epic char rumor

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Post by MrShadow »

when something significant like a wipe happens.. you will all be warned..

but do not take anything to heart until you see an official post made by a developer or a head DM regarding it..

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Post by Psycho Dordt »

well maybe its tiem to put the plannar area's in
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Post by darkl4805 »

Nobody really answered the question.

1. To everyone else, this is beta, a wipe is guaranteed.
2. Are level 21+ going to be reset back to level 20 when higher zones are implemented? In other words is there a point to building above lvl 20?

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Post by Alexiagold »

Nobody really answered the question.

when something significant like a wipe happens.. you will all be warned..

but do not take anything to heart until you see an official post made by a developer or a head DM regarding it..

Seen any official posts? Then the answer is don't take anything to heart :D .

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Post by Lunas »

first off you have to look at the source DM Fire has never historicly been a reliable source of breaking news when it comes to the servers alot of the wipe rumors on the south in ns3 were said to have come from fire south didn get wiped till well after ns4 came out and it was wiped because the large database of chars was slowing mz's pc down

so I am gonna doubt any thing that has came under the DM Fire said catagory and wait till DD MZ Joran or MR says it is gonna happen before i get in a panic or believe it might happen

I am not saying DM Fire lies alot i am just saying i wont believe any thing that comes from another person saying DM Fire said or dm blank said and if i hear it from DM fire himself ill take it with a grain of salt as it has remote truth to it and ill check the boards if another dm can back up his claims as should be done any way

personly if i ran a server and one of my DM's started a rumor like it is gonna be wiped with out me asking him to they would not be a dm very long and i have been on server with bad DMs before and NS has it very good all of them DMs are Pretty trust worthy

well i am done ranting about every one runnign around yelling wipe wipe ill play till it happens and when it happens ill make my char over and get back to leveling so i can continue to explore

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Well, i didn't really check to see if they were an actual dm either(not sure if it was an impersonation). Just became pretty worried after the announcement.
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Post by Lunas »

well the only thing i have herd was DM Fire said there will be a wipe in a week or 2 and mz saying that wipes are to be expected in open beta

all and all the rumors are as follows i think number 2 is the most likely

1. In a week or 2 there will be a wipe.

2. There will be no wipe and all level 20+ chars will be set back at 20 due to possible exploits that were used to get them that high.

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Post by Æ »

If they do this my character will be worthless, he's a level 14 fighter/7 weapon master/1 rogue and I got the last weapon master levels after 20, which means that if I'm set to 20, all the weapon master levels will be a waste...... THAT's why some of us would have to start over... I'm only level 22, and spent a good 6 hours getting each of those last levels, and I certainly haven't used any exploits, I've worked long and hard at it and deserve to keep my progress until beta is over (I finally got strong enough for the PKers not to constantly harrass me and I'm having fun now finally, don't ruin that on me, hell I'm just a fighter)

I agree, let us know if this is going to happen so we can stop wasting time on our epic characters and try out other builds. This is a beta test as much for the players' character builds as it is for the devs' mod, and is taking up as much of the players' personal time as it is the DM's and devs, and just as they expect respect from their players, I think they should respect that their players have their own lives too and can't keep having our time wasted.

Can a dev please tell us if this is a rumor or not?

I think if high level areas are going to be implemented during the beta, those of us who strugged past lvl 20 getting very little xp (can't really get past 25 anyway with the xp rewards as they are now, and the gear hasn't gone beyond lvl 16) should be allowed to apply that work towards the new areas... furthermore, at level 20 I couldn't even survive Menzoduran and still have a hard time at level 22, I can only imagine the difficulty of the high level areas that will be opened
Last edited by Æ on Thu May 20, 2004 2:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Yeah, it was a surprise to see a bunch of the changes. But it wasn't too terrible, so i went pure ranger the first 21 lvls, and just now started on other classes. A couple of which will make my character much powerful overall, so it'd be nice to have known from the beginning. Luckily now I can always twink up a sorc if i want to try something different.
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Post by LadyCheron »

The areas designed for characters of level 18 and above are still being built. From a testing perspective, there is no point in pushing your character to level 20, 25, 30, etc. as they are running in the same old areas that were designed for lower level charactrs. No firm decision to set characters back to level 20 has been made, although it was discussed - as an alternative to a complete wipe WHEN re-leveling the playing field is needed.

One thing we are really hoping to see is a comparison, by people who have made characters in multiple factions, of the balance and difficulty of the newb and low level areas. Make the same build in MA and SL (or AO or LA) and compare how long it takes to get to level 2, 5, 9. Is it easier or harder to get gear? Then make a different build for NC, and an equivalent character in AO or RK or LA. Right now LA and AO have jobs, the others do not. How much easier is it to achieve level 10 in a faction with jobs, vs a faction without?

On the matter of the reliability or unreliability of Fire or any other DM - there have been at least two incidents of "DM Impersonation" that I am aware of in the last two weeks. Both of the players involved were banned from the server for a period of time. If you have any doubts that the person you are talking to is really a DM, report it both on the DM channel and by PM to RadPro or Pros. One person was logged in to the Gamspy chat as "DM-Joran" and telling players that NS4 would be down for two weeks. That's the way false information and rumors get spread through the community.

Hope this has helped clear up a few points!
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Post by Lunas »

persoanly i dont want a wipe as i just got my sl char to level 9 and i would like to get him to explore some higher level areas till he is about level 16

i have a MA level 9 and a SL level 9 the sl char i think leveled faster over all because i built him slightly better and he was able to take harder and more creatures earlier my MA level 9 i think levled easier but took longer
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Post by Elora Dannan »

I think what players should do is just concentrate on playing and testing out NS4 and stop worrying about wipes and lvl locks and other stuff like that.


Just have fun!

And when the DM/Devs are gonna do something, THERE WILL BE AN OFFICIAL POST!!!

How many times do the DMs have to say that?

*sighs* sorry.....just a bit annoyed at the moment. Just don't kill me ingame the next time you see me... :lol:
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Post by DM Fire »

Let me clear a few things up here.

1) I did inform the players on Server 2 that there was discussion of lowering players that was past 20. I also encouraged the players to start new characters and builds because the mod in it's current state is not designed for post 20 play. I did not say when there would be a wipe or delevling, just was simply informing the players so that the unexpected maybe would not be such a shock.

2) As far as me spreading or telling numerous lies and I think it was even referred that I used to do that alot on South, maybe I can clear this up as well. I have only been on South as a DM one time, and that was because West server was down and I stopped in to see what was happening with MZ. I assisted MZ and LadyC with a capture the flag event for maybe 30 minutes. You surely have me confused with someone else. I have played South as a Player maybe 4 hours total in the last 1.5 years.

3) My message to the players during beta has always been the same. This is testing, there will be changes and character wipes will come, although the Dev team makes this only as a decision that they feel is necessary and with reluctance.
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Post by Arjento »

DM Fire wrote:2) As far as me spreading or telling numerous lies and I think it was even referred that I used to do that alot on South, maybe I can clear this up as well. I have only been on South as a DM one time, and that was because West server was down and I stopped in to see what was happening with MZ. I assisted MZ and LadyC with a capture the flag event for maybe 30 minutes. You surely have me confused with someone else. I have played South as a Player maybe 4 hours total in the last 1.5 years.

Telling numerous lies!!! :x

DM Fire is one of the most honest people you can come across.
Lomir (MIA)
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LadyCheron rules!

Post by Ace Dragonfury »

Excellent points my good Lady.

I will add my thoughts to this thread.
Having made over 30 characters and really just devoting my time to about 3... having jobs makes the difference to me now, sure they're low level the bonuses aren't really all powerful but they're nice to have and makes significantly easier to lvl up, for one reason you have an area to goto and a purpose rather than wandering around aimlessly exploring. Not that theres anything wrong with exploring but you get abused by monsters (understatement), and occasional PvP if you're not careful.

I know its low on the priority list, but an in-game way to mark chars for deletion... let us help you. I've got 27 chars in my vault approximately that I don't use either because I messed up making dumb warriors or not giving enough dex or whatever. That's some space we can clear up, and I know I can't be the only one.


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