Irony, thy name is Bane

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Irony, thy name is Bane

Post by Draebor »

Let me tell you a tale, fellow adventurers... twas a cold night on the mountains outside of Frostdale when the bears fell upon us. My travelling companion fell to the ambush first, but I soon followed in a failed rescue attempt. As we lay there lamenting out fate, the bears that stood knawing at our corpses were suddenly struck down as if by a wave of death. We rose from the snow alive and healed of our grizzly wounds!

As we stood in the cold praising our good fortune, the God of Tyranny himself appeared to us. As payment for our resurrection, he extracted most of my blood, which froze in the snow. When we told him that our hard-earned treasure sat out of reach on the cliff above us, Lord Bane teleported us safely to the higher ridge. He then bid his farewell and went off to attend other tyrantly duties.

What JOY! Saved by the gods AND allowed to collect our loot. It wasn't until well after He had gone that we realized the irony of our situation. Bane had teleported us to a ridge with no exit. We had life and gold back, but were permanently trapped high on the mountain to await a slow death. Irony, thy name is Bane.


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Post by izzle2 »

The gods can be unpredictable and mischievous at times. Sounds like you got what you asked for. Perhaps next time you will remember to be more specific in your prayers. Some gods love mortals, others despise our weakness, regardless of which you are dealing with it is good to keep in mind that we are but puppets in their presence.

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Post by Flailer »

Heh - that's rich. And how did it end? You had the interesting reverse-pvp twist of wanting to be the first one to die. The 'winner' remains stranded...
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Post by lordshelt »

LOL HAHAHA HEHEHE.... ok i guess thats enough, no wait... wait ...wait... here it comes. HAHAHA!!!!!!
Bane - God of Tyranny


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Post by AggieDan »


I guess you *COULD* have let one person PK the other and let them respawn. Then run all the way back and nail them with either a few spells and/or pepper then with a ranged weapon.

But, funny, nonetheless.

You know what might be a good thing to allow... Letting someone ingest a potion that would kill them.

I wonder if there was a way to animate the effects of consuming a thunderstone... That would be fun. And a good way to carry a "suicide pill" for those kinds of situations.

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The solution

Post by Draebor »

Yeah, that's what we ended up doing... one of us got killed and respawned in town... I'm going to either find a way to kill myself or get killed. Actually despite the inconvenience it was pretty funny. Lovin' Frostdale, BTW... good job, devs.


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