Why do archers suck mommy?

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Why do archers suck mommy?

Post by ATI »

Because archers don't deserve to have better arrows at lvl 9 hon :D

Seriously the arrows in NS4 at lvl 9 are way nerfed and it ain't fair. My lvl 11 Arcane archer attacks and deals a whopping 7 damage per arrow (and only hits 1.5 times per 4 rounds) against an ogre raider. Thats pitiful damage for a character class DESIGNED to use arrows. The arrows right now are so shantee its not worth being an archer, please stop nerfing the arrows at lvl 9 and make them do some more damage.
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Dmg vs giants is worse, i love my crits of 20 on a massive crits d10 bow with +2 dmg from mighty and +1d10 from arrows :(
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Ezer »

I'd also like to voice my opinion on the level restrictions on some of the arrows...to go from 1d4 to 1d6 is a level 3 or 4 requirement, to go from 1d6 to 1d8 is a level 9 requirement. Am I missing something here? 5 levels for 2 extra points of damage?! Also, you can craft bows and arrows that you can't even use until 3-4 levels later, anybody else think this is pretty strange logic? I'm pretty sure this applies to all the other tradeskills as well...

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Post by -=Mushra=- »

hmm true casters should get better arrows but id put a class restrict on it for actually bow users. (arcane archers, rangers, rogues.) since make a cleric high wizdom high con and cha for saves then add 1 level monk for wisdom ac and use robes, then get zen archery and you get a cleric who casts immense strong spells got high [censored] saves, and a ab without buffs is redicilous high then add the fun ab buffs and you gain a decent 60 ab without stat gear at lv 40 add mabey a lv ranger or fighter at the right time for 5 attack rounds or 4 dunno wich one and you hit all attacks on someone. then add your arrows then the stupid 10-20 dmg it might do it alot more. concidering the monk haste bug wich allows a cleric to cast faster or even attack faster well you got a rather unbalanced char :S

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Post by Sir Sean »

Those arrows aren't 1d8 arrows, they're +1d8 arrows, just like a melee weapon of the same quality. Let's check the stats, shall we?

9th level arrows: +1d8 piercing
9th level longbow: 1d8 piercing, +1 ab, +1 mighty, +1d8 massive crits
Crafted 9th level longbow: 1d8 piercing, +1 ab, +2 mighty, +1d6 massive crits

9th level longsword: 1d8+1d8 slashing, +1 enhance, +1d8 massive crits

I don't see any major difference, although melee types will get their strength damage. That may be what's causing the discrepancies you've noted, but it's one of the drawbacks of being an archer (or a finesse fighter). Now, if the bows aren't getting their base damage, that's a bug, and it should be reported. Or possibly you're just going up against too many things with piercing resistance... try changing to a different hunting ground. But I will tell you that more things have slashing resist than piercing resist.

(Please don't try to sidetrack this discussion by arguing that arrows are expendable and a sword isn't; that wasn't part of the original contention, and if it was, it should have been stated.)

The tradeskill levels and the item restriction levels were put in at different times during closed, and were never matched against each other. This is one of the things we hope to balance during open.

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Post by Spooky »

Strange my lvl 8 char (lvl 1 AA) does fine dmg in formians,even more fine that some fighter types,propably coz formians aint got pierc resist..archers are fine so far i have no complain

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Post by Lothy »

wow, being limited to only +1d8 arrows isnt good at all. there should be like +2d6 to all physical. thats like lvl 17 arrows or something.
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Post by Revenge »

What are you blind? Sean just gave us an example of how lvl 9 ranged and melee items are the same.

A lvl 9 longsword used by a str fighter will do 2d8 +6 or so depending on your str mod. A lvl 9 longbow will do 2d8 +2 depending on your your str mod. Dex fighters wont even get this damage bonus, and will end up do less damage!

But if you really wanna be an archer then just go rogue, a lvl 9 rogue would do 2d8+5d6+2 damage per arrow, with 2 attacks per round. That gives him a range of 9-48 damage per shot, or 18-96 per round. He'd do on average 25 per shot (this is ofcourse under the assumption that you are either fighting in a group or corner sneaking if solo)

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Post by AndrewCarr »

One of the main problems ati and i agree on is that archers get shafted when things have high resists. Casters can change elemental dmgs or to death or disabling spells, and melees can switch weapon types. Archers generally don't have that option, and so far i haven't seen any arrows with elemental or non-piercing dmg.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by JesterOI »

Why you gotta talk about mommies like this on Mother's Day?
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Post by MrShadow »

ok guys.. we will give your archers more damage.. but you can not attack a creature outside of hand to hand melee range..

guys.. you do remember you're not playing NS3 anymore right?

arrows do just dandy damage.. they just don't get the STR bonus..

the solution to that: TAKE UP A HAND-TO-HAND MELEE WEAPON!

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Post by AndrewCarr »

We already had the discussion about taking up a melee weapon. The only decent dex weapon that isn't piercing as well is a handaxe. Whoopdedoo.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by XxDkCobraxX »

i believe that rapiers do slashing damage.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Nope, they definately do piercing damage.
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Post by JesterOI »

Yeh rapiers do peircing.
Maces are small weapon and can be used with finesse can't they? They're bludgeoning.
Kukri's have only 1d4 damage, but a wide crit range, and they are slashing.
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