Shame Be Upon The Shadow Legion!

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Post by Sparky »

Um ya, Lolth is insane. Seriously, read her bio, she's Looney Toons. So, anything she does or requests is pretty much par for the course.

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T. Rick Of The Light
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Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

People squash bugs everyday without a second thought. What did she expect?

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

let it be known that the shadow legion has surpassed 100 captures.....praise to Lolth and Bane.

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Post by Yonwe »

Then, the wrath of Lolth may subdue for a while... yet let it still be known, that never should the lives of surfacers be allowed to go unmolested in peace!
~DM Yonwe
Lolth - Goddess of the Drow
Velsharoon - God of Undeath

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Aarkon Draco
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Post by Aarkon Draco »

subdue? what wrath was there? i saw no cureses on your drow i saw no wrath upon the not so faithful of your people. if you realy wanted to get a fire under them take their relic away and their 50% bonus xp i bed they would be up in arms to please you then better yet hide it somewhere and let them find it. goddes of chaos indeed you wanna see chaos? hid the SL relic youd have armys of drow spread all over the realm searching, killing, being killed ect thats some chaos for ya web head

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Nemesis Revised
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Post by Nemesis Revised »

that is quite offensive towards our goddess.

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Post by Spura »

Heh lolth gets mad at SL and punishes them by telling them to kill stuff. :? Right. humble attempt at reaching godhood.

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Post by alena »

It makes sense to me, but then I am Drow :wink: .


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Aarkon Draco
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Post by Aarkon Draco »

Nemesis Revised wrote:that is quite offensive towards our goddess.

offensive? im not the one that let my diety's avitar get killed.
im not the one that did not answer my gods call when he asked.
im not the one that left my god to fend for itself with no support whatsoever.

the avitar was all alone not one drow came to aid it vs Lathander and the group that came to his call ( wich inclueded my level 6 palladin of Lathander). you and all the other drow are the ones who gave the offense by being too selfabsorbed in whatever you were doing to not answer the call. i was meerly stating that there was no punishement for this offense whatsoever by your high and mighty goddes.

your lucky yonwe is a nice guy if i was your goddes i would of hid your relic somewhere and by the time you found it im shure some creature like a dragon would of placed it in its horde or something.

speaking of offenses the drow are a matriaricle ( sp?) socioty why are all the champions (sutch that they are) males? agian i say your lucky to have yonwe i would of prolly cursed most of the highest males into drider form or something.

and you say im being offensive HA! you are the ones giving the offenses to your goddes if i were you id thank the fates that i am not your goddes. for you would be in sutch torturous delights that you can not begin to immagine this is the way of the drow and of Lloth dont ever forget that.

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Post by Falazure- »

excuse me little draco,but to my knowledge NONE of us we're on,i know for a fact if i had been i would of helped any way seems like most of these events are done when there is only 1 or 2 of us on.Next time why not trying it when there are at least 3-4 half decent players.If i had been on when this happened i most diffinetaly would of been there.

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Aarkon Draco
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Post by Aarkon Draco »

you speak as if it was my event (looks at his name) nope no DM tag on it hmmm

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Geeze, no need to get angry guys. Let me remind you...LOLTH ISN'T REAL! lol, this is a game. I know you've all really got into it, being the great server it is, but don't take it too far guys.

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Post by JesterOI »

I disagree, TAKE IT ALL THE WAY +1 !!!!
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