One Hour Wait to Log In

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One Hour Wait to Log In

Post by Gildren »

I am guessing I'm not the only one to end up waiting for an hour, sitting in the gamespy server list/direct connect and re trying every few minutes to get on because the server is full. Not to mention the couple of times I've been on, lost conection for one reason or another only to find I can't rejoin because someone else who has been waiting is now in the slot I was just dumped from.

Is there anything to be done about this? What is needed to increase the amount of players allowed on line? Hardware? Bandwidth? Money?

Is this topic even allowed to be approached?

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Post by $chase$ »

this topic is perfectly fine
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Post by Yonwe »

Right now, it's mostly a question of bandwidth to support the number of players that can be on at a time; the CPU at capacity is about 80%, so the lag you might experience with a full server is the ISP dragging feet in transmitting back and forth. We can actually let the module run for days without a reset as long as we don't creep into the 35+ numbers on a time, and it likewise clears up at night when the numbers drop off for a while. If we opened up the available slots to 60+ like it was when we first came out of that period of downtime, the bandwidth lag would quickly grind everyone to a halt.

So, unfortunately, we've got to keep the slots on the 38-48 side, give or take, until we can get a bigger connection... and unlike upgrading equipment, bandwidth keeps hitting us in the wallet month after month if we do so. Ergo, it might be a while with maxed-out slots during peak hours until Deputy takes out a second morgage to pay for the enjoyment of us ungrateful peons... but we still love that NS4 is so popular that maxed-out slots are a daily happening! :)
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Post by kingfatzo »

I worte this in a previous post, theres alot of rifraf in that thread so i would rather just stick this here than post a link. :wink:

" if you are having a problem logging into the server b/c its full and you REALLY want to get on, you will sit there and keep clicking the connect /login button until a slot opens up ...... have you ever watched the log of how often people log in and out? it is rather frequent...if you again REALLY have a dire urge to get into the server, u wouldnt have to spend more than 2-5 minutes to log in..... "
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Post by alena »

kingfatzo wrote:I worte this in a previous post"[/i]

I hope you are only playing one character during peak usage. I saw that you are too.

A maxed out server is refreshing as it was not long ago that it was only me, a DM player & maybe 1 or 2 other players online.

Last edited by alena on Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lokey »

Actually, bandwidth isn't much problem now. DD is running some horrendously expensive ~5mbit upline, that's good for roughly 80-100 connections and still leave DD some bandwidth.

The system cpu isn't overly taxed, though it doesn't have that much more to give. The limiting factor is one instance of nwnserver and what we have it doing...if we clone the existing server and do some not insignificant amount of work with the module, DD's connection could likely be good for 100 with the module running as well as when 20 are connected now--remember when the AI did stuff...that was so sweet :(
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

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Post by Alain »

alena wrote:
kingfatzo wrote:I worte this in a previous post"[/i]

I hope you are only playing one character during peak usage.

A maxed out server is refreshing as it was not long ago that it was only me, a DM player & maybe 1 or 2 other players online.


ya, i have a SS somewhere of me in a party with the entire server... which consisted of me +1 =\
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Post by Ryddwillow »

Maybe bring back the 4 seperate servers? solve problems? 8)

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Post by Zhorn »

Server full = spend some time with your wife/husband and kids OMG!!!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Novel concept, I know.
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Post by Nemesis Revised »

yah server full. maybe extend to 60?

and there are double loggers too, they take up a lot of slots other ppl can use; very inconsiderate if you ask me.
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Post by Zhorn »

Obviously we need to PK people harder so that only the strong can even contemplate logging in :)

Like the higher level wizard I pked today in Ice Giants. He called me a "[censored]" and logged off, thus freeing up a spot! $$$$

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Post by Mental »

hey guys, wassup :) i havent been on in a while. I have been busy and plus having trouble with comp which will be fixed soon hopefully. To throw in that suggestion willow just did, is why not use 2 or 4 servers like before? Maybe there was a problem with that or something now. Can anyone explain? Would be nice to see 4 servers again :)

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Post by Lokey »

The other servers have been cannibalized for parts over the last two years, I'm not sure what DD has in his hardware landfill now. It would take dev time to split up a few new things for a distributed or even mirrored module, it's not just not a case of deciding to plug something in these days.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

kingfatzo wrote:" if you are having a problem logging into the server b/c its full and you REALLY want to get on, you will sit there and keep clicking the connect /login button until a slot opens up ...... have you ever watched the log of how often people log in and out? it is rather frequent...if you again REALLY have a dire urge to get into the server, u wouldnt have to spend more than 2-5 minutes to log in..... "
Doesn't that cause lag? Constantly trying to connect to the server like that?

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Post by kingfatzo »

good question ... i hope that it only aggrivates the gamespy servers...they deserve it :twisted:
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