Bigbys Interposing

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Bigbys Interposing

Post by Terminal Insanity »

I would even consider putting this on the bugs page but...

its been so gimped out that its worthless.
Bigbys Interposing: Level 5, -10 ab, 1 round.
True Strike: Level 1, +10 ab, 1 round

Anyone else see a problem here? Both spells basicaly do the exact same thing. The only difference is one is taking up a higher level slot. Why not just remove Bigbys interposing if the devs hate it so much?

The way casters are getting gimped is disgusting.
If you want to make every class equal then i'd suggest you look at the clerics first.
AO Cleric can solo the wyrmwoods at level one. Sorcs cant even do that without summons untill level 10... and even with summons, its difficult at level 5. Rofl and people STILL want to remove summons all together. Bloody hack'n'slash brainless diablo junkies go back to where you came from

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Post by JesterOI »

I agree only on the point that spell durations have been gimped. Don't like this stuff about spells with 1hour/lvl are reduced to 1turn/level. What's the point of this?
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Post by DeputyDog »

Hmm I like this spell. Lokey must have gimped it. We shall give it longer life. Both are supposed to be 1 rnd per lvl.
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Post by JesterOI »

True Strike is 1 round per level now? I guess that's ok with with only +10 ab, but not the +20 it used to have...
Personally though I would prefer the +20 with a 2 round duration to use some of the touch spells to greater effect...
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Post by Æ »

There's a big difference between gaining a bunus to your attack and imposing a penalty on an enemy's attack... they're two very different things. The +10 to your attack adds to your chance to hit, whereas, imposing an attack penalty on an enemy does nothing to improve your chances to hit, but makes it so that enemy hit's you less often.
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Post by Lokey »

True Strike is one attack in PnP, 9 seconds in NWN so it has a use at level 1. The attack bonus ceiling is still 20 from all sources too AFAIK with 1.62.


Need the source material--you put the hand up and -10 ab no save no check for caster level rounds? Actually I need to know what all the spells in Bigby's line of cheese are supposed to do, and what balances them from whatever source they're from (not in the SRD).

Right now Interposing's effect is stronger than Bio's (-10 ab v. all ac types instead of only dodge), but a lot shorter. I like the idea of hand distracts you while I walk up to make this nasty touch attack instead of you don't have a chance to hit me forever--remember NPCs have these spells too now.
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Post by JesterOI »

DeputyDog wrote:Hmm I like this spell. Lokey must have gimped it. We shall give it longer life. Both are supposed to be 1 rnd per lvl.

That "Both" had me confused...
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Post by dond »

Lokey wrote:True Strike is one attack in PnP, 9 seconds in NWN so it has a use at level 1. The attack bonus ceiling is still 20 from all sources too AFAIK with 1.62.


Need the source material--you put the hand up and -10 ab no save no check for caster level rounds? Actually I need to know what all the spells in Bigby's line of cheese are supposed to do, and what balances them from whatever source they're from (not in the SRD).

Right now Interposing's effect is stronger than Bio's (-10 ab v. all ac types instead of only dodge), but a lot shorter. I like the idea of hand distracts you while I walk up to make this nasty touch attack instead of you don't have a chance to hit me forever--remember NPCs have these spells too now.

i haven't seen npcs with the crazy igms atm, thank god :P

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Post by Bob »

With AC, soaks, & multiclassing options so much lower compared to NS3, does the -10 make a caster untouchable?

I suppose it might be a problem since some of the chimpy-choo-choo builds (caster & 1 lvl monk and/or pally) are still accessable for characters in some of the non-dedicated factions, but that leads back to another emerging problem. With the restrictions the way they are now, factions based on class (The Circle, Mystral Ascendency, and to a lesser degree the Northern Coalition), produce much weaker multiclass combinations than open factions based on race or nothing at all (LA), even though the intention was (I assume) to make them the home faction for certain classes in the same way dwarves and drow have home factions.

I suppose one possible solution would be to restrict epic levels in druid or mage classes to the dedicated factions, but that wouldn't be a very popular decision.

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Post by Sagil »

I yet have to find something that my lvl 29 AA can't hit... :twisted:
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Post by Spooky »

Well class restricted factions have been nicely put with other restricted classes to balance things out however that doesnt negate the fact that restricted class factions cant make certain builds but they can definately make their own, as class restricted factions also have faction restricted PRC's 8)

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Post by Chimaira »

Bigby spells all work purty simple.
Interposing sux the most, it has no save, and the only counter is restoration. What do I see? I have a vision of a world where fighters can buy restoration potions! Once those are in you can smack the AB penalty as high as you can, and put the duration at 1 hour per lvl for all I care, since theres a counter then(No other bigby can be restored by a potion)
Bullrush is pretty complicated. Its 1d20+14 vs 1d20+size modifier+strength mod, I think.
Bigbys grappling hand is pretty fair, just like bigbys crushing hand. The save is an AC check, and another check which is pretty much impossible to succeed at. Im not sure what the exact DC is, should just look in the spell scripts I guess. Bigbys Dirty hand(we all know which *wink*) is crappy and not even worth the lvl 8 spell slot, why nerf it then?

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Post by Dyson »

Lokey the Hand spells are all in the SRD, they just don't have Bigby in front of them.

ie: Bigby's Interposing hand is just Interposing Hand.

Can't have names in the SRD which is why Mord is called Mage's Disjunction.
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Post by Lokey »

Thanks, new versions next build.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.


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