Item Level Restrictions (herein ILR)

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Item Level Restrictions (herein ILR)

Post by ATI »

First, this isn't a topic about how ILR's are lame, I actually think they are pretty good. However, I think some adjustments need to be done.

Granted you don't want lvl ones holding the stuff a craftsman could make or anything like that...But there is a problem. Why is it that when I craft an item, i can't use it? The theory I have seen was debate through homology: For example

If a baby picks up a rocket launcher, the baby can't use the rocket launcher. There were some King Arthur quotes and some other funny Wheel of TIme Quotes.

However, if a person has the expertise to make the item, shouldn't they be allowed to use it? I think so. My craftsman Ranger is only lvl 7 crafter a cool bow, but he can't use it because it's lvl 9 ILR.
Another thing is I think we need to tone down some of the ILR's right know the ILR's are the biggest block to being able to explore more areas of map. For example... its hard to move out to areas outside of teh Niragawa encampments because they have better weapons that you can't access till level 9, which means fighting endless hordes of goblins and lame bugbears until you have to start naming them to add some fun to the whole thing (like bugbear Bob! :) )

I think maybe the ILR's should all be brougth down by two lvls...i don't know how much that offsets things for further items, but i think it wouldn't be too bad.

I'm just looking to see if there is any flexibilty on the ILR's, if there isn't oh well... Im still going to play. If there is, i think the gamers want to know what those changes might be int eh future..

DONT TURN THIS INTO a flame post: I am assuming you like ILR's but you just want them changed aroudn abit. IF you don't like ILR's then please make your own post. THey are necessary to the game, i just want to see if they can be implemented better, thats all. Thank you and good night.
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Post by Knightwing4 »

i agree =/ i bought a helm with int +2, ILR 5, ok, bought one with int +3 and an extra mind affecting +1, ILR 9...

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Post by YelloweFriday »

Yes it's true the real things that hold a player back from goign to new areas is the level restrictions. They come in blocks and aren't evenly spaced out. Most items go from level 5, then 9, then 12, then 15 (haven't gone further). We need in-between items to fill the gaps.

On a side note, has anyone found rings/cloaks/boots/gaunts/ammys that give to Strength? I can't find/buy them anywhere.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

Stat boosts are only found on one type of item each to prevent the stacking that nullifies the usefulness of the stat boosting spells. Strength is only found on gloves if I'm not mistaken.
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Post by AndrewCarr »

yeah, all i've found it on. But con is found on gauntlets and belts, maybe other items as well.

I personally think item level restrictions are lame, unless it has spells per day or charge in it, in which case i can understand not being able to use that part. But since they probably won't be removed, i'd have to go for letting there be more items. As it is, you go from beginning lvl iron items to steel, and then to enhanced. All in bursts, which makes you great the first lvl you buy them at, it also makes you have crappy items right as you're nearing the next cap. So having the crafting thing changed is a great idea imo to encourage crafting and keep people from all looking the same at certain lvls.

[Edit:] Typo

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Post by TastyTreat »

I agree that ILR are a nessesary evil... I also agree with ATI's suggestions that some changes could be made to improve the way ILR are handled. Maybe spreading out the restrictions so that they don't occur in 'blocks' may be enough to appease most people.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

Check out bug 445. CON is supposed to be on belts only. Since I haven't seen anything saying it's supposed to be different, you should post a bug in the tracker (or reopen 445) about it.

Edit: The bug Gil refers to in the next post is number 445. :)
Last edited by DrakhanValane on Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gil-Este »

i think i read something in the bug tracker about how the devs were debating whether to put con on gloves or belts, and they switched around a couple of times, then decided on one of them but haven't changed all of the items of the other type yet. that is why you are seeing con on both belts and gloves and i assume it will be changed at some point.

the reason why gear is less powerful in ns4 than it was in ns3 is because there is supposed to be a greater emphasis on the abilities inherrent to the character class. if your character is the sum of his/her class abilities and items, then lowering the power of one of those two places greater emphasis on the other. items really aren't the be all end all in ns4 like they were in ns3, and even though maybe there isn't a total 1:1 relationship of character abilities progression and item progression, this is a lot less imporant than people are making it out to be.
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Post by DeputyDog »

Con is supposed to be belts and str on gloves/bracers.

If you find anything not that way post it.

IRL levels have already been brought down once. We may end up raising the crafting levels to match but that remains to be seen.

Keep testing.
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Post by YelloweFriday »

On the gauntlets/bracers in NS and avendell shops that give + to con. I also just found a pari of gloves that give +2 to str so I'm happy!

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Post by Sagil »

Does the level of an item get set manually for each item or is it calculated automatically from the stats of the item? Just curious.. :D
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Post by DrakhanValane »

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Post by Sir Sean »

AndrewCarr wrote:yeah, all i've found it on. But con is found on gauntlets and belts, maybe other items as well.

I personally think item level restrictions are lame, unless it has spells per day or charge in it, in which case i can understand not being able to use that part. But since they probably won't be removed, i'd have to go for letting there be more items. As it is, you go from beginning lvl iron items to steel, and then to enhanced. All in bursts, which makes you great the first lvl you buy them at, it also makes you have crappy items right as you're nearing the next cap. So having the crafting thing changed is a great idea imo to encourage crafting and keep people from all looking the same at certain lvls.

[Edit:] Typo

Report any mobs you find Con gaunts on, they're not supposed to have them. The older items had Con on gaunts and Str on belts; that got switched but not all of the mobs got updated. Thank you!

Oh, and if anyone has those Con gauntlets - sell them, or ask a DM to swap them for Str gauntlets of equal type.

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Post by sep caldessian »

I like ILR, but i have no clue what the formula is for the ILR script. It doesnt really bother me, because if i cant use an item -- i cant use it, end of story.

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Post by ATI »

Im just saying its hard to hit the next lvl cap for items. I understand the emphasis is more on character progression rather than item progression. Which I think is really cool because now my seeker arrows from an AA will mean more than they did in NS3. However, the ILR seems to be preventing some from moving forward in the game.

Lets just get some things clear.

Im not asking for the sword that deals 20d6 fire damage, or a YDB or anything like that. Its lame having those things constantly drop because it devalues the character.

What I'm saying is this. Why is there a 4 level difference between a Might Composite Longbow that does +1 AB 1d6 massive critical and +1 mighty vs the +1 AB, 1d6 massive critical and +2mighty longbow? That is what seems to be chaffing me.

In order for me to get 1d8 arrows I have to be lvl 9. But the progression of items in the NWAurora toolset goes from 1d6 to 1d8 to 1d10 to 1d12. Perhaps making 1d8 the lvl 7 mod the 1d10 the 9 and 1d12 lvl 12. Something like that.

I'm not upset, it's just a little hard because bugbear bob is getting unfun to kill time and time again. Or maybe more items like the belt of blessing or something like that, items that can only be used once per day and give minor spell effects. I haven't seen any of those lying around, but a simple belt that gives aid, or camoflouge once per day, that might be really cool.

To compare, At lvl 7 its perfectly acceptable to have a ring of invisibility once per day, arrows that deal 1d8 and add 1d4 lightning, and have boots of the spell haste (the spell not permanent effect) for 5 minutes per day in the PnP version.

Anyways, thats enough out of me, I don't want to seem like im ranting.
I'm really happy with the NS4 build. Oh and I've got Con gloves, they were sold in Melencia by the person. I'll hand them in for STR gloves.
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