Rule question concerning PvP

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Post by DrakhanValane »

Well heck. Why not make there be no XP loss on respawn? Just gold loss. "The cost of resurrection."
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Post by BaconStrip »

Elora Dannan wrote:
So, think about it this way...if I was a "Freshman" nerd and I was standing in the hall and a "Senior" football player came up to me and demanded that I tell him what he wants to know or he would beat me up, and I decided to give him some attitude back, I would probably get the sh*t beat out of me.


Well, that is basically what will happen, 9 out of 10 times in real life.

And the other 1 out of 10 times the nerd pulls out his dad's gun and shoots the football player. This game isn't comparable to real life so why bother trying. In RL there is always a way for a weaker person to damage a stronger person directly via technological advances such as firearms, chainsaws, and motorized spatulas, or the least messy of all, call the police.

What's funny is the idea that fellow faction members are going to help you kill the pker. I've watched fellow n00bs point out griefers to higher level players and the typical answers I see over shout?
"How far is he from NS? Meh, too far..."
"I'm logging in a few minutes, sorry."
"I'm leveling, leave me alone..."
In game, you can die, or you can run and die tired. My suggestion to n00bs everywhere is to do what I do, play a mage, stay invisible, and let your pets do the killing. 99% of the time, griefers won't waste the true-seeing spell to bother killing you. Because by it's very nature, griefing is a lazy man's occupation.

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Post by ATI »

hahhaha, you know....baconstrip, I understand you hate griefing, and you know what.....PvP will never go away. I used to hate PvP, but you know what...i learned to deal with it. Why? Because it will never go away.

Complaining about PvP is the low lvls problem....does that mean I'm not sympathetic? No....I try hard to kill PK's and I'm making a cleric to do it. However.....While I am lvling, I also have enough commonsense to know my lvl 9 cleric and lvl 17 druid don't have a chance to kill a lvl 23 mage. So... level up...if no one will help you, don't complain, just keep leveling...think about how much time you could've spent lvling instead of posting to a group of people, that although we care, can't do anything about it. How are we going to kill PKer's if you discourage those who might try and helpyou in the future.

Not everyone is out to get you baconstrip, and there are those who are willing to help. But we aren't superman, we also have real lives, and we can't spend it all trying to help out see me on some time...i'll give you 100k in gold, like I do with every n00b that asks me for help. But as for you're crusade against PvP. welcome to the ranks. when you get higher lvl, we'll have to go kill some PKer's. Until that time...focus your energies into lvling so that you can do something about PK.

And a tip...don't piss TGPO off, its bad for your health.
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Post by Bigmax »

Interesting discussion, I have only recently found and joined NS. Something to do while my other PW is down.

So I started a dwarf paladin. Never played one before, thought it would be fun.

Today the "okies" were pretty much killing everything in Ragnar's Kin area, I went to have a look. Hmmm 1st bad idead.... Was killed in one spell by a nice 21st level wizard. Respawned, no xp loss, no gp loss. Not too worried

Gave it some time, thought they would have moved on from the entry point, nope wrong... This time got petrified. Now this one you DO lose XP and gold on. So I was pissed off with this, and let him know with a tell.

PvP within RP is fine, if the big bad guys are killing everything in sight I wil try to stay away. But when it impacts on another's progress, I think it is griefing. 1st level is pretty fragile, hard enough to get your footing without some tool making it harder.

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Post by dond »

thing with okies though, they're spoiled by past exemptions they had from the rules.

they're like to maliciously ruin other people's fun and rub it in to get theirs. best way to handle it, is to take a screenshot and send it to a dm (faction dm if you wish). don't bother wasting your breath/time talking/trash talking them.

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Post by ATI »

actually don't waste your time with the PIC either....the okies have been here since before you and me, and they earn their PKing rights....besides...the okies that killed you weren't part of RK. Most okies don't kill those in their alliance (then again, they don't have an alliance i think)

Its unfortunate you got slaughtered by okies, and yes, its not cool. But this has been hashed over many times, the only way to solve the okie threat is to kill the okies. Its lame....and its sometimes inescapable. There is nothing you can do about it though. Invariably those that wish to stop PKers will rise up and fight them...those who don't will continue to get killed.

And although the Okies like to maliciously kill people....they never complain either. When they get killed, they dont whine on the forums, and sometimes they give you stuff for killing them. Despite all the hate aimed at'll never see an okie write on the forum about how they were mistreated. So please...give them some respect, there is some honor in their move. (and not all okies are bad people in the game either....I just got back from playing iwth atomo Okie, nad okie potter is cool too, and so is reagan))

Besides Okies represent a chaotic force in NS4. While although inconvenient, you can't get mad at them, its liike getting mad at a tornado....doesn't solve anything. You just have to learn to beat the Okies. When you'll be that much happier.
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Post by garrykasparov »

Well heck. Why not make there be no XP loss on respawn? Just gold loss. "The cost of resurrection."

Hmm...I'm guessing the worry here is that people will simply exploit the system for free respawn-style teleports to home whenever they want?

Edit: Of course, many already do that by requesting players on other servers to kill them, but I suppose the less it is encouraged, the better.[/quote]

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Post by Throst54 »

DrakhanValane wrote:Well heck. Why not make there be no XP loss on respawn? Just gold loss. "The cost of resurrection."

yea... why have to wait for someoen to come and rez ya to pay em? just do it right away!
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Post by bongoblue »

Bigmax wrote:PvP within RP is fine, if the big bad guys are killing everything in sight I wil try to stay away. But when it impacts on another's progress, I think it is griefing. 1st level is pretty fragile, hard enough to get your footing without some tool making it harder.

As you've noticed by the other replies, you are wrong to be bothered by the pking.

I think high level characters pking low level characters shows a lack of gaming skills by the players doing the pking, but thats just me. :twisted:

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Post by Ace Dragonfury »

I think high level characters pking low level characters shows a lack of gaming skills by the players doing the pking, but thats just me.

Me too. Seriously, why not try to fight someone near your lvl ?
Or make another character, try another build/faction? Theres lots better things to do than beatup newbies.

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Post by BaconStrip »


I could care less if a DM tends to disagree with everything I post. It's one guy, and from my experience, DMs are rarely ever on anyway, so any retrobution he could bring upon me for my posts would be as rare as a Harper Scout.

And PvP doesn't really bother me either, as I rarely play NS. It wasn't the pks, it was the server stability that eventually got to me. I only post here to see where the mod is going and how far it is from completion.

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Post by JesterOI »

BaconStrip wrote:so any retrobution he could bring upon me for my posts would be as rare as a Harper Scout.

Hey!! No dissing harper scouts, they already have enough against them!!!

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Post by ATI »

IM a harper scout.....yeah right.

Okay baconstrip fine, just respondin to your post.

HIgh lvl chars killing low level chars. Its one of those things that sure, you could do it...but why?

For example...Sure I could drink one gallon of milk in under an hour...but why the heck would I want to?

Same scenario, and besides, just because they aren't your faction doesn't mean you can't also show respect. Many players are my enemies due to the faction rules, that doesn't mean that I am obligated to lance their heads to a pike, nor does it mean that I have to bow to their whims, it means that I should treat that person like I would anyone else...simple enough for me.

However, one day I'm sure I'll be categorized as an evil PKer, which eventually means I have to at some point be like Axon or Llew, and when that happens, Ill be the first harper scout on NS :D
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Post by JesterOI »

Myself, personally have never (as far as I can remember) had a problem with some one of another faction coming along and blantantly attacking unless I have been in their territory near their main city.
I do not make it a habit of attacking other players "just because they are red/hostile" Hell, I've even come across "hostile" players fighting tough mobs, and have rendered them healing to help them out.
Live and let live, karma. I don't want other players attacking me or trying to kill me, so I don't do it to others.
I've made mistakes, being edgey and all, and have mistakenly attacked other players with my bow, but I stopped as soon as I noticed what exactly it was I was attacking, and apologized, and healed them.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, something that "God" said that actually makes good sense.

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Post by Lunas »

I have died enough i do complain sometimes and i think 1 or 2 times here mostly in game and i some times get really mad at the people who hold grudges aginst any one sporting the name of the okie

lots of people have killed me for that sole reason i dont care they can do w/e gold and even exp is replaceable as are items

and i am new to the okies i joined them to be with my friends and to learn the okie way :D but right now my main concern is leveling and exploring the module

my wish is that people will start to get more into RP and leave the old ns3 ways behind all the pvp is sposed to have a sort of order to it not a kill any one one on one however you please i also think the dms should make it so you loose faction standing with your faction if you kill one of your own faction members or faction allies
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