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Post by Cyrix »

I have to admit taking away disarm is sad because it's part of the game. If you don't want to get disarmed put skill points into disipline so it will not happen. Furthermore I hope that the DMs and Devs take this one off because there is no point to PvPing anymore. Might as well just say no PvPing only leveling now. Hey that's just me talking, but this is weak. Soon I guess while we are at it; take away making traps. I am just disappointed in this because if the people at Bioware didn't want it they wouldn't have put it in. I'm cofused and drunk so maybe when my drunkness goes away I will understand this point of view, but can't see eye to eye level with the people who put this into effect. :shock:

How is any of this relevant to my guild?
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Post by Elagneros »

Cyrix wrote: I'm cofused and drunk so maybe when my drunkness goes away I will understand this point of view, but can't see eye to eye level with the people who put this into effect. :shock:

Probably because having weapons stolen from them is something that discourages new players from sticking with the server. It's one thing to have your weapon stolen when you can solo any mob in the game and you have a half dozen spares piled up on a mule, or at the very least have a guild that can quickly give you a replacement. It's another thing entirely when you don't know the server well at all, and don't know the best ways of fighting the mobs when some guy 20 levels higher than you comes by and steals your weapon just for kicks. The devs have a vested interest in constantly attracting new blood to the server, because long time players stop playing all the time, regardless of what content is or isn't added. This is true of ALL large multiplayer games.
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

i like the 5 levels idea....full on disarm within 5 lvls of the person recieving...if not it goes into pack.

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Post by BlkMamba »

I thought Zings 5 min rule was good as well......keeps the weapon from being re-armed, plus players that are useing classes that cant have stupid high Discipline to keep them from being disarmed wont costantly loose there weapons

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Post by Oltho »

Disarm is not really a concern in all honesty. It's a part of combat that is well known by most, which is why most take Discipline skill points. The main issue is, obviously, if people are stealing weapons this way. Since that is fixed everything else is gravy I guess. I haven't been here long and my only real issue is the lack of good weapons for melee types, and the joy some high level players take in camping CR 10 areas and killing people who are trying to get above levels 10-20. Overall it is a nice mod/server, but those 2 issues need to be discussed as melee types (especially Monks, Archers, & the like) are nearly useless and killing, or helping to kill, characters of significantly lower levels is not good for the server community regardless of the PvP designation.

Just my $.02 :wink:

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Post by Go'f »

Oltho wrote:I haven't been here long and my only real issue is the lack of good weapons for melee types, and the joy some high level players take in camping CR 10 areas and killing people who are trying to get above levels 10-20.

The solution to high level hunters is to explore - the PKers you mention hunt specific high-traffic locations and if you avoid those then you will be safer. Of course it's hard to convince some people to come with you when you leave the area's they know but you can do it - Leveling may be a little slower but enjoyment will be up cause its new and you don't have to keep looking over your shoulder.

Actualy camping and PvP rules are kind of in opposition to each other if you PK someone more than 3 times its a problem, unless they come back but if the PKer camps a zone then you become immune to the PK harrasment rule.

This is all I can find on Camping
Players or groups who excessively camp a specific spot in order to harvest items from a mob are not an issue unless they prevent other players from getting the same drop. Once they camp to the point where other players cannot get the item, it’s considered to be excessive camping.

Camping doesn't seem to a problem unless its a special Drop zone, the area's I believe your talking about would not fall foul of that rule.

Othlo I'd say ask a faction member for a nice alternative location, if you were Legion I would even show you a few examples :twisted:

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Post by Oltho »

Just because it's legal, doesn't make it right. That's really all I need to say about the situation.

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Post by $chase$ »

this is the way it has been since the day ns4 opened.

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Nemesis Revised
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Post by Nemesis Revised »

had some new perspective on disarm. what iif the disarmed weapon would fall depending on the type of weapon used?

so if the weapon was a large-type (sacrificing AC on the attacker's part), it wouldnt just make it easier to disarm the enemy (as normal nwn is) but also would make it drop on ground. something like a 80% chance to drop on ground, 20% to drop in inventory. afterall, the disarmer did sacrifice AC for it.

on the other hand, disarmers using medium-type and smaller-type weapon should get something like a 35% chance to make the weapon drop on ground, and a 65% to drop in inventory. since medium-types and smaller-type weapons are used by dual wielders (who can hit more) or by people who can do more crit strikes as compared to large-type weapons users, then this would be a fairer amount.


as for weapon switching, the offender can just switch weapons from a large-type to a medium or smaller -type weapon to get back his AC once he disarms the fella. i suggest not allowing a switch for about 2 rounds.

same goes for the disarmed fella, if his weapon plops back in inventory then maybe make him use up 2 rounds b4 getting it back in or switching to another weapon.


thoughts, comments on this idea?

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Post by MasterYoda »

Imo I think the dev team is doing a great job but I see one major flaw.

A lot of old timers are leaving. I think instead of nerfing things to level the playing field y not make others stronger.

There is a high amount of casters then bring back dev crit with a low save so mages fail but melee types have a fair chance....

Mabey make some items only useable for fighters or melee types with haste or like spell mantle 2 times a day.

The answer is there.

Also as far as the disarming goes......

I personally disagree with the change , as both a disarmer and a disarmie. I really like the 5 level rule and I think that would be a great alternative.

But guys also remember the devs have a lot on there plate.

We don't even have level 40 yet.

Y don't we let them finish the leveling areas before we throw in our 2 cents about disarming and such.

Man I'm starting to sound like I have a heart.....


....... OK I feel better now
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by Metis »

A couple things. First, right or wrong this was suppose to be disabled since day 1. As everyone can tell there have been some new bodies added which is speeding things up a little (myself being one of them). It was stated there would be a comprimise and everyone has been spending time on it. As everyone knows if certain things can be done Zing is the person to do it, but this is also taking a lot of his time so whatever he can do will be the best it can get, everyone on the staff desrves that benefit of the doubt.

Also, with this many people on the server it is nearly impossible to have something in place that every single person will agree with.

Discuss as you choose I am not saying not to, just giving you all a friendly reminder the best solution is being worked on so have a little patience :)
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Mr. O'Dearly
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

first, is the change being applied to NPCs or only PCs?

second, I agree about making two handed weps harder to disarm, they are being held with two hands so the person should have a better chance of keeping hold of the wep or catching it 'cause their not holding a shield.
Also, maybe we could have the disarmer be required to be proficient with the weapon hes disarming to make it fall to the ground. Otherwise it falls to inventory. This would give exotic weapons more advantages, cause really, how many people use scythes... i know i haven't seen anyone with one since i got here.

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Post by Ragefist »

First, this is not how it has always been. In fact, for quite some time, disarm didn't work at all, b/c characters were getting weapons off of NPC's that they shouldn't have been able to get, etc etc. Then it got implemented into PvP, and people whined. Then it got taken out, and people whined. It's in, and people whine again, and now it's modified, and lo and behold, whining.

This is a decent middle of the road solution, IMO. In fact, Zing went so far as to program the quick slot erase for that weapon leaving your possession, and that couldn't have been that easy to carry off. As always, the person can quickslot another item -- but their attacks per round start over, etc etc. It has all the benfits of disarming, without the inherent abuseability of weapons being stolen for the sole purpose of griefing. If the server population had been mature about returning weapons, etc etc, there would be no need for a fix. That was not the case, and I'm sure the devs/DM's were sick of the yells and high and mighty "I was just defending/counter disarming" wars.

So there you have it, the Devs attempt to please the largest number of people at once, while maintaining both talent balance and non-abuse/griefing. KD doesn't really need a change, b/c it isn't griefable (except for the rare instance of corpse knockdowns, which are illegal anyway). Same with all the other skills -- disarm was the only skill that would result in the loss of a) goods (the weapon in question) b) time in aquiring the level, and thus XP as well and c) money if you had to buy it back from a goofball who was epeening about his disarm. You just can't spam the other talents as hard as you can disarm, to such annoying effect, so it makes perfect sense that it was toned down.

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Post by Milkman99 »

only 1 thing to say LOL master yoda ifrit said u was his little bro new player lol yet u know a lot about the server and old time players who have left ROFL sure you aint havok?? hehehe ill let u each decide weather he is kill on site or not :-)

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Post by Zing »

Everyone listened too.

Best compromise I can come up with for ALL parties now coded.

See here for details


Feel free to tell further complaints to a brickwall. :wink:
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


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