Shout channel severely abused!

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Elora Dannan
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Shout channel severely abused!

Post by Elora Dannan »

My god, people! The shout channel is not for trying to see whos d**k is bigger and other such inane is more to be used for letting people know that you have items you might could sell to whoever is in need of them. Also to let others know you need a rez......things like that. People who abuse the shout channel ruin it for the rest of us.

Grow up! If it is something personal or ooc, use tells, party talk, or don't say it at all. We don't all need to hear everything you are saying. I'm sure there are others out there as well who agree with me, and I would like to hear more about how people feel about it.

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Post by JesterOI »

Yeh, I hate those ppl that are always abusing and spamming and such....

If it's really that bad you can always exclude shouts by rightclicking the ^ thing above the chat box and picking exclude shouts.

And, I've seen this a few times, but I don't know what it means, ooc ?
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Post by TastyTreat »

OOC = out of character (roleplaying thing)

As far as shouts are concerned, I totally agree... pointless shouting is annoying and can even be harmful. I may be trying to read messages from my party during battle and having to scroll up, because some people are having a conversation over shout, isn't an option. And yes I know the shout channel can be turned off but that is no solution. Sometimes there are actually important/useful things said on the shout channel. :roll:

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Post by Roomulus »

So what we need is the ability to ignore inane shouts. :D

I SO wish they had an 'ignore player X' option.


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Post by JesterOI »

The ability to mute individual players would be so useful and make so much sense that bioware didn't put it in, just like they didn't put a lot of other stuff in.
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Post by Qui »

First they do have an ignore player command, second this is all really just more spill over from NS3. You have all the people from South.. there were alot, and old east, again alot, Who shouted all the time, it was normal, everyone did it, no one minded. And now combined with the people form other NS3 servers, + new people. Ive been out adventuring (Im playing in MA and SL server, and visiting LA server often) and been to the circle / NC server... dead silence.. no shouting.. it was creepy... lol. Basically all im saying is you are beginning to see the shift of people form old NS3 servers back into familiar servers and create systems that fit the majority of those playing in those factions. If you go across faction borders expect some other play styels on different servers, respect those, also if you are new, and you realize the play style of a particular server isnt right for you i suggest you consider a change, or deal with it, because it seems unlikely that you will sway the actions of the rest of the servers populace. And, unless im wrong, The DMs wont be trying to enforce any no shouting policies because they still see it as an Action server, not an RP server. Now.. spamming shout during high lag.. thats a different issue..
Im done...
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Post by Dr Zoidburg »

I agree the amount of shouts is hectic, the shout channel should only be used for looking for party, a rez or if your base is getting attacked. And if someone does shout out and you want to speak to them use tell if you can, the whole server doesnt need to hear the conversation.
On the other server I play they have a place on the forums for trading of items, this cuts down the shouts and gives the players a chance to see what everyone has to sell and what stats the items have on them
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Post by JesterOI »

What is the ignore player command then?
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Post by Souldin »

lol........ yes i feel weird playing NS without everyone chatting all over the shout channel. I grew up in the south :roll: .. what can i say..
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Post by Daltian »

If he says ooc. That means ignore him. :P

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Post by Souldin »

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Post by Lothy »

i find shout channel abuse quite funny and entertaining.

i think most people who are pissed about this are just taking a game a bit too seriously. its just a game, and its fun to hear some dorks argue about pointless things.

yesterday i heard a quote that made me laugh for half an hour

Person1 (possibly RPer) "Where can a lvl 4 Druid go hunting?"

the reply was quick and effective:

Person2 (possibly PGer) "Where can i hunt lvl 4 Druids?"
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Post by Knightwing4 »

*cough* Teen rating *cough*

Psycho Dordt
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

i really dont mind all teh shouting
(used to be in 10+ ppl parties or South) gives you soem nice spamm to reade while lvling
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Post by Dallas17 »

meh, i'd be happy if they banned it. would force players to actually find each other to interact with each other... imagine if players actually had to go to a marketplace if they expected to sell thier things *gasps*
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