Pure Wizard Build

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Pure Wizard Build

Post by scruffyspellslinger »

I'm thinking of trying a pure wizard build and wondering if its been done, is it insanely hard and what would be good options and why.

General Wizard (!Sorceror) for additional spell feats, focussing in Necromancy and Evocation. Necromancy specialisation looked good, but I don't want to lose premonition & true seeing. I do not want to lose conjuration or illusion (improved invis), enchant looks like the one I'd mind losing least, but I like the idea of being able to cast anything.

Race is currently looking like human or sun elf. I want wiz as favoured class for xp bonus so that rules out drow (besides the ECL+3). Deep gnome looks interesting, but no int bonus and ECL +3, although +4 AC would be handy at low levels. Half elf and moon elf look OK.

Faction is open to suggestions.

All stat points to Int.

Should get 7+4=11 feats by 20th, another 7+7=14 after (unless the 1 bonus every 5 levels still counts, then 18) = 25(29) +1 if human.

Non-epic feats on wish list include empower, extend, maximise, quicken, silent (no still, pure wizard=no armour), combat casting, dodge & expertise & improved expertise (don't hit me!), spell focus & greater spell focus (Necro and Evok), spell penetration & greater.

Epic Feats on wish list include auto quicken 1-3, auto silent 1-3, epic spell (greater ruin, hellball, mage armour, epic warding), epic spell focus (Necro & Evok), epic spell penetration.

Drop 4 silents to make 25 for non-human mage without +1/5 after 20th.

Thoughts, comments etc. requested.

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Post by kgb »

suggest u take STILL feat even as a wiz/sorceror. It helps when u get paralyzed/held and allows u to still cast spells.
Tres Nawt {CLAD}, Tres Baf {CLAD}, Tres Leyana {CLAD}, Tres Q'sara {CLAD}

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Post by Arashi »

Personally I would ditch the dodge and expertise feats...casting a spell turns off expertise mode in the current version of the game.

I would go with human for the extra skill points and feat.

Evocation and necro would definately be good to focus in as those 2 categories could for about 80% of your attack spells.

The character will start off pretty weak, especially with familiars being disabled on the server, but once you get up to level 11 or so you should start to really take off, and once you get access to level 9 spells you should be able to solo just about anyplace if you are any good at playing a spellcaster.


Malzel Darkendolf
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Post by Malzel Darkendolf »

I am curently doing one and that is about all I ever play. On paper or in games. Hike your int to 18 take sun elf and make your dex a 12 that sets you up for a 20 int. this effects your skill pointes etc. rules out human. Not worth it for the one extra feat and a few skill points. Plus with a 20 int you get a ton of extra spells. A magic helm and you could be casting as much as 5 first level spells at 1st level.
still spell is cool but don't worry about it till later. buildfrom the begining with concentration in mind. Magocracy (sp?) is a must at 1st as you can't take it beyound 1st. after that combat casting, skill focus concentration, spell penitration. don't specilze as some people would have you do not a varied enough amount of spells. just take spell focus if you want those spells to be more powerfull.

then go out and find a nice fighter, monk or summon to eep everyone busy as you cast and not get hurt. they die run at low levels. watch crowds too as they will kill quick with only 4 hp

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Post by Risen »

dex a 12? shouldn't dex be high for a wizard, to help ac?

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Post by Zhorn »

Wizards needs two stats. Int and CON. I'd also take the toughness feat. It's nice to get 8 hps/level. Later you can wear a +5 con belt and buff your con a bit higher.


My level 25 wizard/monk/rogue buffs to 320 hps (on a good roll!). He took one monk level to pump up discipline and tumble, and a rogue level to pump up SPOT. Yeah he's not a "pure" Wiz but he's mostly one....

Don't subrace. The penalities for most are WAY too steep. Really. I quite like that humans level up fast and gain a bonus feat.

Forget expertise. You lose that AC when you start to cast. If you're not casting or running, WTF are you still doing standing around???

Never, ever specialize in just one school of magic. Being a specialised wizard and gaining an extra spell per level isn't worth being locked out of whole bunches of spells. Seriously. You can still be a necromancer and take epic focus necromancy or whatever. Infact that's recommended. :)

I would keep your faction open "Just" incase you later on get tired of having the crap beaten out of you (via Knockdowns) or ambushed (via Shadowdancers/rogues). So I'd go with Sleeth or NS City.

As for Epic Spells, the only one worth a damn IMO is Epic Warding. You're better off spending points on Great Intelligence to help pump your spells DC's through the roof (in addition to taking epic focus necromancy and evocations). I mean why waste a feat on a spell that does 35d6 or 40d6 when you can cast a NO SAVE maxed IGMS that does 120 dmg to ALL foes in range? Most of the time people will easily make their Fort or Reflex save against the low DC's of Greater Ruin and Hell Ball and only take 60 or 70 damage (3.5 is the average result of a d6. 35*3.5 = 122 if they fail their save and 61 if they make their save)

Now personally I'd rather use a spell that always does 120 damage over one that *might* do 122 damage or 61 damage. So yes, pumping your INT through the roof not only will give you more spells per day but will also make your Death Magic harder to resist.

Well that's my $5 worth /LOL. Now go make an uber wiz so I can hunt you down and exterminate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) $$$$$$$$$$$$$

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ruminations so far

Post by scruffyspellslinger »

All comments gratefully received and slowly perculating through the grey matter.

Zhorn Scribes
spending points on Great Intelligence

starting as a Sun Elf, with no feats spent I end up with 30 Int (+10). I thought Max bonus was +12, so add a hat and spend no feats, or does that only apply to the +12 not to spells etc.?
I mean why waste a feat on a spell that does 35d6 or 40d6 when you can cast a NO SAVE maxed IGMS that does 120 dmg to ALL foes in range

IGMs is supposed to split damage (arrows divided equally between foes in range) so if 5 foes, each gets 120/5=24 damage each, or doesn't that happen?

Malzel Muses
skill focus concentration
Good thought, need to juggle feats, but I'll see if I can squeeze it in.

Arashi Advises
ditch the dodge and expertise feats
Sound advice. Free the Feats!

Kgb whispers from a dark corner
uggest u take STILL feat
yeep, thats 4 more feat slots to find. Being able to cast when held sounds good, although a single memorised stilled freedom (or never wander around without it cast) would work. Wonder if it works when knocked down?

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Post by Zhorn »

IGMS is one of the many spells changed.

The new version does 120 damage (max), but will multiple foes for the same damage.

So it's both better and worse :) Helps melee stay alive a bit longer!

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Re: ruminations so far

Post by kgb »


The benefit of the still feat is it works even after an opponent has dispelled your buffs and protective spells. With Freedom if it drops you're in big poo poo.

If your being held by the Bigby's then you're still able to let off your own dispel to get rid of it or cast other defensive and/or offensive spells

One question, If a player is the victim of a flesh to stone spell could the still feat allow you to reverse it (stone to flesh)? I guess if flesh to stone is permanent in NS4 then this would be a moot point.
Tres Nawt {CLAD}, Tres Baf {CLAD}, Tres Leyana {CLAD}, Tres Q'sara {CLAD}

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The Rizz
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Post by The Rizz »

As for Epic Spells, the only one worth a damn IMO is Epic Warding.

I would also take Mummy Dust, as having a powerful summon to help you can never hurt, and the mummy stays around a long time and has good HP / AC.

Dragon Knight may be worth looking into as well, if the duration has been increased over the standard Bioware version. (The summoned creature was changed, so the duration might have been tweaked, as well...)

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Post by Teladro »

The Rizz wrote:I would also take Mummy Dust, as having a powerful summon to help you can never hurt

Don't give advice when you don't know what yer talking about.

Mummy Dust is bugged. The summon will stand there. Forever. Won't attack, won't guard. Won't even autoattack in retaliation. Just stands there and dies.
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Post by Ragefist »

Also, the mummy isn't really beefy enough anyway, last I remember it ain't got the hp to work its mojo (course, it would have to have mojo first, instead of just standing there cycling attack modes and looking rather retarded)

The Rizz
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Post by The Rizz »

Mummy Dust is bugged. The summon will stand there. Forever. Won't attack, won't guard. Won't even autoattack in retaliation. Just stands there and dies.

It hasn't done that for a while now.
(Unless it started up again after I switched to a new character...)

Also, the mummy isn't really beefy enough anyway, last I remember it ain't got the hp to work its mojo

I had no problems with it. I've used the mummy in offenses against several level 20+ boss areas, and it usually survived quite well against all but the most combat-oriented of bosses. Even against those, it stood its ground longer than any other summon I had, giving me ample time to get off the spells I needed to.

Of course, I was using the mummy with my cleric, so there may be a difference there... I did memorize a few extra spells to aid it in its endevors (barkskin, shield of faith, bull's strength, etc.).

Pk Bait
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Re: Pure Wizard Build

Post by nargileh »

scruffyspellslinger wrote:I'm thinking of trying a pure wizard build and wondering if its been done, is it insanely hard and what would be good options and why.

General Wizard (!Sorceror) for additional spell feats, focussing in Necromancy and Evocation. Necromancy specialisation looked good, but I don't want to lose premonition & true seeing. I do not want to lose conjuration or illusion (improved invis), enchant looks like the one I'd mind losing least, but I like the idea of being able to cast anything.

Race is currently looking like human or sun elf. I want wiz as favoured class for xp bonus so that rules out drow (besides the ECL+3). Deep gnome looks interesting, but no int bonus and ECL +3, although +4 AC would be handy at low levels. Half elf and moon elf look OK.

Faction is open to suggestions.

All stat points to Int.

Should get 7+4=11 feats by 20th, another 7+7=14 after (unless the 1 bonus every 5 levels still counts, then 18) = 25(29) +1 if human.

Non-epic feats on wish list include empower, extend, maximise, quicken, silent (no still, pure wizard=no armour), combat casting, dodge & expertise & improved expertise (don't hit me!), spell focus & greater spell focus (Necro and Evok), spell penetration & greater.

Epic Feats on wish list include auto quicken 1-3, auto silent 1-3, epic spell (greater ruin, hellball, mage armour, epic warding), epic spell focus (Necro & Evok), epic spell penetration.

Drop 4 silents to make 25 for non-human mage without +1/5 after 20th.

Thoughts, comments etc. requested.

The specs you put up here are already way more than i had in mind when i made my wiz and she turned out to be great. (solo'd formi queen+full retinue at lvl 12 and i didn't even have to become visible in the process) One thing i recommend strongly is going generalist for the sheer flexibility.

For the rest i recomment you go out there and experiment, remember it's beta, there will be awipe eventually.

Also, why bother planning the char up to level 40 ahead of time? To me it just sucks the fun out of the build since you'll be asking yourself at every level, what does the recipe tell me to do ...

As a closing point, if u do it like everyone else it can't be better than their build by definition, so take a chance and do your thing.
(tip if u regret taking a level, craft all the exp away from that level, then go die ...)

Enjoy :)

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Post by scruffyspellslinger »

Also, why bother planning the char up to level 40 ahead of time? To me it just sucks the fun out of the build since you'll be asking yourself at every level, what does the recipe tell me to do ...

Half the fun for me is in the planning, then seeing if what I thought works.
I also find it helps to have a goal planned to give direction. For example, to be a weaponsmaster you need X feats. You have to plan to take those or discover that you haven't the stats to take a required feat. My initial DD build went awry when I forgot to have 13 dex for dodge feat. Thinking dwarf fighter in full armour, I only had 10, then discovered I couldn't qualify for any prestige class.

As a closing point, if u do it like everyone else it can't be better than their build by definition, so take a chance and do your thing.

I don't want a build better than everyone else's, but I don't want to spend limited feat slots on useless feats or that don't work as I think, e.g. improved expertise so its always good to get another opinion. For example I didn't know that still feat lets you cast when held. Also there are so many feats and so few available slots, I am unlikely to have a build like anyone elses, especially when you consider multiclassing for that uber build.


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