1.68 animation choppy on some PCs

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Post by CrazyJ »

Wheat before the scythe!

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T. Rick Of The Light
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Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

Eat steel scum!

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Post by blay »

You could try disabling the cloaks "visually" w/ this:

http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Ha ... il&id=6934

Drunken Dwarf
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Post by Drunken Dwarf »

I am having this same problem (severe choppiness)

Odd thing is that on my laptop everything runs fine, all the time. Crowded. Empty. Never any choppiness.

On my gaming workhorse it is stutter city and it sucks. to be honest I never thought of taking off my cloak to see if that helps or not. If it does I will certainly DL that .2da file to disable cloaks.

Thanks for the link.

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Post by CrazyJ »

I posted on the bio forum about this.

I've asked the players on my PW and responses so far say that everything is as it was before.

Some of those people may have some stuff in their override folder that is slowing them down. They should see if they stop lagging if they move their override content out of the folder.

Let me know if this is the case or not, if it's not then I will follow up with a new thread over there since the old cloak thread hit 10 pages and got locked for length.

Drunken Dwarf
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Post by Drunken Dwarf »

Ok. So I got realy sick of the stuttering issue last night and reinstalled NWN. Uninstalled, defraged, reinstalled.

Problem solved. Must have been something screwy with the patching over and over again or sumtin.

That might help someone who is also having the problem.


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