Gold and Item Sinks

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Gold and Item Sinks

Post by Bariagan »

It is relatively easy to acquire large amounts of items and gold, and while most of it is used purchase better equipment--90k armor and other things, there still seems to be a lot of it floating around.

I think it would be a good idea, and also fun, to have alternative ways of spending gold and using items, especially some of the smaller low level items like spider icons and frogs. One option, which I have seen implemented on muds and other games, is to have a place where items and gold can be sacrificed to particular deities.

Many, if not all (I have yet to play them all), of the factions have a temple in them (and it would be fun to come across shrines or altars devoted to the other major deities), so they could have sacrifical "chests" similar to the merchants, where you put in items and gold and they vanish, offered up to a deity.

Seeing as people probably won't do this out of the goodness of their heart, you would probably have to offer some incentives. Maybe x amount of sacrifice will have a spell effect cast on you, it could also be a requirement for some of the divine classes, offer special titles (like disciple of Torm), provide equipment or enhance current items, or allow for other in game effects from the notice of the deity-- e.g. if you die there is an x% chance based on your tithing that you will be raised, or the respawn penalty waived, or a minion of your god might be sent to aid you if you are having trouble in a battle. After the effect takes place you'd need to sacrifice more gold and items to create the chance again.

You could even do neat things by having some sacrifices worth more than others to particular deities, e.g. Lloth really likes those spider icons whereas Grumbar enjoys gems and jewels.

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Post by JesterOI »

Tithes for pallies ;)

Or donate X00,000 gold and get a XX% xp bonus on kills for the next X game hours.

(Good idea btw!)
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Post by dond »

not a bad idea.

can even put a 'wish' type twist to it. you sacrifice stuff to your god, and then ask for help in battle, and it sends a chicken (not the chickens from ns3!) because you got 8 wis! :P

Wheres the donation box?
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Post by Æ »

Cool idea, i like the chance of divine intervention...

it could be that donating to one god makes you more favored by that one and less favored by an opposing one and there's only the chance of being raised in the realm of the god you worship and equal chance of getting smitten upon entering the opposing god's realm, or doubled respawn penalty or something.

And even though the DM's play the god's in NS4 (and will probably kill us enough as it is lol), it could be scripted in and we can pretend it was still the god/DM }; )
Last edited by Æ on Fri May 07, 2004 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ATI »

sweet! And also, its cool to get minor lvl pots from vendors rather than having them be an exp sink. Pots like bless and aid (in fact that all im talkin about) Would be nice...maybe see a 4x markup in price for the exp tradeoff :D

Still Divine intervention is the bomb!
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.


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