Disarm is Broken?

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Disarm is Broken?

Post by Denort »

I am not sure if it is the latest Bioware patch or a change in NS4 but you can now only disarm targets that are actually equipped with a weapon. So unless (for example) the Bandit Guards actually spawn with a halberd equipped you can no longer disarm their halberds.

I have tested it on virtually all the bandits and the attempt always results in "Disarm Failed" rather than "Disarm Resisted" if they make their Discipline check or removing the weapon if they fail their check.

Its a bit of a shame really. Forcing critters to go unarmed is one of the great advantages of disarm at low levels.

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Post by Danhalen »

how logical is disarming an unarmed weapon?

Wheres the donation box?
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Post by kgb »

can gloves be disarmed esp. monk dmg gloves?
Tres Nawt {CLAD}, Tres Baf {CLAD}, Tres Leyana {CLAD}, Tres Q'sara {CLAD}

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The Rizz
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Post by The Rizz »

I think he's talking about creatures that always appear armed (like guards, ogres, etc.), even if they don't actually have the item for purposes of a drop.

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Post by Ragefist »

Yeah, the devs posted some bugnotes on this a while back, with some community members weighing in. If I remember correctly, they were worried about higher lvl disarms being too cheap and allowing weirdness as far as better weapons on monsters go. Can you disarm the monsters that have a chance to drop their weap, however (i.e. ogres and maybe giants, etc)?

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Post by Denort »

The Rizz wrote:I think he's talking about creatures that always appear armed (like guards, ogres, etc.), even if they don't actually have the item for purposes of a drop.

Exactly right. Bandit Guards always appear to be wielding a halberd but they do not actually have a halberd equipped. Disarming them previously did not result in a halberd being "spawned" and dropping to the ground. It made them remove the halberd and resort to unarmed.

It was a great feat for low level characters. You make the target go from doing 1d10 with 3x criticals to doing 1d3 with 2x criticals as well as provoking an attack of opportunity. Now its just a feat for pvp. :(

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Post by Denort »

Ragefist wrote:Can you disarm the monsters that have a chance to drop their weap, however (i.e. ogres and maybe giants, etc)?

About 1 in 10 you can disarm. I assume it is because they actually spawned with the weapon.

Ragefist wrote:If I remember correctly, they were worried about higher lvl disarms being too cheap and allowing weirdness as far as better weapons on monsters go.

If this is the case and it is a NS4 "special feature" then disarm is a big waste of time for anyone not heavy into pvp. Looks like it is best to go with knockdown, just like everyone else. :(

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Post by Throst54 »

Denort wrote:
Ragefist wrote:If I remember correctly, they were worried about higher lvl disarms being too cheap and allowing weirdness as far as better weapons on monsters go.

If this is the case and it is a NS4 "special feature" then disarm is a big waste of time for anyone not heavy into pvp. Looks like it is best to go with knockdown, just like everyone else. :(

do you realize you just said it was stupid not to have disarm if you were into pvp...

go w/ called shotttttt it's so much more fun...
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Psycho Dordt
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

Called shot with bow is Kiting time :D
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.


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