Arkane shifter build?

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Cthulhu Drega
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Arkane shifter build?

Post by Cthulhu Drega »

was leveling a mage and messing with the revamped polymorph spell and had an idea for a build. however i dont have all the info i need inorder to flesh it out.

12 ftr 20 mage 8 rogue ? idk if sneak will apply in the forms tho

Imp crit in light flail ( for the zombie form) greatsword (balor) spear (fire giant) unarmed strike ( for other tho idk if it will work on them )
esf trans ( obvious reasons ) Stunning fist ( agian idk if it will be able to work with forms) exstend spell

i know helms are not xfered to the forms but idk if armor shields wep ect are

most of the spell selections are buffs maybe a coupple offensive ones for backup aginst enemys that arent good to melee with forms ect

it would be a PvM build i dont think its too viable PvP tho with 3 crit/ sneak immune forms ( golem zombie and Umber hulk) vs a rogue might be effective

i also would like to request that sf trans improves the forms in some way ab ac ect

so if you have input suggestions ect please post them
Last edited by Cthulhu Drega on Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Binkyuk »

sneaks do apply while shifted.
not sure i'd bother with ic: light flail. the o#polymorph self forms are quite low level and will be useless later on - i'd concentrate on boosting the Shapechange forms.

unfortunately you're really not doing yourself justice by sticking to MA. this build would benefit vastly from barbarian or monk levels, and is much better done with Druid than Wizard.

armour and shield ac do merge, but like shifters only the highest ac will merge. i believe all items but gloves now merge with Shapechange forms, but you'll want to stick with the armed ones so that the bonus damage from your weapons also merges, otherwise even Shapechange: Dragon is pretty ineffective due to lack of damage.

Definitely take IKD, as the Shapechange forms are alol Large or Huge, so you'll get a big size bonus to the discipline check.

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Post by MasterYoda »

on the note about the weapon.... I don't think it merges.

I've tested the dragons damage ( and other forms) with didnji blade , imbud admnt scimi and sickle , ghost maul AND unarmed and the damage stays the same no matter what weapon u ''merge''
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Post by -BannyD- »

dragons do not have a weapon. if you shifted into risen lord, the weapon properties would merge. and gloves in general never merge for shifters so dont even try to use monk gloves for insane unarmed dmg
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Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

as far as sticking with MA well its my guild home so i got to do with what i can ranger would be a mutch better choice also as they get polymorph but meh ill fiddle with it and see what i can come up with
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Post by Binkyuk »

Banny is right. forms with a weapon merge weapon properties, unarmed forms don't. you don't *have* to try this stuff, any shifter FAQ tells you (as does the Changelog in this case).
Hence Shapechange: Dragon will have pants damage while Shapechange: Balor and Fire Giant should merge weapon properties and therefore have the bonus damage, keen etc that your weapon does. It'll even inherit the stat damage of your amazon ghost maul, and temp weapon enchantments (like flame weapon).

Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

well did some more testing and sadly wepons DO NOT xfer bonuses over for polymorph spell idk about SC yet but its prolly the same.

perhaps if the dev team takes my suggestion SF Trans can add the wep bonuses in forms and GSF trans can add armor bonuses to the forms along with increased stats or ab ect.
"There is no great genius without some touch of madness." - Seneca

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