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Post by Æ »

With me you get what you deserve

You treat me with respect, and I'll respect you

You disrespect me and I'll flay you alive

and what you have are quotes of me reporting flaws in the mod for ALL the melee classes, as well as bugs and other things and trying to help work out the problems... not running around getting off on exploiting the problems like you and doing nothing to help create a balance
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Regardless of what someone does i don't see how you can change your honor to apply differently to them, giving you an otherwise dishonorable advantage. *shrug* I've always had a problem with that "my word doesn't count with people i dislike" thing, who in general are people you see as dishonorable or cheap.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Æ »

Right, I judge, and that is my right... not everyone deserves my kindness. If you don't make these distictions kindness and honor will be seen as a weakness and exploited by the selfish and dishonorable. Even a noble Paladin must raise his sword and bloody his pretty white armor sometimes in order to defend himself and his ideals
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Post by Alexiagold »

No only your precious fighter has issues, and all the other old builds from ns3. A paladin with feats taken to increase fort saves will make my wail's save 95 % of the time. That paladin will always make a FoD save. A monk with feats taken will resist my spells 40% of the time, and save every single time. At epic levels, a monk will never ever be hit by my spells, that's right, NEVER. With epic acid resists and fire, they would also have been immune to all damage I could ever do. But now with the nerf, who cares, you'll take a max of 12 damage from my stacked acid/death armor. If you use a weapon which my robes don't resist (oh you can't switch armor, I have no idea what you are thinking, but you have to be out of combat for 30 seconds to switch.) But NOOO we can't have you playing a mage killer class, instead nerf mages until the one class mages are good at killing, fighters/wm/barbs can take mages on. Then mages will be everyone's [censored]. Yea that's balance. I can make a monk that is 100% immune to all spell casters, but nooo that would require me to not be a WM rapier. I could make a paladin that makes his saves but NOOO that would require me not being a WM rapier (it wouldn’t even, you could be a WM rapier paladin, which is the really funny/sad part). You could get KD, but nooo that would require use of one of your feats which would wreck destroy and totally demolish your uber WM build. But yea, your wussy build dies fast, as do almost all the traditional NS3 uber builds, because they had crap saves because of all the + save and immunity gear. In NS3 you relied upon immunities and + save gear to make your character immune to magic. This is NS4, the whole reason immunities were taken out in NS4 is so that things like death magic has a purpose again. If you get your beloved + universal saves, its the same thing as giving immunity back to everyone. Because its not that hard to build a character with saves over 40, and you can't get a DC above 42 in NS4 (unless there is some awesome gear later on). Add in + universals saves, and it will be hard to get saves lower than 40 at epic levels. Yea that's gonna be a lot of fun, all a mage can do then is cast Direct Damage spells. Oh wait that's right, you have evasion. Ok all I can cast now is IGMS and Horrids, and Ice Storm. Wait, you got 1 potion of shield, and one armor (I've found btw) with shadow shield. Just to be safe you chug a potion of spell mantle, spell resistance, haste, and protection from spells (+8 all saves) (all of which exist in NS4 as Dropped items, let alone player crafted.) Now you are immune to every damn thing I have in my entire class, every single spell, except ice storm (which can do less than 1 damage if you just wear 50% cold immune gear and get epic cold resistance twice). Not one will ever harm/hurt/injure/etc you. Oh wait, you get morded by me, but in that time, you managed to close next to me, KD me, and kill me in 4 hits. That’s right 4. I bet you $100 RL dollars I can kill your level 40 caster in one round at level 40 with a melee character.

How is that balance?? HOW?

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Post by Æ »

Alot of melee classes have issues, you really have a problem with see things the way they are don't you? Fighters and barbarians are all having a hell of a time surviving, and I'm really tired of arguing against someone who refuses to just admit the truth, it's pointless. I didn't even read all of that, you're wasting my time...

Anyone going to lock this before she b*tches anymore?
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Post by Alexiagold »

This is how I feel about AE

you really have a problem with see things the way they are don't you?
and I'm really tired of arguing against someone who refuses to just admit the truth, it's pointless. I didn't even read all of that, you're wasting my time...

Anyone going to lock this before [he] b*tches anymore?

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Post by dond »

the entire reason for the lack of svs, the lack of +5 dropped weapons, was to give spells a use again.

if you don't like it, ns3 south is still up. you can build your uber fighter any way you like and get the same set of gear as everyone else that gives all the immunity you want.

edit to dyson:

first off, she got the jump on you.......she could've beaten your group with numerous spells right off, but chose wail (wail is 1 time use every 30 secs btw, saving the first time, renders you immune to it for the next 30 secs). stop crying when you get beat. i've been beaten with death magic quite alot because i was an idiot and never kept shadow shield up (soo short though :/), but hey, die and learn! get that cleric of yours to start brewing death ward.
Last edited by dond on Wed May 05, 2004 12:50 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Throst54 »

mord's disjunc...

but anyways...

actaully, a rogue could kill that guy if they only have evasion and not imp evasion...

stack about 40 traps in one place... and as soon as they walk on it they are pretty much dead...
eh, not even 40 anymore... 40 was in NS3... 20 will prolly do nowadays...

the thing is too though, while making a mage killer, warrior based character is going to specialize in mage duels, it wont do 1/2 bad in tank Vs tank duels either. but duels are no long point and click... you have to make use of feats and such now. you dont have yoru gear set out for you either. duels will count on your character build, and on how soon you can make your character adept at fighting. a build that is unstoppable at lvl 40 doesnt matter if it's horrible up until that time... because you need to have a workable character at lvl 10.. maybe even sooner nowdays.

AE? be quiet... she made quite a few point proving you wrong.. why dont you defend yourself.. isnt that what you were trying to accomplish in your earlier posts? why bend over and take it now?
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Post by Alexiagold »

Heh if they allow epic traps, 2 is all its going to take. From what I can tell epic do around 230 damage per trap (for the elemnetal ones, like Lightning), not that a certain DM didn't try every last epic trap out on me... and kill me like 400 times using them :lol: . But it was all in fun. BTW sonic ones did close to 100 damage and Stunned for ages with a really high DC. Let this be my petition to allow rogues to get epic traps if they are pure or something like that!

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Post by JesterOI »

And to get xp for any kills they get with them.
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Post by JesterOI »

Also, make traps that have a 1 or 2 second delay on activation so they can hit groups that are chasing you a little better.
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Most importantly imo, have them saved like pcs are, so that they'll come back regardless of server resets/crashes. It's really annoying to blow traps and not have them do anything. At the same time, a 12-24 hr duration wouldn't be bad to keep the place clean.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by JesterOI »

I can see it now, the cave leading out of RK will have 2000 traps laid along it's entire length and those dirty dwarfs will be forced to rot in that hole in the ground they call a home!!!
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Post by AndrewCarr »

I'd just trap the whole dark forest with minor tangle traps...

That's why i suggest the time limit :p
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Æ »

Yeah until the next rogue comes along and collects them all into his inventory }: )
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