Concerning Guildhalls

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Concerning Guildhalls

Post by Ragnareith »

I was just wondering, seeing as I'm close to finishing the guildhall for the Illithid Order, what the precise restrictions and limitations are for guildhalls. Search function doesn't turn up what I'm looking for, so I was hoping that you guys could assist me here.

For example, I've heard that the placeable limit per red tile in the grid view mode is 2, and I've heard that it's 2-3 from others. I'm also interested in knowing the exact regulations for NPCs and the like, such as how much we can do with the dye merchant, etc.

Any advice on this topic is appreciated :)
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Post by Kromix »

search the forums... start in guild forums maybe start by serching or lookinf in a sticky like this 1...
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TGPO wrote: Call me a nazi all you want [...] it wont change the way I approach things.

Blystos Re
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Post by Blystos Re »

Netrom posted some pretty good guidelines somewhere.

Also (not in Netrom's notes), Metis asked that we not drop placeables overlapping tiles.

Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

i think his question regards more do we put scripts on the dye merchant ect
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Post by Alain »

You aren't allowed to put in ANY scripts. All scripts will be put in by the developer in charge of putting it in, and comprise of the dye merchant and chairs only.
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Post by Throst54 »

look through this thread, it has the rules scattered through the second page ... c&start=15
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