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Post by Alexiagold »

My level 5 fighter in level 5 fighter gear could take level 9-10 ogres easy. I leveled up faster with my level 5 -> 10 fighter than I did with my sorc. I just don't get how/why you fighters complain. You see a fighter in full plate, with a shield has enough AC that most level 10 critters can't hit him, add to that, a well built fighter can hit them easy, and with the right weapon, for full damage, plus a fighter can resist/immune to most of that 20 rolled hit damage, and fighters ROCK. At level 1 mages level easier than fighters (because of familiar & summon), but by level 3 fighters dominate. Hitting level 5 allows the /5 resist gear, which any smart fighter should buy and resist all the damage most level 5 things do, or simply move to slaughtering ogres/other level 10 critters. Heck even at level 10, I was getting 93 solo exp from ogres, which was still fast (ns4 fast) leveling.

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Post by Æ »

we complain when all that stuff is worthless because a mage cast four hundred and two buffs on himself and his summons then hides in the shadows while his summons kill you because you can't hit him or his summons because they all have improved invis and god knows what else on them... yeah ogres are all well and good, if you can fight any of them before some trigger happy enemy dork decides to negate your last half hour of traveling in no time flat...

sorry to rant folks, alexia's condescending attitude rubs me the wrong way lol
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Post by Keish14 »

That's great alexia. But i've got no idea where ogres are and I'm 90% possitive they would rip me to shreads. You've gone through the mod, you've seen what there is with your high level characters so you knew how to build your fighter so that he could level fast. So, that doesn't mean those of us building a fighter as our first character should be penalized for not making a mage and running through the whole mod first. I wouldn't mind knowing what your fighter build is and how an earth it's so bloody powerfull though. Maybe a cleric was just a bad choice. I thought that NS4 was going to be party based so I made a party based cleric, and I'm hating that I chose to because NS4 seems to me to STILL be solo focused, you can't level unless you go solo, and you have to make a solo char to do that. We need better party xp.
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Post by Æ »

that does it! I'm going to make a mage to run around blasting everything to death while I hide behind my summons and collect all the good gear for my fighter too }: P (like i even have the time for a second character now) lol
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Post by ATI »

and Im with keish14 on this one.....If you want players to work together you need to provide incentive. Increasing the synergy tactics experience would facilitate that. Furthermore, that doesn't force players to party at all, it providesa benefit to partying, but it doesn't take away experience to people who fight solo. I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

The easiest way to provide incentives to playing in a party is synergy tactics increase. That would also serve to make players stop caring about the somewhat lame items you get from lvl 5-10. If you can work with a party and get more experience, then you don't have to worry so much aobut you item being lame.
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Post by Æ »

Makes sense to me }: )
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Post by dond »

ATI wrote:and Im with keish14 on this one.....If you want players to work together you need to provide incentive. Increasing the synergy tactics experience would facilitate that. Furthermore, that doesn't force players to party at all, it providesa benefit to partying, but it doesn't take away experience to people who fight solo. I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

The easiest way to provide incentives to playing in a party is synergy tactics increase. That would also serve to make players stop caring about the somewhat lame items you get from lvl 5-10. If you can work with a party and get more experience, then you don't have to worry so much aobut you item being lame.

synergy tactics isn't just about xp :)

there's gonna be special attacks ya can do based on your party formation.

like 3 mages = tri elemental attack etc

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Post by ATI »

that is just icing on a very big cake :D
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Post by JesterOI »

Synergy attacks eh? Kinda like the power rangers putting their guns together to make one BIG gun?


(That gives me an idea for use with The Circle :D )
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Post by ATI »

Dude, Im already the power of Earth! 4 more powers and we can summon captain planet :D
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Post by JesterOI »

Dude, I'm talking Power Rangers, not Captain Planet!!! Get your kid's shows right!!!
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Can i be the blue one? plz plz


Hopefully it can work out of say a mage's spell slots. They could cast an elemental spell, and an added benefit may be(say if it were flame arrow or melf's acid arrow) that it gave a dmg bonus to arrow users in the group, or a weapon buff could turn into a group aoe spell. Things like that would be interesting, along with group monk speed(reduced by # in group, like fleet of foot or pathfinding in shadowbane kinda) and something like a dmg resistence done similarly as the monk idea if there were fighters in the group.
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Post by Shasz »

XP: Party vs. Solo

Some of you must have bad experiences working with others. Every party I've ever gotten into was awesome. (Well, except for the group of 9 level 4-5 dwarves who couldnt' find anything to kill). Parties mean more people swinging at mobs, someone watching your back with a heal kit, rogues get to do (multiple) sneak attacks every round, and the general ability to lay waste to groups of mobs pretty damn fast. Your party needs to go where the killing is good, and get to killing. The XP flies, it honestly does. I got into a group of mostly fighter types this weekend... all from a non-friendly faction mind you... and with nary a summoned critter or non-buff spell cast, we annihilated the giant mountain complex. Several of us leveled. We only wiped on the bosses at the bottom, and I think that was mostly because we just mobbed them with no strategy. Partying may force you to share your xp, but you do get bonuses, and you can wipe things out in 1/4 to 1/10th the time it would take you solo. Some characters, like my rogue, act like two added damage dealers when partied with only one other person. I can go to dual wield and apply sneak attack damage every round, killing things 3-4 times faster than if I was soloing. And the xp is only split in half, + the synergy bonus. A group of 6 ogres that it takes me 7-10 minutes to solo goes down in under 2 minutes with just one partner of my level, and we move on to the next group.

Item strength:

Come on... the extra damage on weapons is what necessitates the extra resists on armors. The drawbacks of playing a halfling or gnome only able to dual wield 1d6 or 1d4 weapons go away when you can add d8 or 2d8 or 3d8 as you progress in levels. The drawbacks of a dex build doing less damage than a str build also starts to wane. And you want even more damage from weapons? I think the added damage they do in the first place is the problem, the resists could be toned down after that's fixed. They both have to go or both exist, but not one or the other. The weaponmaster can improve his crit range and multiplier to force his chosen weapon past high resists, everyone else has to learn to carry multiple weapon types, as has been said before, and take a chance on weapon focus / imp. critical if you feel you must.


There isn't any, casters and melee are two different animals. This is rock, scissors, paper, not flip a coin to see who wins. You want to be a rock and solo? Then just pick on scissors mobs. You want to take on everything? Bring a scissors and preferably a paper friend along with you. The mod *IS* meant to be a partying mod, but you *CAN* solo a lot of it. Some things you just can't solo, and maybe someone else can. But there will be some things they can't solo that you can easily. You pick how you want to play the mod and then play what you can in your style, the dev's shouldn't have to make everything accesible to you just because you want to see it solo.
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Post by sep caldessian »

i agree with that.

but i cannot get a party for anything. everyone i meet doesnt want to even stop and say hello, party up, or even do the "hello" emotion. ive been in a party maybe 15% of the time im on. i cant understand why. the RPers should want someeone to RP with and the PGers should want someone to kill with for more xp. instead, there are players running around in the same map trying to get the kills. i guess 95% of the people i meet are higher level than me and dont want to party up for some odd reason.

im really flexible, ill RP if im in a group of RPers and ill PG when im with the PGers. this has happened in 3 different factions now, NC, SL, and AO.

maybe im doing something wrong, who knows.

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Post by Dyson »

Most likely it's that you are either too low or too high for the person to party with you. I'm not sure of the numbers but XP penalties get really horrendous when you are more than 2 or 3 levels away.
=CI= Dyson of AO
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