Level loss from death - good or bad?

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Level loss from death - good or bad?

Post by Sagil »

From what I hear (luckily haven't experienced it myself yet) you can lose a level is you lose enough xp from death such that you get below the xp threshold needed for your current level.
Why was that implemented? I have the feeling that all it really adds is some frustration over losing a level you had already gained. :(
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Post by Alexiagold »

I love it. As a sorc I can relevel when I make a really bad spell selection. With other classes, I can test stuff without having to make 20 characters, because I can relevel to test a feat or ability.

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Post by lord_modred »

wow, that is the most powergaming idea that ive ever heard...
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Post by ATI »

yup :D still technically its not illegal....morally...I'm not so sure :D
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Post by Alexiagold »

*cough* BETA TEST *cough*

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Post by X-I-L »

I guess it's good and bad, for me at lower lvls it was really annoying as I kept gaining a level then losing it again :( However as Axon said seems it does have its advantages. It was the devs choice to put this feature in, so it seems only fair to that it should have advantages as well as its obvious disadvantages, and I dont see any problem with taking advantage of that :)
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Post by Bob »

Allows Wiz characters especially to exploit the leveling/spell aquisition process and pad their spellbooks.

At least I haven't seen any of the old skill point/attribute point loss bugs associated with level loss yet. Maybe it was a Bioware problem that got fixed?

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Post by Kirg »

I dont see, how wizards could exploit it, as there are several wizards around, and even not exchanging spells you pretty get all you need.


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Post by Bob »

You exploit it by leveling, taking new spells, scribing them, then deleveling and taking other new spells while relearning the old ones off scroll. Spells learned from scrolls are not lost when you delevel.

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Post by Alexiagold »

Yea, but I found virtually every single spell scroll already, so even if oyu have no friends its not that hard to find all the spells. Also its a royal pain to gaine exp, level up, scribe scroll (takes exp too) then delevel from death, repeat, for what, 2 spells each time? Yea its an exploit, but I don't think its going to be that useful, given you can find almost every scroll.

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Post by Throst54 »

1. it will deal w/ ppl who like to try and kills the harder stuff @ low lvl while soloing... err well sorta, you will still see it

2. makes things more even'd out... just cuz ur max lvl doesnt mean u shudn't have to worry about dying... (for sake of xp anyways)

3. you can argue that both PGers and RPGers like it. (if one was so inclined to i suppose)
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Post by ATI »


THis isn't that big of a deal right? I mean how many people are really interested in losing levels just to have to get them over again? I could see the minor scroll exploits and everything...but seriously like Alexia said, most scrolls are easily found anyways, so why worry about this one?
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Post by dond »

uh, because it's not hard to do?

just lvl up, scribe, die, repeat.

what i dont understand, is that alexia says she dies/relevels to try out new feats, but all of a sudden, it's incredibly hard to do the same time to get new spells lol. make up your mind!

and yes, it is a big deal.
you can have ALL of the spells in nwn this way pretty easily. it's not anywhere as hard as you make it out to be.
i've done it, to uh 'test'.
with another person you're scribing with, it makes it even easier for you to both die/relevel, and get many more spells much easier.

ofcourse, being human makes it alot easier too :P

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Post by Sagil »

I didn't really see the spell gaining exploit as the main problem with level loss, but simply the frustration of losing a level just to having to gain it again (and levelling up is a pain in the .. apart from the xp gaining problem). At least as a low level drow it's very hard to gain any xp in the first place, and then after finally reaching level 4 I get killed and am back to level 3 again. Simply frustrated me a lot and I lost my interest in playing.. :(
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Post by Alexiagold »

what i dont understand, is that alexia says she dies/relevels to try out new feats, but all of a sudden, it's incredibly hard to do the same time to get new spells lol. make up your mind!

I never said it was easy to relevel. I think its quite hard, with the new exp script, you have to gain exp, take level, gain more exp, walk back to scroll station, scribe, walk somewhere you can die, die, gain exp, level gain more exp... That takes quite a bit of time, I bet you'd find 3 scrolls or more in that amount of time, if you were just playing. Granted they might not be the scrolls you wanted, but if you take the spells you want on level up, or just take hordes spells on level up, you'll likely get every spell you'll ever use.

ofcourse, being human makes it alot easier too

That bug was fixed.

and yes, it is a big deal.
you can have ALL of the spells in nwn this way pretty easily. it's not anywhere as hard as you make it out to be.

Oh no, heavens to betsy you mean a wiz might be played by someone? Oh no you mean a mage might be as useful/versitile as a cleric?
Seriously, by the time you reach 25 you WILL have every single spell in the game if you try at all to collect spells.


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