New and need help making a char

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New and need help making a char

Post by Tinsicka »

Hello all!

I'm new... Not easy being new. :(

I've made a monk and explored a bit and made it to level 4.

I've met some very nice people who have helped in different ways, and I want to thank those.

I was told monks don't do well on this server. I'm not very good at creating chars, I've only been on 2 servers so far. I've had a ranger who made it to level 5 after 6 months of playing on a heavy rp server and I've had a bard/rdd and a bard/pm, as well as a pure monk on a great server that welcomes role players but is mostly a power gamer server. I spent all last Winter there and had a great time.

I have never played on a pvp server and the whole idea of factions sounds really interesting. I will soon be off work again for the winter (I work on a golf course) and I'm really looking forward to spending most of my time gaming on a great server. What I need is help making a char that will do well on your sever so I can contribute.

I still have to work for another month or so... While I do I can slowly build a char and it can have a few level by the time I can really play. All I need is some help building the right kind of char, it would be much appreciated.

And yes I have read the FAQ and have learned about jobs and crafting.

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Post by Binkyuk »

it's difficult to go too wrong with a 16/4 cleric/fighter. Take 4 fighter levels for martial proficiency, weapon specialisation, discipline skill and a 4th attack in epic levels. Consider taking 13-14 Int and taking the KD and IKD feats. Otherwise have 14 con and moderate charisma (between 10 and 14) and make sure you up your wisdom high enough to keep casting your best spells while boosting strength otherwise.
In terms of weapons to specialise in, it's pretty free, but personally i wouldn't choose a slashing weapon, so warhammer and rapier are probably the top two.
For domains take Travel as one (unfortunately it is rather good), and choose the other based on your preference.
For skills take concentration, discipline and spellcraft and consider cross classing in Spot if you have the skill points.

You'll be able to hold your own in a fight, and you'll pretty much always be welcome in a party for your ability to raise dead and cast long lasting buffs, even if you're a bit slow on the combat healing and short term buffs. You can also make some money on the side selling raise scrolls, and when you make another character you can supply yourself with scrolls, 'cos buying them is a minor pain.

The only gotcha is that the some common cleric buff spells have changed, namely Bless, Aid, Prayer and Battletide. Check the NS4 Changelog in News and Announcements for the details.

Other than making your own healing potions and scribing scrolls, i wouldn't bother with a crafting discipline just yet.

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Post by Tinsicka »

Sounds like good advice, thanks. :)

Unfortunately I don't want to play a cleric. :( I read on this board how well they do but they don't fit me. As a matter of fact I'm not good at all with users of complicated magic.

I really like bards, rangers and monks. I've never played a rogue or shadowdancer but those I wouldn't mind trying. I just don't want a wiz, sorc, cleric, druid or shapeshifter.

I do want help and suggestions preferably with a bard, monk or ranger and what they would multiclass well with on this server.

I'm also looking forward to learning about magical items and how they will affect character builds.

But right now I'm having a good time learning and figuring things out. :)

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Post by Myrdyr »

Since you've played bard/rdd's before, you might want to create one here. It'll have to be an Ancient Order character. A Bard/Fighter/RDD or a Bard/Barbarian/RDD might suit you. Both are very simple to make and play.

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Post by Kirg »

Yup to min max it take 8lvls rdd 8 bard and 4 lvl fighter preepic. That would give your ab the best cut, while giving you some nice features from bard and rdd to survive.
Keep in mind that you dont get xp penalty for not having your fighter lvls at the same height as the bard on NS4. Lvl up as you like.
Read about the subraces too, they enhance the gameplay considerably.

As Myrdyr wrote RDD would have to play out of Sleeth, Arcane Order. It's a good spot to start. The guilds there are very well organized (you will benefit from the relic bonus, enhancing your xp win) and will certainly help another AO on it's way.
Last edited by Kirg on Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »



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Post by watchwood »

On the other hand, if you'd rather not do a bard/RDD, there's the bard/AA that's becoming rather common out in TC. Which mix of Bard and Arcane Archer is up to personal preference in terms of buff/AA goodness. (I'd go heavy on the AA myself, for the +15 arrow goodness. AA's are the only class that can get an enchantment of +7 or better)

Also, you could consider a ranger/monk specializing in duel Kamas. Monks get many awesome perks, including the most attacks/round of any class in the game. Toss in some ranger buff spells, and that could also be an interesting build to play with.
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Dwarven Defenders (Ragnar's Kin only) are very sturdy characters and survivable. You can always go for a Weapon Master build, hard to go wrong there. Shadowdancers are very survivable as well. Ghostwise Halflings make great Shadowdancers with their Camoflauge.

An easy way to go would be Fighter/Rogue/Dwarven Defender. Rogue for Tumble AC, fighter for feats and everything else, and Dwarven Defender for all the great benefits. They work out pretty well. Or you could go for a Spellsword character, usually a Fighter/Wizard or some combination similar. A self-buffing character is very solo-efficent, hence the Spellsword build.

Off-Topic: Nice cameo role in the Splash Splash Screenplay watchwood over in aokheave :lol: , quite entertaining.

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Post by sldsmkd »

There's also the Paladin/Champion of Torm build in the NC. They have decent defense / offense, fantastic saving throws and a lot of extra melee damage against the undead & evil - and get a few useful buffs.

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Post by Tinsicka »

Thank you everyone for all your excellent suggestions. Looks like I’ll let go of the monk and make a bard.

Don’t know if I’ll multiclass it RDD, I’m leading towards PM at the moment. As suggested I’ll also read some more about subclasses.

Unfortunately I have to work all weekend but I’ll get started on the new char Monday.

Thanks again for the help, I’ll look forward to meeting you all in game soon.

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Post by Binkyuk »

You need to decide at the beginning unfortunately, as if you want to be a PM you need to be in the Mystral Ascendancy, and if you want to be a RDD you need to be in the Ancient Ones. (or Arcane Oddjobs, or Anachronistic Order, or whatever else you want to call AO).

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Post by Tinsicka »

Yes, I had that much figured out. ;) But what I didn't know and have read since is that the Mystral Ascendency faction is one of the hardest to start in for a new player. Now that is food for thought. I'm going to do do some more reading before I decide, any advice is welcome.


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