Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

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Post by sep caldessian »

AndrewCarr wrote:Run Away! all you need to do. Keep a haste pot for that special occasion, or just ask to be left alone. I don't know anyone here who wants to ruin another's experience. They just want combat, and as they can't get any 1v1 challenges, why not attack a whole town and fight npcs and pcs alike?
And if you can't run away, there are things like invis or stealth, or pets to slow the person down. I really honestly don't see how out of all the people here, no one has an "I escaped from axon" story, just a "i tried to attack him or fight him and he killed me, wtf is that? no way!"

and thats fine...but breaking combat with an npc guard to attack and kill me for the second time in 5 minutes when my character is level 1 is NOT looking for combat challenges, but is an outright griefer.

i tried to run away, believe me...but all it takes is one hit at levels 1-3 to die. as stated before, i dont mind gratuitous (sp) PVP, i just think that some players are d---heads. nothing anyone can do to chagne that.

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Post by Dyson »

AndrewCarr wrote:I really honestly don't see how out of all the people here, no one has an "I escaped from axon" story, just a "i tried to attack him or fight him and he killed me, wtf is that? no way!"

Some people have problems escaping a combat that opens with having to make DC 35 fort save...
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Post by AndrewCarr »

sep, if you're still lvl 1-3 at this point, unless you're rerolled 5 new chars, then i can't understand why you're complaining about this. Why not go for a huge boost in xp instead, with an instant lvl40 gain for rpers?

As it is, i've seen a couple instances of town invasions by small groups of low level players, along with a couple instances of shouts going out of town invasions. If you're getting killed this much, and someone is attacking you this much, then maybe it's a personal problem and not a problem with the game. I'd support the guy getting an xp and gold hit every time he kills you if you're easy or effortless, but none of this "ban him for pking me" or "lemme be invulnerable til lvl10" bs.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by sep caldessian »

AndrewCarr wrote:sep, if you're still lvl 1-3 at this point, unless you're rerolled 5 new chars, then i can't understand why you're complaining about this. Why not go for a huge boost in xp instead, with an instant lvl40 gain for rpers?

As it is, i've seen a couple instances of town invasions by small groups of low level players, along with a couple instances of shouts going out of town invasions. If you're getting killed this much, and someone is attacking you this much, then maybe it's a personal problem and not a problem with the game. I'd support the guy getting an xp and gold hit every time he kills you if you're easy or effortless, but none of this "ban him for pking me" or "lemme be invulnerable til lvl10" bs.

ok the first paragraph, i have no idea what you mean. id like a huge boost in xp, but i cant seem to find a good place to hunt. also i have rolled up about a dozen characters but only played about 3 of them for more than one session. i have a level 4 sorc, level 3 wiz and a level 2 rogue.

i dont have a problem with pvp, but when you get killed in your starting town twice in 5 minutes, there isnt much you can do. im not asking for any special treatment from the DMs, im asking the players to not be a-holes about killing a level 1 multiple times.

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Post by anya_dolameci »

I've had problems with being killed lately, too. at level 4, i was moving between maps (crossroads and something else) and the screen comes up and i get ready to move and boom, an okie (level 10-11 or so?) comes running by and kills me in one hit and runs off. but i've also had meetings that posed no problem, just walking by players from other factions, or coming into the game and seeing them fighting a guard, but not attacking me.
I think pvp makes the game more interesting as long as people play respectfully. The game becomes ultimately harder when a low level player is killed when they try and go out to a place to level; just about as hard as staying within the realms of the city and levelling off killing rats for 6xp each.
I think that people should just think before causing other players grief like that, especially when there arent lot of high level players yet (like high level clerics that can res) to help out the low level characters. Once the average level moves upward to about 10 or 11, then I think things can be different -- once more people have a chance instead of getting killed in one hit.
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Post by Chimaira »

sep caldessian wrote:
AndrewCarr wrote:Run Away! all you need to do. Keep a haste pot for that special occasion, or just ask to be left alone. I don't know anyone here who wants to ruin another's experience. They just want combat, and as they can't get any 1v1 challenges, why not attack a whole town and fight npcs and pcs alike?
And if you can't run away, there are things like invis or stealth, or pets to slow the person down. I really honestly don't see how out of all the people here, no one has an "I escaped from axon" story, just a "i tried to attack him or fight him and he killed me, wtf is that? no way!"

and thats fine...but breaking combat with an npc guard to attack and kill me for the second time in 5 minutes when my character is level 1 is NOT looking for combat challenges, but is an outright griefer.

i tried to run away, believe me...but all it takes is one hit at levels 1-3 to die. as stated before, i dont mind gratuitous (sp) PVP, i just think that some players are d---heads. nothing anyone can do to chagne that.

Welcome to free PvP sep.
jerks exist, they will not go away, you can make as much rules as you like, ban as much of them as you want, they will still keep coming and find their way to lvl 40.

The way I see it this sad type of player just needs to be banned on sight, but that aint as easy. I mean look at Axon, I know how he plays, I know Im effy and he kills me, but hes no griefer, yet people mark him as a griefer just cause he sends a FoD their way when they attack him. Whats good however, is that theres no XP loss, and that even tho someone can kill you alot, you cant really be stagnated on lvling because everytime you get a bit of XP an impossible blows you apart and you lose another 500 XP. There are still some bugs which can cause you to lose XP, but theyll probably be fixed or have rules(such as not attacking a player engaged in a challenging NPC encounter). A bad fix would be to make people lose XP/GP, true griefers wont be bothered by it, and it only punishes players that just happen to gain an AOO against a hostile effy that runs by, which you can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against, other then to avoid the effy like hes a time bomb which aint what people are focussed on doing while trying to beat 7 NS guards. And it only opens up a new way for griefers to piss you off, yes you know what I mean.

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Post by Æ »

Can't run away from a mage, they all have haste and long range spells, it's impossible to escape any Axon bent on killing you... and i didn't even mention death magic (a mage doesn't even need necro focus or anything to instantly kill most characters in NS4 with a death spell, as saves are extremely low)

You know, even the most rigid, boring, by-the-books servers usually have rings of resistance of up to +5 universal available
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Post by Dyson »

Tonight we had a party of 4 14-16 chars. 3 fighter types and a cleric. We got jumped by Axon. Tried to get to her but the wail went off. 4 dead PC's. I have a modified 24 Con at level 14 with a couple of classes that have good fort saves. I think I need to roll a 19 or so to save. Even at 20th Axon had a DC 35 Wail, it's probably close to 40 by now.

The lack of Universal Save bonus items are definitely a problem IMO. So far I have seen two suits of lvl 9 armor that have +3 to death saves but that doesn't help vs the pris sprays and DBF's.

And yes, death ward would have stopped the Wail cold and Axon probably would have been in some trouble, but when there is one cleric buffing a bunch of PC's to deal with giants something has to give.
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Post by bongoblue »

Myself, I cannot figure out why impossibles go after low level characters.

Such combat must be very boring for the impossibles... or the impossibles wont go after tough monsters because the impossibles' player characters wouldn't know what to do to win the combat.

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Post by JesterOI »

If armor or shield has a +# to ac it should also get the same +# to uni saves
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Post by Alexiagold »

Yes because at level 40 you'll have gained a ton to your saves, and my DC will have gone up by what 2? LOL, yea + to universal saves is desperately needed, so that no one will ever fail saves once they get epic levels. Or you could even take feats to increase your saves, since I took feats to make my DCs higher... but no that would require you to alter your "uber" build. And we can't have you being forced to alter your build. As AE keeps saying, "I want my WM rapier to kill everything without a challenge, my build should be uber, so nerf everyone else. Nerf paladins, they get anti-caster abilities I don't get. Nerf Sorcs becuase they get spells that can hurt me. Nerf Clerics because they wear the same armor fighters do, so the'll have resistances, but they have death spells (currently higher DC than arcane)... Nerf everything but the WM rapier build, because that's my build!! " :roll: :roll: And the Spamer/whiners seem to agree. Seriously if you repost the same thing 20 times in a thread its not a better idea, its dumber, since you feel it needs 20 reposts just to be read. Apparently if no one is responding, maybe wait more than 5 minutes? Or maybe its because they don't know what to say, maybe you blew them away with your brilliance, or maybe your idea was so crazy no one took you seriously.

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Post by Æ »

That's not at all what I said, I didn't say any of that crap, all I was saying is that there should be weapons of the same type with varying types of physical damage so weapon masters can switch weapons for situations and still use their weapon of choice. DON'T put words in my mouth (that would have gotten you so many beatings if you grew up in new york) your presuptuous little condescending snob ... you're starting to really annoy me... leave me out of your litany of friggin stupidity... As of now you are nothing but a ranting, bratty little lying girl in my eyes and nothing you will ever have to say from this point forward will have any credibility.

And I'll be ignoring you, as you're not worth the energy it takes to even type this, you waste of cellular matter

LOL, she blatantly denies what even an idiot can see.... you may not think it's a problem when a whole party of comparable level can't save against you instantly slaying them even if they rolled a 20, I'm not saying that you should only be able to get them on a 1 either, but shouldn't they at least have a 50% chance? Again you're just trying to justify having an advantage in a mod that isn't even finished yet and that we're trying to help develop while you get off on slaying us all effortlessly... please, go touch yourself if you need a thrill that badly or to release your pent up sexual frustration that you take out on other players

jeez some people

Now that you've had your tongue handed back to you... Have a nice day }: )
Last edited by Æ on Tue May 04, 2004 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ToxicOkie »

i personaly think we should nerf it all down to this
you have a choice of caster gear which is a hot pink thong and a tanktop
or tank gear which is a birthday suit

we all are armed with water baloons filled with pudding, and we go pvp all out on a very safe giant matriss, last person their has to eat the cracker

o and level 1 with 300 exp is the max cap for levels cause anything else is to uber..

that would be fun

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Post by Alexiagold »

You know I set out to quote you saying everything thing I just paraphrased, but seriously, doing so would encompass writting a novel, of just quotes of you, whining that your WM rapier wielder can't get KD because you don't have the feats, can't do X, can't compete with Y, etc.
(oh but you also said you fight with "honor" which is why you said

your presuptuous little condescending snob ... you're starting to really annoy me... leave me out of your litany of friggin stupidity... As of now you are nothing but a ranting, bratty little lying girl in my eyes

And that's the honor that prevent's you from getting IKD, using heals? And oh, when have I ever killed you? Never? Oh then why do you claim I have, using abusive tricks?

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Post by AndrewCarr »

i personaly think we should nerf it all down to this
you have a choice of caster gear which is a hot pink thong and a tanktop
or tank gear which is a birthday suit

we all are armed with water baloons filled with pudding, and we go pvp all out on a very safe giant matriss, last person their has to eat the cracker

o and level 1 with 300 exp is the max cap for levels cause anything else is to uber..

that would be fun

And no summons or pets. They'd just 0wn everone.

[Edit:] Quote added[/quote]
Lindon Erithar
Quickie Mart the <a href=''>Okie Ambassador</a>


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