Role-Playing, Prayer, and the Gods

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Role-Playing, Prayer, and the Gods

Post by PeregrineV »

I’d like to hear from the DMs and other players their thoughts on this.

In the course of playing in NS4, our characters sometimes pray to the gods. Mostly for raises, or a hello, or just to Shout. Aside from those times, some characters pray more than others. For example, I would expect paladins and clerics, in general, to do more praying as part of the role-playing aspect (if that is how you want to play) than other classes. Or, if for some reason your character is particularly pious, you may pray often also. Since I enjoy the RP part of the game, and I play clerics and paladins, I would like some guidelines on in-game prayers.

For example, praying for a blessing before entering the tomb, and a prayer of thanksgiving when making it out alive. Or a prayer of thanks for defeating a foe, or a request for help when a battle is going badly, or just because you’re a nut-job paladin and that’s what you do. 8) Not that any response is expected, but being a cleric or paladin is not about having a conversation with your god, but doing his/her will.

But, I want to NOT spam the /dm channel, because there are also game issues, or the DMs may be testing or something. Using the shout channel has been discouraged, plus is just creates a storm of /shout spam (not that I’m against it, but that is mostly OOC).

So, what I’m kind of wondering is other people’s suggestions for fairly depicting a devout character in his/her prayers, without

1. Doing it so often it gets automatically ignored (these are the gods’ servants, but human nature is more like “Oh, it’s just so and so again.” Don’t want that. :wink: )

2. Interrupting the game flow so that people with technical problems have a more difficult time getting through.

Any *useful* thoughts, suggestions, etc.?

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Post by Metis »

I have always been a big RP person and encourage it. I tend to be more responsive to someone who actually prays, make an effort more then “dm on?” or my favorite “I died can you give me a raise” actually I never reply to either of those. The other side is the server running full and new things that went in there is also a bigger demand on the DM staff to help/fix where needed and of course there is the few troublemakers and people AFK forever that creates more work :x

Anywhoo I have seen a few prayers asking for protection before a fight, etc. my replies varies but you may notice some visual effect so you know your God is watching but, it doesn’t mean you cant die and if you do you will get a raise. It is also fun for me but, one point you stated is the last thing we want is the dm channel getting spamed so I would say its great to do but “praying” before every battle would definitely drive me crazy. And if you try and get nothing it means nobody is on, we are busy, tough luck not every prayer gets answered :wink:

As always RP is encouraged but not required
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Post by IcemanXV »

I personally pray to torm for the heck of it, and thats why I thought others did as well. I was unaware they had potentially good benefits. Guess I just haven't recieved any yet.

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Post by Alain »

I help out when I can. When a player prayed for help defending Daeron the other day, I sent him a dozen of my finest warriors. DD1 and Sunny werent amused :twisted:
Torm - God of Loyalty and Duty

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Post by DeputyDog »

Woot Go Torm.
gmcever @


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Post by mgrjebbo »

Torm be Praised

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Post by Blystos Re »

Paris prays to Tyr on a regular basis, usually making a small sacrifice (some gold or a valuable item) and asking only for his protection, nothing specific.

Being as my own avatar in-game is more the self reliant type, I tend to pray to Torm for others when I play as 'me', not for myself.

I can't speak for the DMs, but I would guess their response is probably going to depend on how good the RP is and how "needy" the individual is being.

*Dies* "Help, Torm! Raise me!" *Torm raises, dies again* "TOORM! COME ONN!!" You see what I mean?

I would say, either on shout or dm channel: A). Don't over-use it. B). RP the heck out of it! :wink:

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Post by CrazyJ »

Praise Mielikki!

I do a lot of that on shout for the heck of it. One thing I've had some success on is being very articulate in my prayers "oh great divine powers, I have been cruelly slain by a foul and unnatural creature, grant me life that I may bring it a just death" or, sometimes, with rhyme. Some gods also like something in return for their aid.

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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

Do gods ever answer prayers to other gods?

For example say you were to pray to Garl Glittergold but only Torm was on.

Would there be any possibility of getting an answer?

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

What I think is appropriate for prayers and whats not (its just me but these are my guidelines).
    1.) Glitch, like to get an item stuck in your inventory and needs to be removed. You can do this OOC or RP. Example:
      "Oh dear gods, please hear my plea! I have been cursed with the >Enter Item's Name Here<, and can not be rid of it! I pray that you can rid me of its terrible presence o' merciful gods of Aetheria."
    2.) Relic Raid, I've found that some DMs like to get into relic raids. I'm pretty sure Yonwe does (hehe), and a god (don't remember who but I was with my LA halfling) had Sir Pepin attack with us on a relic raid against SL. But this is when they're not too busy :wink: . Example:
      "Please gods hear my plea, I ask that you acommpany me. Grant your aid, so that I may succeed in this relic raid. I will recover your holy relic."
    3.) Special Events, this is a wide range of things. Like, when you're in a huge party and a DM is challenging you guys or Metis has set up a quest to find something. You could perhaps pray for some help, but if they don't reply its probably because they want to make it hard for ya. Example:
      "I am willing to accept your challenge, and I will face it. I am ready for anything you're ready to throw at me."
    Or in the case of the search or special event...
      "Oh my sweet god, I am always willing to complete what you ask of me. Simply show me some guidance, anything at all and I will do it."

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    Post by Death Dealer1 »

    or..just attack their home town and taunt the god mercilessly and they will answer the prayers of animals if it means spawning in a town full of nasties. of course it really turns out fun when its evil vs good in a 3 on 1 godly death match.
    if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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    Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

    The Fundamental Mechanics of The Art of Prayer

    1. The naming of the deity.

    2. The recital of all known attributes of the deity.

    3. The rehearsal of the deities past deeds.

    4. The invocation for the deity to perform similar deeds.

    5. The sacrifice/covenant/pact/deal/agreement in return for favors granted.

    6. The prayer of thanks regardless of outcome.

    Practice will make perfect the crafting of a prayer to suit the occasion.

    Notice how quickly The Goddess responded to query concerning Their Invocations. For The Blessed Gods are immortal as long as They are remembered by the children of men and called by name. They go far away and forget when forgotten and not called by name.


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