Relics in non-pvp areas

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Post by Milkman99 »

I think there are really 2 issues here. The 1st one the thread was about and tgpo has already answered holding relics in shops etc for hours - means you will be de-leveled basically :-)

The second one fatzo is getting riled up about - the dual loggin.
Personally while i realize its not illegal (but i think it should be, tho how to police it?) its woefully distastfull and i know why your getting your panties in a knot fatz cause you dual log 1 very high lvl char (most often a cleric in his lvl 30's) to follow your very low lvl char buffing the crap out of him so he can lvl at super speeds in area's occasionally he would get totally smoked normally. Again i stress you are not braking any rules :-)

IMO this is no different to the drow darkness lvl 6 char in Frostdale - sorry its completely against the spirit of the server man. But hey lucky im not a DM isn't it :-)

I guess however its a really tough one because i just feel that its just soooo cheesey to have a lvl 30 (dosent have to be a dual login could be your friends) on giant mountain say following a group of 4 lvl 6's up the mountain buffing them all the way.

Perhaps a solution is to do the Auril trick - if i catch anyone say 10 lvls higher than a party buffing them and just following em around im gonna hit em with my wooden spoon LOL !

Anyways what are other ppls thoughts on this issue i would be interested to here em

Good luck and goood hunting !

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

My main problem with dual-loggin is the lag that usually associates with it, the cheesiness is bad too but I just can't stand the lag.

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Post by Celorn »

don't take it personally fatzo..this thread was mainly started because a person held a relic in the smithy for a few hours. not playing or dual logged..just had a relic and sat in the smithy so no one could get it. i logged in just before the reset and was told about it....then the reset fixed it.

however it still smells of lunacy to hold a relic afk in a no pvp zone for hours on end if no one is knowing about it. it defeats the purpose of the relics, whether you like them or not it was still wrong.

The same thing happens in the real world -- ie: treehuggers that chain themselves to a tree so the loggers can't cut them down... a protest is a protest, something needs to change to make relics more fun -- plus I still don't see a clear listing of rules of conduct for the relic system, AND I see people using the relic system to break rules like revenge relogging, or use friendly factions to raid easier or to aid enemy faction members, all of this garbage plus the constant shouting about relics is getting quite tiresome....

I think the relics are causing more problems on the server than benefits... The relogging to defend causes LAG issues, having 2 giant parties both fighting eachother causes even more lag, then add to that all the summons they are using... etc..

There HAS to be another way to implement the relic system to solve this....

HOW ABOUT: Grabbing and holding an enemy relic gives the carrier of the relic (and his party -within a range-) a ??% xp bonus? This could be a lot more interesting, because people could hunt the people with the relics to take away their bonus and get their own, perhaps having multiple relics within a party increases the % as well...

-enemy factions in your party would NOT recieve an XP bonus*
-the diviners could stay to help locate your own relic
-if you enter a non-pvp zone the relic would auto-drop in 1 game hour - thus not allowing people to easily camp in avendel or shops easily.
-if the relic is abandoned in the wilderness for 1 full game day, it returns to the cradle

This way the relic system wouldn't be totally tied to the faction cities, where innocent newbies get smashed by epic character's spells or summons, etc... And hunting for relic-holders would cause even more PvP action and rivalry, but with a LOT less cheese and rule-breaking possible.

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Post by LinuxPup »

I like the idea of having a relic bonus for a party that is holding the relic...

Only questions are... wouldn't that encourage large parties? Maybe make the relics non-faction based and have only 2 of them... 25% each.

Personally I think the relic system is pretty good as it is...

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Mr. O'Dearly
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

That would also encourage logging a lvl 30-40 char to escort your lowbie party around.

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Post by kingfatzo »

[quote="Milkman99"] in responce -- seems the quting feature is acting wierd.
i edited this after re-reading the forum seems i mistook somthing.

no, i wasnt upset tho it seems people think i am....i'm simply making a statement.

AND you are wrong, maybe you should follow me around when i am dual logged, you will not always see such a level spread between the toons i am using I.E : last night...

----and i dont travel to FD below lvl 9 and cheese it up royally....that sounds like an old kst manuver. :lol:

and another reminder to you - i am not the only person Here (as in my physical location) who plays NWN.)

thank you and come again. :lol:
Last edited by kingfatzo on Sat May 27, 2006 6:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by kingfatzo »

My main problem with dual-loggin is the lag that usually associates with it, the cheesiness is bad too but I just can't stand the lag.

how does dual logging affect lag ? it is no different than if the server was crowded, or a bunch of newbies checking out new servers logged on....

--i can see the concern with multiple relogging causing unneeded stress on the server, but overall how taxing could it really be.


now to get back on target....i think Celorn has some good suggestions...

---maybe somthing that could go along with it is the restructuring of PM's :shock:
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

lol, why do you have to bring PM's into it? just because you can't bring a moderately built one down in 2 seconds means it cheese? everything a PM gets is natural according to bioware...even though they didn't do a good job on things.

every build has a weakness and the ultra PM i have has been brought down a few times just in the planar areas by cr 30 something creatures.
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Post by Nemesis Revised »

pms need restructuring? :?:

atm it's okay. if you can bring down planar mobs immune to crit im sure you bring down pms too. they should stay fine as they are.

the classes that really need help atm are shifters and assassins.

--out of topic--
shifters~every1 knows the issue with it. even at epic levels its not as good as other builds

assassins~now that they have no bugged darkness, there's no way they can fight unless they are in a good party. being alone means death now to an assassin. unless they can hips in and out

--back in topic--
hiding relics seems fine with me. Bringing it to areas that cannot be reached at all by hostile factions is the topic we are discussin atm. don't stray from it
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Post by Milkman99 »

Fatzo, im wasnt personally attacking u man, was using one of your tactics to illustrate a point and i will come again right now.

Ive seen u use a lvl 30+ cleric with like a low teen char with some of your tlb mates buffing the smack out of em in FD (ice efreet to be specific if u wanna know) - u wanna make a point dont lie about it.

The other point i was making was about the cheese issue of doing this, u wanna come on here and deny you do it go ahead i dont really care i saw u do it man tis that simple.

What i said was in my opinion it should be illegal to do it - its basically like an exploit - not fair or in the spirit of the game thats all i said and to ask other ppl's opinions about this issue - as far as i can tell TGPO clearly stated that hiding in shops etc with the relic is not allowed and he would de level ppl he saw doing that ???

anyways as i said earlier u are breaking no current rules atm the whole point of my post was that i think the rule should be changed as i said to say no buffing of ppl 10 lvls lower than u ( in passing ok but when u follow em around man buffing em every rest the toon is logged on for no other reason than to log other lowbies - heck its just a thought dude ????

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Post by kingfatzo »

aye you are correct it is a thought.... and yes i use my dual logins to their advantage which does not include idling...but look at it this way, anyone, even someone sitting on my secondary laptop can follow a party around and buff them.....its one of those cheesy things.... :o
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Post by Milkman99 »

YEp one of them cheesey thing agreed, so devs DM's arent you trying to eliminate cheesey things ? :-)

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Post by kingfatzo »

still leaves the problem tho -- how do you regulate this and how can you tell when 2 people are logged sepratly or when both logins are one person....for those who have seen me i can play two toons simultaniously as if there were two different people here physically. If there is some awesome end-all solution i would love to hear it -- then mind you you run into problems with routers....3 or 4 CPUS behind one router all connected to NS4....its one of those things that is too vauge to try and deal with.... :wink:

oh and sorry if i got riled up before, theres no hate i assure you that, just a discussion...thats why we have forums :D
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Post by $chase$ »

i assure you this is being looked into and is a top piority.
have a nice day
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by Milkman99 »

cool fatz i know u dont hate me lol :-0 and i agree its tuff to stop near immpossible to build something into the game to prevent it but....

Spell spaming/shotgunning bug is/has been used recently by certain individuals - and its also built into the game u cant remove it apparently. Howvevr The rule is if u are seen using that bug/exploit u recieve time on the sideline -repeat your little performance and see ya later.

Perhaps they could use a we see it we punish it policy - perhaps write it into the server rules ?? anyways a real tough issue but with all the crashing lately NOT a priority one i must say

Good hunting


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