Mules... to be or not to be

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Mules... to be or not to be

Post by mgrjebbo »

I was courious if there was not a way to prohibit muling of items/gold.

It would definatley cut down on the meta gaming and make for a seperation between ones toons.

If somehow items on a toon were to disapear after a certain period of time or if there was punishment for know muling, and or if the word Mule appeared anywhere in the character name that character wouldnt be able to log in, it might just discourage this behavior.

I just think it would be nice to have to build each character without the aid of items and gold that you have recived with another character.

Just think getting banned for asking on shout to help with an x-fer...woot

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Post by kingfatzo »

....have you considered the guilds ? including your own would throw away the muling ability for yourself as well? or are you specifically refering to non-guilds who spam shout asking for xfers ?

the only thing that i could see being done, because it is easy to do so, is ask people not to spam shout for muling requests -- personally i dont care: i find it entertaining when people spam shout, regardless of the topic. :wink:

and thirdly --- time based existance of items in an inventory ? how would you go about determining which toons are "mules" and which are, take for example, my cleric, who has (err Had) stockpiles of rez scrolls whom he distributes to parties when leveling, in case the fat cleric should die in battle? There is no worse feeling in the world than logging on to a toon and finding a item(s) has vanished ..... if you have played Diablo 2 you know what i am talking about. :(

Honestly, i think there are plenty of things that the dev's are juggling right now, and not to mention other things for the immediate future -- say the other missing planes, or the missing faction jobs as these i would put all other issues secondary.

but that is just my opinion :)
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Post by the_binary_soul »

pwned ;)

I may understand the need to keep toons seperate from each other if this were a hardcore RP server, but since its not I don't see any harm in having mules. Besides that it would probably be hard to enforce and end up pissing a lot of people off.

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Post by kingfatzo »

exactly 8)
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Post by Merrip »

Yes indeed as this is not a RP server there is no need to get rid of mules!!

I have been playing a RP server whilst NS has been down and the non muling is essential for it's success but as we are not them there is no need :)

You can always just not mule or except items from anyone unless paid for but dont try enforce it on everyone.

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Post by mgrjebbo »

O O whats this? i dont really care either it was just a thought, however i did know what the response was gunna be....

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Post by kingfatzo »

hehe well there we have it :P
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Post by Lorkar1 »

So muling isn't meta-gaming? If it is, isn't it going against the spirit of NS4? Especially since TGPO and other DM's have made their severe dislike for the metagame known. I believe that muling increases the load and lag on the server with NS4 having to keep track of all the items and the repeated logging and relogging. So, in the aspect I would disagree with the muling given the issues that are being dealt with now.

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Post by kingfatzo »

Well first off, Merrip said it well in his above post about the concern about RP'ing... and when i hear meta-gaming -- i associate it with it being a concern in a RP Based world.... but again NS4 doesnt fit into the traditional RP category...hence the only concern i can see someone having over muling would be excessive camping concern -- which from what i have seen has not been an issue in the past.

especially now with the modified drop system already in place; bosses tend not to drop their uber-items as often...lessening the probelm of hoarding.

And again -- did you forget guilds and guild mules ?

implimenting any restriction at any level will indeed aggrivate alot of people across the board as stated above...

and now onto the concern of lag --- people who have mules ( and are smart) would never mule while the server is running near capacity: the risk of a crash or an abrupt reset is alot higher than if the server had, say 20-25 people....

---the stress of booting up a mule ? eh. no different than if someone logged in, or swiched characters, or had a personal internet failure and had to relog into the server --especially with the new hardware upgrades that have been mentioned by the dev's....
---loading up all those items you say ? -- if you like to hoarde stuff, then your main characters may be just as full as any mule

This discussion over mules is silly; and i dont think we need to be troubling the devs any more than they are already...give them a chance to take a breath and focus their time and resources on things which will improve the server gameplay as a whole (jobs, new locations, etc) there are hundreds of little things such as this in which we can rant and rave about....if you are that annoyed about muling existing on NS4, then you have 1 of 2 options :

1. simply dont mule on your account and play every character as if it were your first...that should be a personal prefrence - not a rule.
2. Find a server which is hardcore RP only ....but in all seriousness, you wont find a better all-around server than NS4.
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Post by Core »


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Post by kingfatzo »

heheehe :lol:
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Post by Silver Dwarf »

I AGREE NO MORE MULES... *Runs away and hides*

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Post by Milkman99 »

Well here is my 2 cents worth.

I have written other posts in the past about muling - i basically disagree with it simple as that :-)

I also notice that as soon as someone brockers a question or an idea on these boards that certain GUILDs / GUILD members dont like, like the char wipe thread started by i huntudown that most ppl did not want to see. Now this post you hammer the crap out of them and say its a stupid rediculous idea and this aint an RP server.

well 1st this aint an arena type META - Game server neither, and i have yet to see one single comment on muling to say why it should be allowed or why its such a grand idea ??? except it means only one thing which is what ppl are hammering this topic for:

You guild dudes wouldnt be able to run off and start a lvl 1 toon at the drop of a hat, drop 50k in your guild chest and give him all the rarest items at each new item lvl point :-( SOOOOO sad maybe you have to go out and lvl with shop gear like a lot of other non guild toons.

All i have heard on this thread is what about guilds------ well what about them? So is that the over riding concern of NS 4 the guilds is it ???

Well anyone not in a guild stop playing now LMAO.

The other thing to note is this why did u join the guild in the 1st place ??? for selfish reason so you get access to all the top gear on the server? or was it cause u like the members and or the ethos or style of play that the guild has?

See if they did take muling away TLB and all the other guild would not be useless , i thought one of the main points of guilds was the partying up aspect ? theoretically u should never play solo if u r in a guild.

I can see why muling seems like such a great idea, and while this aint an RP server can someone tell me how dropping 50k to your lvl 1 toon and dropping by the guild chest at lvls 5, 9, 13 , 16, 20, 25 and 30 is not the BIGGEST MOST CHEESIEST thing on the server - even more so than 1 lvl of SD that is so CHEESEY and nasty and just had to be changed ??

like i say i dont care either way if mules stay or go - it may not even be possible to stop ppl muling but lets be fare dinkum about it its the moldiest smelliest cheese on the server and as someone pointed out META gaming to the max, and as far aas i can tell arent we trying to stamp out META gaming and CHEESE ?

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Post by Merrip »

I suggest if there are going to be no more mules that their should be perm chests.

Maybe each guild can have one in their hall and only those with the key can access it or maybe for every toon they can puchase such a chest and their should be a location that maybe can be used to store these chests.


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