Some precisions

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Re: Some precisions

Post by mining »

Bargeld wrote:
mining wrote:I'd actually put money on the cleric, provided magic domain of course. There's a lot of AoE stuff that'll kill the SD if it doesn't abuse kits/pots/etc.
Perhaps this touches on one of the problems. One of the variables I presented was a that it was a melee cleric. A melee cleric will not take magic domain.
You say this, but I can list a whole bunch of melee clerics that do take magic domain - specifically to increase the number of builds they can tackle.
If the dm's/devs can't even listen to the players enough to agree on basic principles that the players state clearly, then anything the players suggest is a lost cause because the dms/devs take the 'we know best' approach and will do whatever they feel is appropriate based on their enterpretation. Mining's enterpretation in this example appears to have been 'Bargeld is trying to prove something and I have been challenged to poke a hole in his theory. I have my own idea of what he is stating because I have already read what he had to say.' The problem is that you didn't listen, you heard what you wanted to hear and responded in kind. If that is always the case, then I'll offer no input at all in the future and I will suggest to my cohorts that they do the same because it is lost on deaf ears.

And as far as the table/comparison above, you actually added that comment while I was typing all this... that's great 1v1 with mirror toons, but how many toons are actually mirrored melee toons in the real world application? Same race, feats, gear, books? It is a small example set of a specific situation. It's a robot comparison that doesn't apply to the concepts that we are trying to explain, nor does it even touch on the other SL specific deficiencies that have been brought up. It doesn't take into consideration the 5v5 scenario. It doesn't take into consideration the non-mirror battles. Mining, you even said that AO, even without the token, has a more powerful melee presence than SL. So to compare as you have above serves no purpose. This is a factional thing, not a 1v1 thing. Please, please listen to that.
The reason why I did a 1v1 comparison is because it's the kind of thing I'll actually do - I'm showing how I go about actually analysing situations. Of course, in an actual 5v5 it's a moot point because a mage, or potentially a magic domain cleric, can nuke down 650ish HP in about 3 rounds, given the chance.

As for not listening - I listen to everything anyone says. I take it in, and consider it. One thing everyone needs to realise is that my job is essentially to take in every scrap of information I can get - stats, complaints, observations - and then use it to come to a conclusion and modify elements of the game, in order to rectify large imbalances and implement new features.
As it turns out, the best way to get good discussion is to come up with counterpoints, and discuss and debate the relevant aspects - because taking arguments at face value is a really, really bad idea. Dragons get awesome stats - lets nerf them - but actually it's fairly balanced because they're practically impossible to move around.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Some precisions

Post by Bargeld »

I'll make my recommendations to my cohorts then. Happy nerfing guys.
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Re: Some precisions

Post by Daltian »

You also have to consider one other thing about AO. The poor guys didn't have any jobs for years. So having 1d8 damage for 5 years is better then +3 ab/AC/saves for a year. :)

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Re: Some precisions

Post by Korr »

Bargeld wrote:5 toons with +3 ab/ac/save vs 3 toons with an extra d8 acid (this assuming your 2 casters have given your 3 melee ii already). The more casters we have, the more worse off we are. The more melee we have, the more worse off we are (as Lokey just showed).
This is a completed retarded statement!!! Currently basically noone runs around with DC based spells anymore anyway, so the +3 saves makes almost no difference there. +3 AC only works against bigby. +3 AB doesnt help vs a caster at all. 5 mages (SL) vs 5 melee (AO) youre saying that the AO token is going to skew that to a guaranteed win becuase the more casters you have the worse off you are?!?!? 5 sorcs will have more than enough IGMS to kill off 5 fighters.
Bargeld wrote:You take absolutely NO real world combinations of class and race, nor does it take into consideration the real world usage of those races.
Aha... so now are we getting on to the same page? Hond is constantly throwing out ridiculous example of CoTs and other such things and showing every bit and piece of their strength but mentions NONE of the weaknesses inherent in the class (such as dispel bait if first 10 were caster levels [lesser dispel gets him], no tumble [that coveted AC that keeps bringing pulled out], the lack of other classes to mix with [bard is only umd choice, so no pally or monk then], the complete inability to be anywhere near as effective once killed and raised[bye bye wrath!]). Then instead of mentioning ANY of the great things of assassin constantly just spits out how horrible it is! The ethreal ghostly visage is like a 1 chance free hips for an assassin which will allow for a paralyze. 15d6 (minimum) sneak attack damage 60% concealment (best on server).
Bargeld wrote:The only time you touch on that at all is your final insult towards hond where you "hope you don't need to break that down for him".
Now Im not saying assassin the best or CoT is the worst. But you say that I did this horrible analysis which was VERY representative of the exact stuff hond posts everywhere. Single-minded, non-waivering dichotomous pull down of nearly irrelevant information. So maybe you should read your friends posts a little closer as well! By his standards soon monk will apply extra DR to their armor because its completely unfair that they cant wear a shield to get second DR type!
Daltian wrote:You also have to consider one other thing about AO. The poor guys didn't have any jobs for years. So having 1d8 damage for 5 years is better then +3 ab/AC/saves for a year. :)
SL was the last faction to get jobs before AO (though it has been some years).
mining wrote:
Bargeld wrote:
mining wrote:I'd actually put money on the cleric, provided magic domain of course. There's a lot of AoE stuff that'll kill the SD if it doesn't abuse kits/pots/etc.
Perhaps this touches on one of the problems. One of the variables I presented was a that it was a melee cleric. A melee cleric will not take magic domain.
You say this, but I can list a whole bunch of melee clerics that do take magic domain - specifically to increase the number of builds they can tackle.
Cmon mining, why would a melee cleric want to use NEB to lower enemy str, which might lower their AB, or encumber them so they cant run away. Thats crazy talk... you need to learn how to make melee clerics. Its gotta be pure fighter or else it aint no melee cleric!!!
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(


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Re: Some precisions

Post by mining »

Korr: personal attacks = NO.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Some precisions

Post by Korr »

mining wrote:Korr: personal attacks = NO.
I dont see one?
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(


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Re: Some precisions

Post by Lokey »

This is us communicating. One reason given for the conclusion from an early post were shown specious, that's ok, lots of things seem weird in game. Simulating all the abilities that even any specific party of five can throw though, that's not something you dash off in a few minutes :)

The operating assumption for us is that all factions can field fun things that work well in the case of making live enemies into dead ones. SL has fewer of these uniquely, but that's because their unique PRC is problematical and we'll work on those problems and what it can do sometime soon. This requires 1) ideas, 2) testing, 3) back to 1 usually. Most of the time it's tough to get to 2, but we do eventually.

Doesn't mean the case is closed or we aren't exactly right. We have the leisure time and inclination to talk about this, hopefully it means we can make ns better. But we do need some specifics, off the cuff answer for us is SL can throw a stupid BG, rogue, arcane, practically anything really tricks party that'll be competitive with anything for a nebulous argument that SL is lacking in competitive choices. We're the ones that made that stupid party of PM voltrons remember :)
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Re: Some precisions

Post by Shadowalker »

TheEdge wrote:
mining wrote:Speaking of relic wars...
Hmm I have been lax on that one though the current server population would make that a lil bit difficult. open to suggestions on revamping it to make it more current though as well as a bit more do-able with a smaller server population unless everyone starts calling back the old players out of the woodwork to make it back into the event of epic proportions we have seen in the past.
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Re: Some precisions

Post by hond »

Aha... so now are we getting on to the same page? Hond is constantly throwing out ridiculous example of CoTs and other such things and showing every bit and piece of their strength but mentions NONE of the weaknesses inherent in the class (such as dispel bait if first 10 were caster levels [lesser dispel gets him], no tumble [that coveted AC that keeps bringing pulled out], the lack of other classes to mix with [bard is only umd choice, so no pally or monk then], the complete inability to be anywhere near as effective once killed and raised[bye bye wrath!]). Then instead of mentioning ANY of the great things of assassin constantly just spits out how horrible it is! The ethreal ghostly visage is like a 1 chance free hips for an assassin which will allow for a paralyze. 15d6 (minimum) sneak attack damage 60% concealment (best on server).
Speaking about objectivity and subjectivity, here an exemple of pure subjectivity.
So all that are suposed to be CoT weakness?? I will go point by point:
-Dispel bait ?? In case any vital buff will made it vulnerable to dipell ?? Running 10 class of caster and be dispell bait is not ineherent to all 10 lvl caster? or just in case of CoT ?? If you don't want to be dispell bait with a CoT, go more caster level, none force you to go only 10 caster lvl.
-No Tumble...again this argument is totaly freaky...none of the tumble class (monk,bard,rogue,hs, assassin) are mellee type toon (full bab/d10+HP) .
-No UMD...only 3 class (bard,rogue, assassin) ...this argument is like saying assassin weakness is no discipline, or spellcraft...Again, CoT is a melee type toon, why the hell UMD.
-Lack of class to cross with :shock:
I always tough CoT was able to cross with, all the avaible class in NC (excluding HS, and PDK for server rule). I don't understand what are you saying...
- Excluding pure barb/fighter, all toons suck once's not ineherent to CoT...
Assassins Pros:
- 15d6 minimun sneak attack?? at lvl5 assassin get that?? what do you want to say with that 15d6 minimun sneak attack??
- 28/30 levels of investisment in a class for a 6/12 second ethereal form (you can't do nothing except go hide)is a Huge gamechanger feat.
- 60 % conceal...i already mentioned that was a good add...but again why going 15 assassin for it, if i have 50 %, same sneak damage and epic dodge with rogue. Also going rogue, i can always bump my sad saves with black guard, or go SD, and have a Hips /round and not only the ethereal form.
Now Im not saying assassin the best or CoT is the worst. But you say that I did this horrible analysis which was VERY representative of the exact stuff hond posts everywhere. Single-minded, non-waivering dichotomous pull down of nearly irrelevant information. So maybe you should read your friends posts a little closer as well! By his standards soon monk will apply extra DR to their armor because its completely unfair that they cant wear a shield to get second DR type!

By your standars, CoT need Tumble and UMD, cause is suck whitout it...more or less...
You are full of rencor against SL, for some reasons i don't know. That's OK, i don't really care, but again, if you have nothing constructive and objective to say, don't post.

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Re: Some precisions

Post by hond »

To mining and lockey...
I watch with many attention your study, about miror toon token war...
After looking the results i made this conclusion : (corect me if i'm wrong)
Damage token will win in case of :
-AB + dice < to AC or near of it (both toon need a 20)
-The AC is too low, and all or prolly ,the 5 attacks will touch
Is that the extrems ??
Now... the result of the token war still 16 win for SL token, and 24 for AO a 33% superior for the same toon..
Many of the SL wins are, on an hypotetical difference of AB/AC that you will probably never found in game...
Again it's the interpretation i made from your Test...will happy to have more easy info, for it. And some corections if my understanding of it is wrong.
Finaly, thanks to take part of your time ,in order to made that same test.
Explains of it are a bit complex, for me, so perhaps my understanding is totaly wrong, but i really apreciate the effort made, in order to respond one of my request...

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Re: Some precisions

Post by mining »

You can always get your AB + dice < AC just by using IE - the player can generally control the upper limit in a dex battle, so there are ways to mitigate their token's advantages.

In general, to summarize my findings I would say:

Accounting only for melee prowess;

The SL tokens are more potent where AC<=AB.
From Difference = 1 to 8, there is a small variation, where either AO or SL can win based solely on luck.
From Difference = 9 to 19, AO tokens have the advantage.
From difference 19 and onwards, the fights last sufficiently long that it doesn't matter - the damage done per round is on the order of ~8 damage a round, which can generally be largely regenerated off - leading to no net damage done.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Some precisions

Post by hond »

Still not very clear on my mind...
pure fighter 65 AB /60 AC with IE disponible...
4 cases
SL in Red (/ is versus)
SL go IE / AO no : 55 AB / 63 AC and 68 AB / 70 AC
AO go IE/ SL no : 58 AB / 60 AC and 65 AB/ 73 AC
Both go IE : 55 AB / 73 AC and 58 AB/ 70 AC
None go IE : 65 AB / 63 AC and 68AB/60 AC do you calcul it, if there is 2 variables at same time ??

Absentee Ballot Dev
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Re: Some precisions

Post by mining »

Ok, so chucking in numbers into my spreadsheet:

I'm using 17 for str mod, 25% and 20/- for damage reduction. (assuming both are using morningstar).
AO fighter gets 68 AB / 63 AC, SL fighter gets 65 AB / 60 AC.

So, initials:
I'll represent states as xy, where x is SL's IE, y is AO's IE.

00: SL wins by 41 damage a round on average, which gives a difference value of -6.5 (for 740 HP)
01: SL wins by 2 damage a round on average, which gives a difference value of -0.7
10: Same as 01.
11: AO wins by 7 damage a round on average. However, the fight would take, on average, 45 rounds for AO to win, with a difference value of 34.

Overall, if you're a fighter from SL: You should not use IE against a mirror build.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Some precisions

Post by hond »

00: SL wins by 41 damage a round on average, which gives a difference value of -6.5 (for 740 HP)
01: SL wins by 2 damage a round on average, which gives a difference value of -0.7
10: Same as 01.
11: AO wins by 7 damage a round on average. However, the fight would take, on average, 45 rounds for AO to win, with a difference value of 34.

Overall, if you're a fighter from SL: You should not use IE against a mirror build.
in which case is 00?? none in IE ??all attack prolly hit and critical damages make that difference of damages??
same question for 01, 10 and 11, that last one i can supose it's both in IE for the comment you put...

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Re: Some precisions

Post by Amoenotep »

low crit weapon+weapon master, get lots of lvls and use a couple different weapons...laugh as you crit alot but die.

also if your not using hogre sorcs your not doing it right.
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