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Kell Of Neversummer
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Post by Kell Of Neversummer »

AuTEC wrote:You don't lose XP when you respawn, and I highly doubt that every time you leave your faction you get PKed. Have some patience and keep going at it...


I disagree. Someone ran by me yesterday and pk'ed me and kept going. When I respawned I lost 600 xp and 1600g - and had to spend 5 minutes going back to where I was lvling.

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Post by Souldin »

i think he's referring to lvl 4 not losing xp........ if i'm guessing right :shock:
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Post by Agent Shiny »

lolz rent
and how long did i stay
and how times have you seen me overall when ns4 started =D
i could count it as like 4-6 hours. 4 characters all level around level 4.
whole game time =D

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Post by tyrant »

Somehow I don't see the whole PK thing as some life ending drama. I've been PKed a handful of times and have yet to kill any other player myself. I said in other post, if people spent half the time lvling their character and playing smarter than they do crying on the boards about how some char pked them, hardly anyone would get Pked. Life isn't over when you're PKed, it cost no GP or XP. Invis potions and powders drop constantly at least in my experience and these can help you escape a player. As someone else said once you get higher lvl people leave you alone. Playing in SL I might see 1 hostile per night, sometimes two and usually they are grouped. They aren't swarming everywhere.

It's just not that big of a deal to me, and I've been on the recieving end of it. Get smarter, lvl your char up, group up for protection, use invis...or go play pokemon. It's not that hard to avoid getting PKed. Welcome to world of online gaming, most games have some form of PK. You guys should go play shadowbane, now theres some hardcore PKing.

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Post by Psycho Dordt »

Kell Of Neversummer wrote:
AuTEC wrote:You don't lose XP when you respawn, and I highly doubt that every time you leave your faction you get PKed. Have some patience and keep going at it...


I disagree. Someone ran by me yesterday and pk'ed me and kept going. When I respawned I lost 600 xp and 1600g - and had to spend 5 minutes going back to where I was lvling.

your a plannar race?
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Post by ATI »


pking got your underwear in a twist eh?.... exp penalties only happen to PvP players when they are planar creatures.....thats pretty much it though :D I know PvP sucks sometimes but honestly there are ways around it.\

Why not just issue a KoS and pay someone to hunt the person that killed you? Problem solved.
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Post by Agent Shiny »

hehehe at least there are some PVPers who have some intelligence of WHEN NOT to kill.
like when a newbie just spawn inside the starting point while there comes an enemy faction. noticing u, ignored u cuz ur new and hapless.

or asking a fellow enemy to join up

or just saying hello and goodluck


clearly, there are other ways for enemy factions to interact not like some other people who goes PKing anyone even their own faction.

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Post by Sofa King Canadian »

carry haste pots they are great for escaping pkers or chasing them down after they start running after you disarm them :D
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Post by BaconStrip »

I got pked yesterday for hunting in the sewers. Some clan member claimed all of it as his hunting territory, and I and my friend asked him to party up, he declined and told us to leave. Obviously we couldnt if we wanted to level up so we just ignored him. He called a fellow clan member (very high level one) who showed up and instantly killed both of us.

And the DM? Who knows, I called, no one answered, and the community players responded with "Its PvP, deal with it." Well me and my friend dealt with it our own way, we quit the mod out of frustration. I can only imagine how many prospective players follow the same route we took. It's irritating to get forcibly thrown out of the only viable safe leveling spot available to your character. You guys can say "it's not that big a deal", but its even less a deal as a level 2 character to start a new character on a different server.

The DEVs should get working on a way to prevent this type of abuse like other servers have, or this otherwise prestine and professional mod is going to go to waste toward the casual gaming public. I have better ways to spend my few hours playing a week then getting creamed by some jackasses with clantags instead of leveling my character in peace.

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Post by BaconStrip »

Agent Shiny wrote:hehehe at least there are some PVPers who have some intelligence of WHEN NOT to kill.
like when a newbie just spawn inside the starting point while there comes an enemy faction. noticing u, ignored u cuz ur new and hapless.

or asking a fellow enemy to join up

or just saying hello and goodluck


clearly, there are other ways for enemy factions to interact not like some other people who goes PKing anyone even their own faction.

Agreed, it is extremely stupid for players to kill newbies. They are the future growth of this mod, and unless you want to see 3/50 when you log on to your favorite server a month from now, I suggest you stop and think about the guy you are killing next time. I, for one, am lost on this mod. In its current form, it is pretty much total anarchy and the DMs seem to like it that way. Great for some people, but for me, I'll find something else.

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Post by bongoblue »

BaconStrip wrote: Well me and my friend dealt with it our own way, we quit the mod out of frustration. I can only imagine how many prospective players follow the same route we took. It's irritating to get forcibly thrown out of the only viable safe leveling spot available to your character. You guys can say "it's not that big a deal", but its even less a deal as a level 2 character to start a new character on a different server.

The DEVs should get working on a way to prevent this type of abuse like other servers have, or this otherwise prestine and professional mod is going to go to waste toward the casual gaming public. I have better ways to spend my few hours playing a week then getting creamed by some jackasses with clantags instead of leveling my character in peace.

You aren't the first to be frustrated by the idiots.

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Post by Spooky »

Ah well you all say to join another faction,but what if its her choice to play in MA/SL/LA anyway?:P ive noticed pk's have stopped past few days...

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Post by AndrewCarr »

There's not much of a reason to really. It's a change of pace, but that entertainment is not even worth it sometimes when you get bitched out be people that are annoyed they lost, no matter the circumstances.
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Post by bongoblue »

AndrewCarr wrote:There's not much of a reason to really. It's a change of pace, but that entertainment is not even worth it sometimes when you get bitched out be people that are annoyed they lost, no matter the circumstances.

I think the big problem is PK against charcters with no chance of the character being Pked of winning.

I refer to how many of those who are 'treated' to PK feel about it.

I realize that some like PK, others don't.

Maybe if there was some way to elect to be 'available' for PK.

That way only those who want to, and I'm not refering to town invasions, would be participating.

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Post by Lunas »

Well a possible soution would be the ability to choose at logging on weather or not you wish to participate in pvp i remember an old Ultima Online Shard that had that feature you got a few privilages for going pvp and some draw backs to being non pvp

not sure what would be adiquate to have players choose to be PvP but you could restrict people from entering certian areas if they are non pvp add an ECL to non pvp or pvp or possibly restrict levels to pvp and non pvp like you could only be non pvp until level 10 or so
Last edited by Lunas on Mon May 17, 2004 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.


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