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Post by kingfatzo »

i concur; this is awesome... really brings a new light to the drop system... i was getting tired of finding picture frames and corkscrews :)
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

I hope the amount of arrows dropping didn't decrease, because bowmen need as many as they can get.

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Post by kingfatzo »

P. Fricebottle wrote:I hope the amount of arrows dropping didn't decrease, because bowmen need as many as they can get.

"ammo drops more frequent"
Archers have nothing to worry about -- take a look :)
makes me happy too - im a big fan of collecting ice arrows
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Post by Elagneros »

Strangely enough I don't remember seeing any ammo so far.
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Post by Throst54 »

its out there... i've grabbed up tons, well compared to what i had been before
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Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

Among all the posts in this thread no one mentioned finding an excellent piece of armor, accesorry, or weapon.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a lvl 16 halberd (Teflom) among the remains of a mundane drop.!

I made over 200k yesterday in items sales to Avendale merchants.

The dyes dropped frequently enough to make me feel confident of finding ones I like sooner or later.

Never had I found so many scrolls in one day! I felt like I could set up any novice wizard with all the scrolls they needed. Then I realized that if I could find them with ease then so could he. He would not need people to save their scrolls to sell or give to him. I quickly unloaded most of my scroll supply in Avendale to free up space and remove weight.

Potions? All I could drink!

I quickly came to the point where I no longer took gems, nuggets, and was selective about which scrolls I took out of drops. The odd items in the game? They take up space and have no purpose that I know of. They are automatically left in the drop.

It came boiling down to me taking the bare minimum out of a drop, though I usually try to leave no trace of my passing. I ended up looking for more of the nice weapons. It's weapons, armor, and accessories that make my day.

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Post by blay »

Thanks for the hard work, shield.

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Post by Throst54 »

In actuality, needs to be balanced some more.
jewels, corkscrews, mirrors and all of the other random stuff is pointless to pick up now... and money is an incredibly easy thing to amass without trying. Scrolls are really nice to pick up, and help out new people who dont yet have alliances yet, though they shouldnt be quite so frequent.
Coffers and other unique items should be more rare as well i feel.
That and i found maybe 3 gold nuggets in about 8 hours of gameplay off of random drops.

I think it would be nice to keep the money economy low in aetheria.....
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Post by minielvis »

I believe that scrolls were too frequent already. Scrolls should be difficult to obtain, being that mages have to work long hours studying and adventuring to increase their magical prowess. Now, anyone with decent UMD can throw around spells like a mage. Granted, those spells will not be as effective as a dedicated casters would ,but I still believe that the scroll drops should go back to the way they were. If it were up to me, I would make scrolls a very rare drop. That's just my opinion. &)

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

scrolls are really frequent now, makes me wish the scroll tubes would hold them.

i don't remember seeing any trap components since the new system was put it...this might want to be upped alot.
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Post by JesterOI »

The frequency of types of items should really be determined by the CR and type of creature that drops them.

If you take out a CR20 Mage type creature then finding 10 or 15 scrolls makes sense.
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Post by PeregrineV »

Speaking of which, I've seen monsters use items and potions. Do they or can they use scrolls? Or is that too complicated for the AI?

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Post by Throst54 »

pretty sure they can use them, as with some mobs i've found they've had multiples of scrolls when i've killed them early on, and not as many if it took me a while to kill them (and they cast the named spell at me during combat)

so, i'd have to say yes
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Post by JesterOI »

They can use them, that's for sure.
Only thing is it's kind of weird seeing a creature use something that they shouldn't.
Wolves throwing grenades?
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Post by Myrdyr »

Bring back trap components, please?


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