Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
Ro d'Jinn
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Post by Ro d'Jinn »

First off here is my proof for these statements,

(sorry it sux, but best i could do), now I am not a griefer, i never complain on pks or pk others unprovoked, and i never once asked for a rezz during any of this, just informed them of my situation and that they were exploiting a bug. Flame this post all you want but this is how this server works for people that the dms like.

-Lvling with my new char, i was walking through avendell, with 2 other lowbees and Guard of Sleeth (arcane), when we got ambushed by nr-chase, and some oakies, after my char got smoked, i logged out, got my lvl 32 sorc/rdd and proceeded to rezz my comrades, and whip some @$$, killed chase and 1 other, when an okie popped out (ran outta spells) and killed me. STILL not complaining i respawned in Avendell, buffed up, and walked back to dark forest, as soon as i entered that server i got hit with the avendell bug (instant death in same spot i died b4), not a pk, but a bug kill mind you. I informed all of my precidement, (the bug has happened to me b4 just not with this char), so I could not respawn, All of the people in the screenshot camped the bodies, using invisiblilty so not to be rezzed, and could not respawn, about 7 people altogether dead in that spot(they had been camping that spot for awhile apparently). (Arcane came down with his lvl 25 cleric killed 2, rezzed me, then we proceeded to kill everyone else, easily.
-Continued in next post

Ro d'Jinn
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Round 2

Post by Ro d'Jinn »

No sooner than we rested, and raised all the other lowbees to scamper off, than the whole pk crew comes down, slaves, oakies, nominus, chase and riyatu, they smoke me and arcane, and camp the hell out of the forest, i inform them i cannot respawn because of the bug which everyone knows about, so they continue to camp there laying dc 100 webs all around, and casting improved invis on all the bodies so no one can be rezzed. Yay! This goes on for some time until the dm Shar finally comes in and settles them down. She rezzed me and said she had been watching the whole time (this had been going on for roughly 30 mins). So in other words she was watching player camp people that couldn't spawn, exploited bugs and in general being punks, the dm responds with "don't pick on the new guy" WTF is that response! Then she left and they continued to camp the area. This server is quickly turning into something bad, where alot of people aren't going to play. There has to be somekind of action taken, where friends of the dm are running all around breaking every rule the server has set, while the dm watches and does nothing.
Again i am not griefing, or upset at a simple pk, this was pure gayness, and exploiting a bug. If you need any more screenshots i got 27 of this incident, just posted the ones that implicated the main offfensive parties.


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Post by Throst54 »


send your claims and links to screenies to a DM via e-mail or PM, they dont want them on the forums.
Type post, tab tab enter, wait 4page 2 load, shift+tab tab enter, REPEAT!!!

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Post by Lokey »

HP tracking bug fixed or not? Only in some cases?

Is this before 12AM EDT today?
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by -BannyD- »

ive never heard of the "avendell bug" before

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Post by Brennan068 »

Lokey: That incident happened around 4 - 4:30 PM EST on August 21.

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Post by Agent Shiny »

throst : i think that's what the dude is talking about. ignorance.

Ro d'Jinn
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Alright then

Post by Ro d'Jinn »

I. Thou shalt not abuse the Shout channel by cursing, blaspheming, or harrassing messages of any kind. This Realm is inhabited by both children and grandparents, moderate your language appropriately.

IV Thou shat not exploit known bugs with the intention of causing another player to suffer a respawn penalty. This includes the Flesh to Stone bug and the "killed by summons" bug.

V Thou shalt not attack players at the respawn points. This includes setting traps around the respawn points or the exits from the respawn points.

If the DM was watching and allowing all this to go on for almost 30 minutes, with half the sever right there as my witness at the time, it's time for some discussion about this. They are not only disregarding their own rules they are allowing others to ruin it for everyone.

Lokey: I have had this bug happen to 2 other chars now, i just got the chars rezzed and changed the spawn point, only happens to me when respawning in avendell. It happened roughly 4:30 - 5:30 timeframe

Agent shiney: Ignorance indeed on many counts, i don't care about a simple pk, or any such deal, this was simply camping a spawn area and exploiting at least 3 bugs on a large scale. I told them exactly what was wrong with the situation, a dm was watching this all along and did nothing,
and was roughly a 30 minute ordeal... don't want this crap happening to lowbees so they give up on NS because a few guys wanna mess around too much.

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Post by -=Mushra=- »

just curious wich okies were involved in this situation?

cause last time i checked okie rules. no grouping with outsides let alone fight side by side. rare occasions are made i know. but not in whole groups let alone with nr chase or slaves.

Ro d'Jinn
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Post by Ro d'Jinn »

If you look at the pictures in my initial link and read the text, you will see that Okie GET is there, you can see his text on page 2 , and Okie Vindictive (who you can't see cause he ran like a punk after we smoked him), but i have more than enough ss to show all were together...

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Invis'ing corpses is illegal now? :/
Lindon Erithar
Quickie Mart the <a href=''>Okie Ambassador</a>

Terminal Insanity
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Post by Terminal Insanity »

I had herd the okies 'took over' the avendell inn, i of course, cant resist giving a beatdown to the okies but when i got there i saw none. They all moved to Dark Forrest... went back there with the party and we layed them all down prety quickly.

Ro d'Jinn, we killed allong with everyone else. it wasent griefing.
you explained to some of us what was going on and you where given a raise, but someone dident hear what was going on (there was alot of party chatter) and stabbed your face once you got up. probably figured it was an SD raising you, i did also untill i read up and saw who used the scroll. once we all figured out what was happening we gave you another raise and told to leave but you dident. you dident run so we put you out again. eventualy we gave you another raise and you ran that time...

Anyways, the rules that i play by, if i kill someone and they get a raise that i was not told about, ill consider the person using the raise to be hostile and may retaliate.
if i kill you and theres a bug where you would loose xp, say so and ill ether raise you or let someone else do it. If someone just runs by and raises you, i'll figure you are about to attack, and get mine in first.

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Post by Kaz »

Plain and simple, this is supposed to be a beta server. What does camping an area prove, and how does it help Beta?

It seems like the frustration is that they didn't move on after killing, and the DM didn't do anything to help the situation.

If this same thing were to happen to me, I would have left the server.

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Post by TGPO »

There were definitly some violations incurred here and while you may not publicly hear about the ramifications of htem be assured that things are being looked at.

We have all the information we need at this point, any more and we will contact the necessary parties directly.

*edited* I missed a point that I hadnt seen earlier, removed an untrue comment. Apologies*
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*

Mistress Delah
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Post by Mistress Delah »

Since my name was brought up in this i only see fit to explain my side of the story before judgement was passed.
I informed all of my precidement, (the bug has happened to me b4 just not with this char), so I could not respawn

I heard your cries in shout so i came to see what was going on with you. You had said you were bugged so i poped in. Sat there for a few mins to see what was going on.. This time you were on the ground dead, I didn't see who killed you wasn't there.. I had seen everyone attacking everyone.. I tried talking to you but you ignored my tells. I rez'ed you.. Chase killed you.. He rez'ed you. I than spoke with him in tells.. ( Just because you don't see anything doesn't mean things aren't being taken care of.) I was watching you for a total of 2 mins before jumping in..

the bug has happened to me b4 just not with this char),

Yes, it seems that EVERYONE there had that bug, and most were standing around talking to me about while you were busy taking your SS of what was going on.. During all of that time i was handling 3 other problems other than this bug.. Or was trying to.. So what was said between you and whom ever was easliy lost..

No sooner than we rested, and raised all the other lowbees to scamper off, than the whole pk crew comes down, slaves, oakies, nominus, chase and riyatu, they smoke me and arcane, and camp the hell out of the forest, i inform them i cannot respawn because of the bug which everyone knows about, so they continue to camp there laying dc 100 webs all around, and casting improved invis on all the bodies so no one can be rezzed

There was an Okie there explaing the bug to me about the web.. Because i had asked about it, but of course you didn't see that because you weren't close enough. A few people casted it on the Okie and he died.. You by than were down the road. (Now if this happened BEFORE i appeared i didn't see it happen, but than again you do have ss of it so i'm sure you can send them to a DM)

She rezzed me and said she had been watching the whole time (this had been going on for roughly 30 mins)

Wasn't there for 30 mins. I was only there for 2, 5 max.. Whole time i meant Chase killing you after i rez'ed you big difference.. Did i know your level? No, didn't bother to look because i wasn't there as to how you were killed i was there to try to correct the bug.. Because you see you weren't the only one having it.. Every time someone zoned from server to server they were dead in both places.. So i was trying to understand the problem and come up with a temp soultion. (Most of the players were standing around talking to me about what was going on. Because i had DM killed everyone trying to fix the bug.)

don't pick on the new guy" WTF is that response

Yes, i did say that.. But honestly what do you expect me to do? I come in and find you dead, and everyone else attacking each other? There was no proof of what you were saying.. About them camping the place for 30 mins before you had any interaction with me.. If i don't see it happening it's basicly your word against thiers, with no proof to go upon.. And last time i checked PvP was alright.. Did i know your level? No, i didn't even bother to look didn't have a chance.. Since Chase rez'ed you and everyone left you alone, i figured problem was solved no big deal. You were killed twice to my knowledge and it was stoped there.

Then she left and they continued to camp the area.

Yes, i did leave.. Why? Because you weren't the only one having that bug problem.. Next server over there was 6 people dead.. And i was heading over to try to rez them but was in the middle of tell hell and trying to sort out one problem at a time.. I zone over to try and figure out what the bug was.. I was come back to dark forest and crashed if it be me or the server. I dunno i just couldn't get back in and gave up shortly after.

For you to sit here and say that i am biased towards okies and chase and that i treat them better than everyone else.. Sorry to brust your bubble but i have NEVER EVER DM'ed that way.. I have always tried to be fair and listen to every side.There are 3 sides to every story. Those that knew me well can vouch for that. But i'm not going to punish anyone that i don't have proof of any wrong doings.


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