Rule question concerning PvP

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Pk Bait
Posts: 59
Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2003 4:16 pm

Post by Spooky »

My opinion is that griefers make the worst PK'ers.yeah thats my opinion,coz ive taken part in lots of pvp's in ns4 and in all of them we ended up laughing and rezing each other,we even ressed invaders in our own town.those ppl who grief about high lvl killing low lvl most of the times are ppl that cant realise that are weak at that time being and that if they come across someone in the mood for killing or someone in the process of raiding they would be eventually killed.If your country is invaded and you encountered an enemy and died,would your family grief about WHY he killed you?No,they would grief for you,your life and their beloved person.Its a war,get that into your head.
i almost never kill someone just because im in the mood but never complain when someone else does...they are Enemies,and yes are stronger than you...that would teach me to party maybe,or once i see an enemy get the heck out untill he is gone... :twisted:

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