Yes I stand corrected and you are right. Nerfing a faction's prc, creating new races, creating more pure class builds and bonuses, and all that other stuff is way far more important than known bugs that effect the entire server. If people are deleveled back to level 1 because of a shifter crash, then you are right.. it is their fault to begin with and deserve no special assistance from anyone. If people die upon transition, again their problem and no one else's concern. What ever was I thinking???DM_Kim wrote:
First of all there is not a dang thing any DM can do about the crashes or any tech stuff. Except do some testing when the Dev's ask us to and report tech issues as they come up that players inform us about. Our priorities as DM's are the rules. Are the player on player politics in all it's forms. Are running various events from time to time. Are explaining to players that we can not give back lost levels or items due to a crash and remind them to log save. Are getting stuck players out of the planar store or out from walls when all else fails until the dev's have time to find the fix for those problems.. DM's very much have their priorities straight and so do the Devs.

Personally, I was thinking of others and trying to argue on their behalf, but in truth I really don't care myself because I will simply dual log and save myself any grief from those bugs. So game on and more power to the "priorities."