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Some Newbie Ideas

Post by iceburn »

I am pretty new to this whole online play, but I can say that I love it.

After reading all of your post on this subject I started to wonder... If this is a community based fractional system and it is a roleplay/player v player. I would think that some of the higher level players could and would(if true role playing) stay in the city to help defend thier lower level brothers and sisters. this type of thought would both promote player to player freindships and would help new players feel more welcome.

The only fault I see in this is that the higher level players my get kinda bored defending the citys. unless this server does grow and we all are getting attacked...

Maybe higher level players could get bonuses if they killed a enemy player on home turf?

Thouse are just some thoughts of a new player enjoying all that NS has to offer. :lol:

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Post by Aesimon Guardian »

People people... I've kicked some ars's... had my ars whipped by a few players... it's all part of the game...
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From a PvP killee

Post by Codax »


Maybe the reason people complain is that you kill them over and over and over.

The first time you got me fair enough.

The second time I attacked you first, to try my luck. Again all's fair in love and war.

The third time, I tried to run. You and your friend were obviously too powerful.

The fourth, fifth and sixth (and a couple more) times trying to run away was getting stupid. I respawned right near where you were hanging out, nothing I could do but log out for a couple of hours.

Once you have killed someone a couple of times in a short period and they are not directly attacking you (or trying get away in my case) back off. You have proved your point.

That is griefing. There is no point in just doing the same thing over and over to the same person, that you know you can defeat.

I am interested to see how the faction thing works. Due to the limited size of the player base, I don't think it will really work where there are team defences/offences. There just isn't enough players per server to do anything real. Some Party vs Party stuff will work, but I don't believe with 7 factions that there is enough people per server to properly work the PvP side of Factions.

My thoughts.

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Post by Alexiagold »

The fourth, fifth and sixth (and a couple more) times trying to run away was getting stupid. I respawned right near where you were hanging out, nothing I could do but log out for a couple of hours.

Once you have killed someone a couple of times in a short period and they are not directly attacking you (or trying get away in my case) back off. You have proved your point.

Maybe you should learn to not walk back into the same room as us?
Maybe you should learn to not kill steal?
Maybe you should learn to not ninja loot?

Guess what, at least 2 DMs watched you and cheered us on killing you, because it was so hilarious that you kept coming back to die, no matter how many times you were owned.

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Post by ATI »

man, this is weak. Can we just drop this stuff? No Pictures mean zero evidence...means unsubstantiated on both claims. Please ya'll this isn't a bash against the PK's fest. Its not going GET BETTER, and exact your vengeance that simple.
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Post by LadyCheron »

The original topic question has been answered by DD.

Y'all are now in the stage of beating the dead horse.

Locking the thread.


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