simply implement a rule that says explorers who put themselves on like are to be considered neutral and are themselves to refrain from hostile action... (Even America and the USSR allowed peaceful visitors from eachother's countries during the cold war) there's a difference between a visiting exploring party and a hostile invasion force

This way people can in effect say "not right now guys, not a good time, I'm trying to level and i just ran here for the last half hour because there's nothing good to kill in LA" -- put up a "do not disturb sign"

I think we should all keep in mind that we may not want to make complete enemies of everyone on all the other servers, we can make allies in other lands too... and many of our NS3 friends are in other areas than us...

That's another thing, unless i'm just entirely missing them, there doesn't seem to be anyplace for a character in his teens to level in LA and all the stronger areas are across borders... maybe explorers from LA should be given more hunting flexibility on other servers (perhaps since others are allowed peacefully into avendell)....... Or maybe there are high level areas in Last Alliance and I haven't found them }: P but that's kind of tangental anyway
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Post by Lokey »

Keep things civil please (on the forums and in game).


PvP is allowed but keep it to PC vs. PC.


Isn't carebear the pejorative used for the server when editted characters (255 each stat, 16k hitpoints, set to plot optional) are booted for killing everything in sight?


Wonder if we can get away with just having a common sense rule like CoPaP?
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

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Post by Goliath »

I love the PvP part of the game. It really adds a new dimension to the game. I am a little higher level that most so far and I have killed :twisted: a couple lower level players (moderate) usually after they attacked me first. I also however will rez them as long as they are not being an [censored] and I would hope they would do the same for me if possible.
I also have been PKed :shock: along with the rest of my group and I must commend the killers they really did a good job being sneaky. Even now I look back and think man if I would of done this or that we may have comeout on top.

My point is like it or not this is what the Devs had in mind when they made the mod and if you don't like it...well you know the rest.


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