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Post by ATI »

Whatever, I'm a powergamer, and Im pure cleric...and I rock. Because I said so :D Fear me and my soon to be pure class cleric gear.

TGPO is really correct, powergaming isn't a sign of a lack of ingenuity, nor is it a sign of stupidity or anything else. Powergaming is simply looking to make the uber character.

I don't know the other styles because frankly I don't like playing anything other than powergamer.

That make me evil for some reason....god I hope not! Powergaming isn't a dirty word, so lets stop treating powergamers like they dropped an F bomb in school.

as for exp, I can solo easy, I can group easy. More exp when I solo as opposed to a group that actually slows me down ("Wait for me, you're running to fast, getting to far ahead, blah blah blah")

The only reason I do party is to help lower chars out of the sweatness of my heart. After that, I don't see the reason.
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Post by dond »

for me, i've always gained xp at a much faster rate in a group rather than solo..

you can tear thru groups of mobs very quickly which more than compensates for the solo xp.

although, i think the overall xp should be decreased some. it's much too fast to lvl up in some areas as opposed to others.

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Post by Epistaxis »


Why are everyone so focused on getting the most XP out of everything?

I have only been playing here for about 5 days and have been in more than 10 groups allready. I find it easy to join up with other players on this server and this is one the really good thing about NS4. None are forced to party or solo but can play the game as he/she like. If you prefer to solo then do so. I like both strategies. It should not be nescessary to force peoble to play in groups if they prefer going solo.
The same goes with Roleplaying versus Powergaming. I think both styles should be welcomed to increase the diversity of the people you interact with while playing.

Group: It is more fun to have someone to talk to while playing and I am able to go up against stronger creatures than I would if I were alone. The XP gain is better when we have been hunting ogres because of more kills in shorter time but this is just my experience. It is more interessting to play with other intelligent companions than the not so bright summons :lol:

Solo: It can also be fun to explore the areas alone while you are testing different strategies or spells. You do not have to agree with everyone where to go. You are not in the mood for company or maybe only able to play a few minuttes. You want all the treasure for yourself :D
You can observe other peoble playing and maybe pop in to help lowlevels in a tough encounter that are about to kill them.
The peoble playing this style only is not antisocial I think. If they were antisocial they would rather play offline where the risc of meeting other people are nonexistent.

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Post by Spooky »

And now my story...for 3 days now ive been clearing Haddon Mirk Crypt all the time...last 2 days ive asked about 6-7 times: Anyone near haddon mirk wanna do Crypt?

No Answer

i keep on killin when suddenly i see someone coming in and start slaying everything...that guy,and every guy like that just hear that you are there,know that u kill mobs and dont even bother to tell you they will come and that we 2 should party to not spoil the fun,i dont say if im in Haddon mirk crypt it should be totally mine or everyone should party with me,im just saying that ppl have stopped talking these past days,everyone looks only to himself and not even paying attention to others...thats not even nice..not to mention fun...

However i admit that once i got lvl 15 i stopped requesting for party as this half fiend warrior is uber...and yes i like being a cleric now and i will be totally uber if the dev's decide to give Cleric gear (which would be kinda lame).Powergaming is not bad..its just the need of someone to have the uberest char..thats human...and if someone wants to be lvl 40 in 2 weeks sure let him...but you will notice that its more fun lvl 20 with lots of ppl to talk than lvl 40 and on your own...

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Post by Firkraag »

Exp more, no Pking low lvls, shop times, no uber gear for cleric and so on and so on. People this MOD is not done. At lvl 20 and 23 you can solo everything will no kidding. Right now the areas are only geared to lvl18 thru 20. Most issues will be relieved when the rest of the MOD is available. The other areas a lvl 20 Cleric may need to party to survive. If you played NS3 you know that soloing Dorfs and LP was rare pre SOu and HOtU. Yes we all could solo everything with a PG 40lvl Char, But the only reason why we could was the DEV was building NS4 and did not tweak NS3 to take account for 40th lvl. I know the Dev.team surely to account that we can reach lvl 40 and made it a challenge.

One last thing my god people you might have to work at getting lvls. If you want to party or if you want to solo its up to you. There is no reason you should get more Xps for killing things faster and easier. That make no sence at all........
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Post by Epistaxis »

Hi Spooky

I am sorry to hear that you have been unable to gather a group of adventures. But I think you should try to travel around a bit more and greet the people you meet on your search for fortune, adventure, power and lots of gold :D
Look at peoples ratings first to find someone who is as seasoned as you and ask them if they would join up and help slay the evil undeads of the Haddon Mirk Crypt. They might have other suggestions to visit areas you have not seen yet.

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Post by Shasz »

Well, if its just a game and realistic effort vs. rewards should be thrown out the window, why not just give 10 times as much xp while grouping? Or better yet, let's just get a level for every mob we kill in a group. Then all that nasty levelling stuff can be gotten out of the way early and we can skip 4/5ths of the world's content. Better yet, let's just all create level 40 characters in the beginning and play from there. Scrap all that useless level 9 content. Who needs it? It's just a stepping stone right?

Yes, it's a game. But there are rules in games, just like laws of physics in the real world. When you start throwing some of the rules out the window for convenience and to make the game easier to play, why not just toss them all out the window?

IMO, if you need more incentive to party and enjoy the social aspects of the game than there already is, you're missing the whole point of enjoying the game with a group of (potential) friends.
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Post by Firkraag »

Very well put Shasz.
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Post by ATI »

I love partying don't get me wrong. I just barely went and owned all of NS with a couple of my friends. However, We didn't kill any PC's and we didn't kill vendors. I think we killed the job's guy....sorry about that. but partying is fun, and it helps for exploration. I think I've reversed my stance on this and agree with shasz now, party up and have fun, even with less experience its more rewarding to work with others. Oh and heres a pic for ya'll to enjoy. WIthout Red and Bos' help...i never could have taken NS :D


okay the image isn't working..how do I upload images off my comp?
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Post by BaconStrip »

Shasz wrote:Well, if its just a game and realistic effort vs. rewards should be thrown out the window, why not just give 10 times as much xp while grouping? Or better yet, let's just get a level for every mob we kill in a group. Then all that nasty levelling stuff can be gotten out of the way early and we can skip 4/5ths of the world's content. Better yet, let's just all create level 40 characters in the beginning and play from there. Scrap all that useless level 9 content. Who needs it? It's just a stepping stone right?

Yes, it's a game. But there are rules in games, just like laws of physics in the real world. When you start throwing some of the rules out the window for convenience and to make the game easier to play, why not just toss them all out the window?

IMO, if you need more incentive to party and enjoy the social aspects of the game than there already is, you're missing the whole point of enjoying the game with a group of (potential) friends.

As I already stated, AW Ascensions server gives you more XP the more people in your party up to 5, and it takes forever to get to level 20. If you want a solo mod, by all means, keep it the way it is. You can say all you want that partying is the best way to level, but logically you would think if it was as you say, more people would party....

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Post by IcemanXV »

BaconStrip wrote:
Shasz wrote:Well, if its just a game and realistic effort vs. rewards should be thrown out the window, why not just give 10 times as much xp while grouping? Or better yet, let's just get a level for every mob we kill in a group. Then all that nasty levelling stuff can be gotten out of the way early and we can skip 4/5ths of the world's content. Better yet, let's just all create level 40 characters in the beginning and play from there. Scrap all that useless level 9 content. Who needs it? It's just a stepping stone right?

Yes, it's a game. But there are rules in games, just like laws of physics in the real world. When you start throwing some of the rules out the window for convenience and to make the game easier to play, why not just toss them all out the window?

IMO, if you need more incentive to party and enjoy the social aspects of the game than there already is, you're missing the whole point of enjoying the game with a group of (potential) friends.

As I already stated, AW Ascensions server gives you more XP the more people in your party up to 5, and it takes forever to get to level 20. If you want a solo mod, by all means, keep it the way it is. You can say all you want that partying is the best way to level, but logically you would think if it was as you say, more people would party....

What server do you play on? I know I don't have any trouble getting a party or finding several parties to join. I really think you're making it seem like no one parties....which I find to be quite the opposite. Not everyone parties, but a good portion of people do. I always find myself running into groups in different places, and usually we just party up. The more the merrier.

I have been doing mainly party lvling up as of late. And I was a level 9 yesterday. As I write this I am 4000xp from 17th. It hardly has hurt my leveling, and I don't play all day. Leveling is the point where you get to explore the world and its content. The point is not to be level 20 in 3 hours so you can go PvP. Not anymore.

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Post by Brax »

Hmmm.. Do the clerics of ns want to be nerfed? They are the only ones who seem to be able to solo everything, and are then complaining about it. As a fighter type, I keep getting me butt handed to me, because every single spawn seems to have some sort of will save or be stunned/paralyzed/dazed/feared. Try playing that for a while if you need a challenge. I am sure you will get annoyed at times without having a cleric in your party because they can solo everything and get more xp without party members slowing them down.

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Post by Shasz »

BaconStrip wrote:As I already stated, AW Ascensions server gives you more XP the more people in your party up to 5, and it takes forever to get to level 20. If you want a solo mod, by all means, keep it the way it is. You can say all you want that partying is the best way to level, but logically you would think if it was as you say, more people would party....

Have you partied with 5 people here yet? The bonus increases here too. You do have to have that level synnergy going though, not be a twinking party of 4 level 15s and a level 10 though.

I never said partying was the best way. I think its pretty balanced between soloing and partying. I do some of both. And I'm not a cleric. :)
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Post by Kala-azar »

IMO I think the exp is fair. As stated you can really go thru areas much faster, and far less chance of getting killed (even at high-lvls) and being rezless.

Also, I know that leveling is a "SERIOUS" undertaking that were are involved with here, and we all want to be the fist 40lvl on the block.... but what about the having some fun with others.

You can learn abit about diff classes and or playing styles. Man real life is full of preesures, relax have fun you'll get your lvl.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

XP increases if you group later. With a lvl1 in my party(lvl26) i get 13 xp per mob instead of 12. Was same last lvl(or one before, i forget), where i got 12 xp instead of 11. I think that's when it began though. But anyone above like 15ish messes it up, and then I get 7-8.

So yeah, grouping IS encouraged, you just have to wait forever and pl ppl ;)

OtOH, the lvl1 person received 0 xp, so the only way I could see this helping someone is if they made an alt specifically for this purpose.
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