Beta4 server is always down, im really sick

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Wheres the donation box?
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Post by Æ »

Not until things are even... that's why we're here, TESTING... that's the point... stop calling suggestions and advice bitching...

Furthermore, I gave my 200 bucks (checked my check book) when they were collecting donations a year ago, did you? I think I should have at least a little say in what goes on around here, don't you? I'm really sick of it being implied that my opinions don't matter when I'm one of the people who helped make Neversummer great.
Last edited by Æ on Sat May 08, 2004 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JesterOI »

I didn't get any money from you so I DGaF!
It's the devs that make the decisions, talk to them about your donation.
And if you feel like your opinion doesn't matter to other people, that's probably because it's true, why should it mean anything to anyone else, it's only YOUR opinion, not theirs, they think for themselves, not you for them.
90% of the stuff I say probably doesn't matter to other people either. (Atleast I hope so 8) )

But keep talking, a good idea will eventually come out! (I hope, I've had a couple atleast ;) )

Also a donation is just that, a donation, if there are any strings attached it's a payment.
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Post by anya_dolameci »

back to the original topic...

whats going on with beta4? its really rough trying to play a character that is rarely able to level up because beta4 is down so often, and then players from other factions come in and tear LA apart because their servers are up and they're able to level. its very discouraging to keep playing with such a barrier to LA players. I don't know what's going on, and I do understand that this is beta, however, other players just keep gaining levels and LA players just keep... not.
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Have you not Quit yet?

Post by Glimmer »

Furthermore, I gave my 150 bucks when they were collecting donations a year ago, did you?

I just had to post because crap like this upsets me.
First off, the last time you posted you claimed to give $200, now its $150 will it be $25 next time?

Second I too gave $100 the day the request came up and I have absolutely no illusion about having the right to give any input what so ever. Don't post crap about how much you gave or what you make outside the game, don't make me embarrass you further then you already have.

It was a donation to show my appreciation for all the time they put in, nothing more. That donation does not give me or anyone else any input into the game, as a matter of fact the donation was made because I have faith that in the end the game that is released will give me many hours of enjoyment.

This game has balance problems, it has connectivity issues, it has it’s share of jerks, but at the end of the day its got a great team with a vision and enough drive to see this project through.

Can you please quit already? You seen to threaten to do so weekly!

Just to stress my point, the thing that drives me crazy about the above post is the mere thought that giving a “donation” gives anyone any rights to effect the direction of this project.

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Post by dond »

Æ wrote:Not until things are even... that's why we're here, TESTING... that's the point... stop calling suggestions and advice bitching...

Furthermore, I gave my 150 bucks when they were collecting donations a year ago, did you? I think I should have at least a little say in what goes on around here, don't you? I'm really sick of it being implied that my opinions don't matter when I'm one of the people who helped make Neversummer great.

wrong. you are bitching. you keep bitching. re-read all your posts, you kept bitching about disallowing dev crit devalues your wm rapier build. and i thought you quit? how many times are you able to do that? as for yourself making ns great.......uh no? talk about ego.....

as for donations:

donations do not entitle you to a spot on the dev team. it's their vision, not yours. they however take COMMUNITY input, and will try to accomadate it. you might get an ingame house when ns4 goes live as a way of 'thanks for the support'.

and again, dev crit is gone and it aint coming back. start bit- er suggesting something else.

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I love housing

Post by Glimmer »

In game house. I love it.
Pay for more of the dev time by selling in game houses.

I would gladly put up $200 for an in game house of my very own.

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Post by JesterOI »

This sounds like the start of a virtual real-estate market to me!
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Post by powerferret »

hmmm.... i think it would be good to have it either way, yes you can buy a house with real money, but you could also buy one or win one in the game for either millions of gp, or a DM event or somethin ( you know, so those of use who are going thorugh the college moneylessness stage, are $20,000 in college debts, and with more to come can have a chance of getting an ingame house >_<)
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Post by JesterOI »

But that begs the question: If you are already 20000 indebt for school, what's 50 more gonna hurt? lol

I was lucky getting a job that paid well right out of high school, did that for a bit, got 10k saved up for school and now I am starting in sept, gonna take tool & die, then do my apprenticeship.

I'd send money but am pretty short right now because I was smart and gave all that money for school to my parents to hold on to lol.
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Post by garrykasparov »

With regards to Joran's post about making instant death a rarity:

Why not modify instant "death" via FoD and related spells to have the same effect that harm etc. used to have. i.e. instead of instantly killing the individual, it could do 9/10 19/20 of their life in damage. Of course, this damage would have to be magical in nature, as that is the only one I can think of that nothing (other than monsters, maybe) can resist. Since harm no longer is an instant killler, that doesn't seem too unreasonable to me.

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Post by Elora Dannan »

I'm wondering the same as anya_dolameci..... :?

back to the original topic...

whats going on with beta4? its really rough trying to play a character that is rarely able to level up because beta4 is down so often, and then players from other factions come in and tear LA apart because their servers are up and they're able to level. its very discouraging to keep playing with such a barrier to LA players. I don't know what's going on, and I do understand that this is beta, however, other players just keep gaining levels and LA players just keep... not.

Can someone please answer this instead of kicking the crap out of the Dev. Crit thing? Why is server Beta4 so unstable and the others not? It's all beta. What gives? I'm not angry at anyone. I'm just really confused and frustrated. Please give us something to go on..... :cry:
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Post by Lokey »

Probably hardware, we'll find out this weekend...hehe hope it's hardware, that's probably the easiest thing to track down.
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Post by bongoblue »

Lokey wrote:Probably hardware, we'll find out this weekend...hehe hope it's hardware, that's probably the easiest thing to track down.

Yup, hardware is easier to resolve a problem.

But random problems, whatever the cause software or hardware, are always difficult to find.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

Jester: Feats that are activated (such as blinding speed, barb rage) run off scripts. Ones that are always in effect (O. Crit, Dev. Crit, Toughness) are hardcoded and therefore cannot be modified. If O. Crit could be changed so easily then Dev. Crit would be as easy.
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Post by JesterOI »

I'm not saying change OP crit. I'm saying make a script to detect an OP crit, then add extra damage.
Makes sense and is possible isn't it?
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