Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Fezz »

Ok a cpl points from me,
I understand what the powers that be are saying 100%, what there saying is taking your lvl 40 cleric with 15 harm and cause wounds related spells to get stuff near death so the lvl 6 can hit it once and get the xp is a no no.

Taking your lvl 40 and buffing the lvl6 so it can do all the damage itself in a "reasonable" area of the server is ok.

See the problem from a players point of view becomes this - one dm will mess with your game etc while another will ignore it or could'nt really give a rats you know what. Once again the only problem i have with a "rule" on the server is a complete lack of consistancy.

Im all for you guys cleaning stuff up and becoming "hard" dm's if thats what you want to do, ill follow all your rules because i love the place. But can we please please have some general consistancy on DM interpretaion of rules.

If were going back to the day - i knew a guy once, terminal insanity - he got perma baned for stuff i see on this server every week now. Also there wasa time when some DM's i knew would of killed a circle or NC char that defended the MA cradle yet recently i saw both and some of then new DM's which lokey said the torch has been handed to are 100% fine with this.

All we want folks is consistancy, nothing more nothing less, and in return you get respect and understanding. At least from me
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Amoenotep »

all the dm's follow and enforce the commandments..."Da Rulz"

i think was this started as was dm Kim was informing the players that some things were happening that everyone knows is "shady" but they do it anyway. no rules were given, or said they would be enforced to the letter. she was simply expressing her feelings to the players so they know why certain things are happening to them from her......

that being said...we are consistent on the rules ;)
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Dalan »

Let's say your ingame having a good time and whatnot, and this thought rolls through your head, whilst your lol'ing.

"OMG! I proly shouldn't be doing this!"

At that point, it would be a wise thing to ratchet down whatever it is you are doing. You know, take it back somewhere close to the realm of normal.

If this makes sense to you, then you will most likely not see any negative interruptions in your adventuring. In fact, the chances are good that you will see some entertaining/positive interruptions in your adventuring!

If this makes no sense to you, whatsoever, then you are compulsive metagamer and should seek professional help immediately.
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Amoenotep »

hahaha...lolz the rawr!
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Benjamin Linus »

#2 is "Some players may have noticed that all of a sudden buffs are gone, and are left to fend for themselves." They did notice their buffs dropping over and over again in mid combat, yes. And they wondered how much time whoever was doing it had on their hands, and how much more important and fun stuff that person could be doing. Long time since a big event...
all the dm's follow and enforce the commandments..."Da Rulz"
Whats the rule about debuffing people in combat?

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Amoenotep »

who said it was a rule? maybe its a test to see if your lvl 6 can kill the treesmasher...or your lvl 5 can take the gnolls? ever think about it a bit?
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Benjamin Linus »

who said it was a rule? maybe its a test to see if your lvl 6 can kill the treesmasher...or your lvl 5 can take the gnolls? ever think about it a bit?
Nope. Never had to. Until now it was never an issue. I wonder what changed.

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Fezz »

guys, seriously, not trying to brown nose or score points. But being a coach of a sporting team i know from experience. Heard the saying dont argue with the referee ??

Im telling you nothing good EVER comes from arguing with the referee, you get booted from the game and end up in front of a panel that then bans you from playing for weeks.

similarly im getting the feeling the same kinda things going to happen here, you/we could scream and post till the little lights in our monitors burn out but your banging your head against a brick wall.

My advice is to take it on the chin and go play.

Right how many points do i get for all those sayings in there ?? hehehehehe
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Terl »


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of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by Benjamin Linus »

So, since Stone Hold isn't a buff it's OK to use. Awesome.

If a higher level bard is around, do I have to run away from him for fear he may bard song me and I'll get banned?

The town guards that cast Aid or Bless or whatever are like CR 10 or higher maybe. If they buff my level 1, do they get banned or do I? How does that work?

If I'm standing next to a higher level Water Genasi getting regen from his aura, do you ban the person with the aura, or say it's the lowbies fault for not moving?

What if an invisible person runs up and buffs you? How do you take an ss so you can get them banned?

Is there a no more than three buffs within a 6 hour (real world time) limit?

If someone goes and raises a dead lowbie, is that considered a buff? Like, do they have to be within a few levels for it to be legal?

At which level is it not considered "power-leveling"? If I'm level 30 in dwarves, and say a level 35 wants to party and theres no one else around, is that legal? Or like a 25 buffing a 20 in FD. Cause theres some 20's that can't handle giants without buffs. And theres a lot of 30's who can't handle the planes without buffs.

Does giving a lowbie more potions than he would have had enough money to buy from killing rats fall under the same category?

I guess the reason you want players to "stop making more work for you" was because you're making plenty of work for yourself. Hows them AO jobs coming?

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by diddy33 »

wow, i'm not happy about this new desicion either but some(most) of those seem kinda obvious. of course the NPC that casted bless won't get banned, you would.

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Post by Nognog »

You got caught teleporting a player with LA relic all around, ash mountains-avendell crossing-nc encampment all in less than a minute. It was really funny, making people crazy looking at the diviners...I don't know if all the 5 people that looked at this had fun or considered it an offense...

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by SkotG »

Celorn wrote:This is getting a bit overboard now...

By the very words of the posted definition of exploiting, ""power leveling"" is not technically an exploit since it's "using game mechanics" as they happen to WORK - level 1's can stand side by side with lvl40's oh wait a sec -- they CAN. Who are WE, the players to know what different areas the server was "designed for"?? Are there signs posted that I missed?? Should we have 'Whitecloaks' standing around everywhere checking people's ID to see if they're 'old' enough to enter an area???

Well I'm gonna take my lvl5 over to frostdale and PL on some wolves... OH WAIT A MINUTE! I can't go there until lvl16.

Allright, how about this... my lvl 17 is going to jump into the earth plane now... WHAT?! I have to be over lvl21?? How can this be?

Seems like the "game mechanics" already has this under check.... so why do we need policemen?


1. The engine gives LESS xp to a character that should not be killing mobs of a certain CR higher than them (from what I've seen). So, if you are in a big group of lowbies, you can take on things much higher than you could alone and actually get penalized for it. --- But what if you don't have said 'big group of lowbies'?? only you and a friend, now you have a problem... it will take a whole lot longer to reach your next level and you may even get frustrated and give up.

& to P.Fricebottle -- On NS3.5 I can get to lvl40 in ONE DAY, and don't need a single buff! So there goes your comparison out the window. 1-16 is possible on ns4 by anyone, PL or not.

2. There are level restrictions on Dragon use, FD and the planes, thus sectioning off the world to protect against major powerleveling.

3. The current system (up to today) has been working fine since the day the first cleric got to lvl17 back when ns4 opened - why mess with it?


It's not fun being low lvl, for most people...especially when you've leveled 14+ toons to 40 since the wipe (like I have). The natural game engine allows a higher lvl to help out a lower level so I don't see how it's an exploit at all. And if this is also about PKing.... well isn't that part of ns4?

I guess I don't understand the motivation for this nonsense. Possibly it is just a 'fact finding mission' to see the reactions.
My 2 cents:

I tend to agree with all the above. The only thing I see that maybe an exploit is "self buffing" via 2 computers and "Babysitting yourself", (although I'd love to be able to do it) :twisted:
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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by disastro »

Kim, if you truly want to combat powerlevelling I think you could accomplish your goal by taking some time instead to hold mini-events for low level characters. Drop some nice xp and the odd bit of gear and you have a fun alternative that fights the real boredom that powerlevellers are trying to escape. If there was a wider selection of content at low levels then this sort of thing would probably be a little less widespread. powerlevelling in lots of situations is a symptom of something else.

Calling it an exploit if you manage to kill a creature some unspecified CR level above you is against the spirit of the game for the time that I've been around at least... we have a LOT of old hands who have killed quite enough rats and only want to push past the most tedious part of the game.

please don't enforce boredom!

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Re: Power Leveling, Forced Spawning

Post by disastro »

SkotG wrote: I tend to agree with all the above. The only thing I see that maybe an exploit is "self buffing" via 2 computers and "Babysitting yourself", (although I'd love to be able to do it) :twisted:
multilogging for any purpose was explicitly clarified as legal a while back, and tons of people do it now. I'm not sure if it really matters if you are getting powerbuffed on your own or with another player's help. the only difference is with multilog powerbuffing, only one person is bored ;)


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