Make one, pvp with it, and you will see the toons have some really hard feeble points...It's a good toon, as the cleric monk paly/cots one, but way less flexible compare with those last one...Even if I agreed that good planar turners are better then evil ones which I don't there is no way all good clerics are better then all evil ones.
Right on top of my mind cleric/pm comes to mind as insanely strong character that ranks among best builds one can make in my opinion.
And only if 75 % of good clerics toon are better than evil one, will justify the pet is weaker, and i'm prolly sure that the % is higher in my opinion Solar is good like this (finaly back to the topic)
It's funny to see the absence of AO/RK aliance player, in this thread, but logical... As their good clerics will better rounded than TC one for same toon, and their evil one better than SL/MA, due to the tard token they have ... +3 AB (for mellee clerics) +3 AC (all toons) + 3 universal saves, allow them to build exact toon than oponent, but with better final stats, or just skip some saves feats, and add detections, where others can't...Excluding evidently the Cots and PM options disponible in TC/MA respectivly, their RDD cleric melee option is a good toon also...Also fight a DwD cleric really tough to put down...