secret passages?

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secret passages?

Post by deathdearler1 »

is anyone around that knows if there really is a passage leading from the menzo legion tunnel catacombs to the DoD catacombs?? also there is a map in the fist part of these menzo catacombs that is only half a map, anyone got any clues?
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

search for spiders, and if you live the Goddess (Lloth) will grant you the right of passage true her tunnels
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Post by deathdearler1 »

lol, ok, i have no clue what ur talking about. the only spiders that are always there are the bebilith demons on the floor above the DoD and the minion of lloth in the temple of menzo.
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Post by Quiett »

Search: Widely Implemented. Used for many hidden traps, tunnels, and passageways, especially in the Underdark

I've only been able to find one secret passage, and it wasn't even in the Drow areas of the tunnels. It was in the RK passages. Understandably there are lots of traps on chests. But 'Widely Implemented' gave me the impression that the search skill would be alot more useful than it appears to be. being that traps rarely do more than 1/3 of my hp in damage even when I fail my save.

Hopefully there will be more hidden stuff in updates.

Or maybe I'm just not finding the ones that are there. :)
Last edited by Quiett on Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TGPO »

Actually you have probably run right over the top of a few trap doors. Just because there is another way out of the area doesn't mean its the ONLY way out of an area. There are more there in odd places.
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Post by SmurfZG »

gotta search the underdark some day

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Post by AndrewCarr »

At the spider area you can take a trapdoor into a cave with chains in it. There'll be a few large spiders there, and one bigger one. It would probably be a moderately difficult fight for a low lvl. Anyway, just head to the other side of the chamber and click on the opposite chain.
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Post by Quiett »

Yup, thats the one trap door I found :) well, 2 if you count both sides
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Post by deathdearler1 »

yeah, that is a "secret transistion" from RK to MA. i'm suprised no one even noticed that the menzo catacomb map is only half of a map. don't get me wrong, i can smell a secret door at a full run, but why is there only half a map if u can't get to it?
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Post by Quiett »

Oh, I've noticed. searched the whole thing. either there isn't anything there, or my search skill isn't high enough.
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Post by The Rizz »

deathdearler1 wrote:i'm suprised no one even noticed that the menzo catacomb map is only half of a map. don't get me wrong, i can smell a secret door at a full run, but why is there only half a map if u can't get to it?

Are you talking about the "Hidden Legion Tunnel" area? If so, there's a secret door there (found with a cleric with 0 ranks in search, but using True Seeing) on the northmost part of the map. (It leads to the "South Road: Forest Cave".)

All-in-all I've found only 2 secret passages so far - the one above, and the aforementioned "Hidden Room" area by the RK areas.

If anyone knows of any others, I'd love to hear where they are.

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Post by Quiett »

No it's a diff area. Its in the Catacombs in the area that is marked 'Only autorized Drow personel ahead'. The entrance to the 'catacombs' area is on the south part of the area right outside the front gates of Menzo. I think it's 2 or 3 areas past the first catacomb area. I know how to get there when I'm playing, it's just hard to think exactly where it is by memory :)
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Post by deathdearler1 »

i get alot of flack for this but i have a picture memory of every area that i've been in. the area i speak of is the first catacomb zone after the drow sign in the legion tunnels. you come in thru a coffin door and proceed south to an exit that is in the corner of the map no marked by doors. if u look at the map at this zone u'll notice that it only takes up half of the alotted spacing for a map, which is very strange. i have went thru with my lvl 22 wiz had tru see and clairaudience/clairvoyence and still couldn't see a door(that puts my searching skills in the 30-40's). the notcible exit to the catacombs leads out to the graveyard by ns and there is another that goes to the southern pass a couple of zones outsied the the haddon mirk. i have yet to find any reason there is half of a map though. :(
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Post by Joran »

I wonder what could be lurking in a hidden space deep within the catacombs....hmmm :)

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Post by -BannyD- »

Joran wrote:I wonder what could be lurking in a hidden space deep within the catacombs....hmmm :)

Andariel? :wink:


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