Mules... to be or not to be

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Post by Lorkar1 »

First, I don't belong to a guild. Second, I would liken a guild mule with an armory. I don't believe anything discussed in the forums is silly as long as it is done with a semblance of maturity. Just because it is discussed in the forums doesn't mean there needs to be an intervention. Sometimes discussion is just that, a discussion. I like NS4 and will continue to play since I like the variety of styles that exist together. I usually go solo so most everything I have or had(cough,cough) was obtained by me with that toon. Thats not to say that I have not received items from other players and I am grateful to them for that. Lastly, I only said I disagree with muling, I was not advocating its removal.

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Post by Cahaal »

It is in the spirit of RP to allow guild to have a cache of equipment. That is what they are...a group of people say vowed to defend their territory and recruiting new member to aid them...then outfitting them so that they can best accomplish the goal of the guild.....just my very humble opinion.

How is any of this relevant to my guild?
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Post by Elagneros »

Actually IMO no muling hurts players NOT in a guild more than it hurts players in a guild.

Without mules or other forms of transferring gear between characters, a guildless player has worse acess to equipment than a guild player. The guild player can easily get equipment and other resources from his fellow guild buddies. The guildless player has a harder time accumulating good gear for his characters, especially if he's playing solo or doesn't hang out with a group of players on a regular basis to share gear. If he has a mule though, he can save equipemnt that is good, but doesn't have an immediate use for and may wish to use on a future character.
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Post by Core »

Core wrote:no

By this I mean do not even think about limiting muleing. It's been said before by DM's that altho they don't like it they know players will find ways to smuggle items from one character to another with friends no matter what anyway so they won't restrict it. I have friends who play, Also if I feel like selling an item to a stranger in both instances the item leaves me, hits the floor, and someone else picks it up. I don't think we should stop muleing it will happen anyway.

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Post by kingfatzo »

the truth has been spoken there --

--and for those not in a guild, a perm chest would be a nice addition to say, the inn in will eliminate one indaviduals concern about people shouting : XFER IN AVE CAN ANYONE HELP ??? :lol:

shhh.... have a beer, and calm down if you are upset at all over this topic...suprisingly this is the first time a nice babble of a thread has been started about it in a while; tho sometimes i do overlook posts :wink:

it seems we all have our own definition for "RP" as well as "metagaming"

take this for example : if i were to say the word FACIST out loud -- some people will instantly be like me and think of hitler and John Kerry ..... whereas others will instantly think of hitler and George Bush....see what i mean ?

but nevermind that...back to the mindless babble !!!! we are all anxious of the server release but until then lets keep going !!! :twisted:

---i must also bounce off of ander's very valid point : a guild is an established community and aids each other in many ways -- from defence, to cash, to gear, and just to have a group of ppl to BS with....if i have an overflow of gear, i will stash it on a personal mule as well as give some to my guild mules as well....if the guild mule is out of somthing and a guild member needs a certian item, i will also dip into a personal mule to aid that guild member because that is what the guild is there for (as i can be a bit redundant there)
---a player who is solo-ing --without a mule, he is limited to his space on his toon as well as his weight capacity....which can really suck if he/she is of a mage class ---give this player the convienence of muling some nice gear to save for a later toon; so that it wont go to waste, and he/she can save a great deal of time and effort which now can be devoted to more enjoyable things -- Unless your idea of fun is being totally mindless and redundant.

---but as we see here, there are people who do not agree with the existance of mules and are probably muttering insults to me as they read this :wink: (calling me FAT, etc...) :lol: : however, Neversummer has proved to be a server which can cater to all sorts of players --again a RL example -- the United States -- a melting pot of players in essence.... NS3.5 East for example ? no PK ing -- so this would be an example of France.... a random strict RP server would be equivilant to China - over 1.3 BILLION people and almost ALL of them are chineese.....

so why be socialist ? keep muling in place (not that it was ever said officially either way) if you are upset by it that much....then maybe you should consider alternate locations...

--and at last this leads me to my favorite principle -- if it works...dont mess with it 8)
Last edited by kingfatzo on Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by CrazyJ »

And some people would take you to task for your spelling :-P

Depending on what I've got and who's helping I have been known to decide that a non-generic item is "extra" and give it to someone for helping with an xfer.... I actually rather like the current system.

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Post by mgrjebbo »

LMFAO... *sits back and lets out an evil laugh*

now i know what andy cofmen felt like after one of his performances.

ps, only people who know andys work will get this joke.

pps, i have nothing against muling, i didnt really care in the first place, but it was fun

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Post by kingfatzo »

i concur...nothing better than a massive ranting session :wink:
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Post by Milkman99 »

Rant is exactly right king fatzo not a single relavant reply by anyone not one mention of the absolute CHEESE of muling :wink:

The whole point of the "RANT" was about wether muling should stay or go, and as i said i dont mind either way but if we are de - cheesing the server with all the 5 lvls of SD and other bs then why stop there do something than do it right de-cheese the whole lot.
:wink: that enough winks in one post ??? nah hold up ill add some more

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Post by kingfatzo »


yay ! SPAM ! :lol:
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Post by TGPO »

OK, muling is meta gaming, thats pretty clear. Yes I personally dislike it, however it is one of those things that we wont touch. Your free to do it as you wish.

That being said, we wont make doing it any easier. For anyone who has lost gear because they were xfering and the clean up script nailed them then posted a request for replacement usually gets the "whats your point?" answer from us.

Keep doing it if you wish, we wont stop you or make rules about it. Just please dont expect us to condone it.
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

You people aggravate me, lol. I've seen some pretty stupid topics on the NS4 Forums but this tops on my number 5 list. I mean, this is very similar to other minor topics. Unlike other minor topics, its given to much attention. As TGPO stated above, they don't care either way. Frankly, I don't care. Its nice if when my guild supplies me with gear, but its also nice when I earn it on my own. I tried reading all of the rant, but only completed the first page. We're out of BETA now, the product is being wrapped up, so just enjoy the game. Its your choice if you want to mule or not (as a few players already stated above), if other people do then who cares? Just build a better build and wipe them out in their shiny uber gear. Geeze, I've been gone from the boards for a few days and come back to see this, sheesh.

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Post by kingfatzo »

amen !
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