Sever 4 is down, and that is clear......

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Sever 4 is down, and that is clear......

Post by Kadman »

I just want to make evident that maybe a good idea to move Avendall area to a working server, only because all poor LA guys that cant back home to sell their loots nor can go to Avendall to get some heal & breakfast.....

I think if DM & DD spend a lot of their time to play on NS4 instead of watching European Soccer Championship on their new PLASMA maybe ppls don't migrate to other servers.

I dont want be "polemic" but i want to make all understand how urgent is to fix these problems and implement new areas.

Recruit more developer if u need, there's a lot of ppl that are funny to build areas.

Thats all folks,

__________ KADMAN

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Post by Throst54 »

the insult was unneeded, it will be gotten to when it needs to be. the running excuse right now is taht this is beta. which works. so get over.
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Post by sep caldessian »

as stated in other threads, the mod is worked on by a team of developers who do what they can in the time they have. its still beta, and there are still intermittant hardware issues. theres no need to be rude about it, just stick it out, or choose an interim server until things get fixed.

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Post by X-I-L »

I do agree with u Kadman, somethin needs to be done about the state of server 4, even if it means merging it with server 2. However as Throst said no need to offend the DM and Devs about it who have put a lot of hard work and spare time into NS4, their life doesnt revolve around NS4 and us, I accept this.
Also this is a beta and I guess we should perhaps be prepared for problems like this, I'm by the time Beta ends problems like this will have been resolved.
If ur stuck for somethin to do while server 4 is down, u could always do what I do and make a new char :D and that in a way will help the testing proceedure :)
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Post by JesterOI »

Throst54 wrote:*blinks*
the insult was unneeded, it will be gotten to when it needs to be. the running excuse right now is taht this is beta. which works. so get over.


If you don't like haveing to put up with bugs and other stuff that is wrong with the mod right now, stop playing and wait for it to be realeased as v1.0.
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Post by TGPO »

We're getting plasma big screen? :shock:

Whens mine coming?

Most of us DMs are in game every single day with lots of time spent as players so server 4 being down effects us just as much as everyone else. We too all have characters that are stranded on 4 with the remainder either needing gear from Av or needing to sell things that can only be sold in Av.

As the sign says "Beta", if you absolutly have to have your gaming time be perfect with no bugs I would suggest you avoid anything with that word like the plague.

In the interest of being polite I will refrain from asking you to place your hands in a bench vise the next time you feel like taking a poke at the DMs and Dev Team. Although for taking a poke at DD I might consider suggesting playing Tarzan on the nearest high voltage lines.
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Post by Kadman »

The question is not it's a beta or not, or if DM/DD have to spend their life on this game, but how is possible that server 4 is intermittently down from about 1 months and none have thinked to put Avendall on a working server?

I spend over 8 hours per day on NS4 and ive not seen a DM from weeks, why you say all day u r online? U mean u make a flash login/out just for tell i was been there?

About DD can i suggest to make a stick for changes/fixes on forum so ppl like me can appreciate your works and maybe suggest some priorities? and pls be honestly to say that u dont want to do that because is boring and not just because u have no time.

Furthermore when can we excpect new areas for lvl 20+ characters?

U guys simply lack of good coordinations and the fact that u feel offended by my words mean that i might be in right.

Spend your time on forum in more constructive answer instead of simply chat .

Thats all folks,

__________ KADMAN

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Post by sep caldessian »

hey, if you dont like it...theres the need for assholes 'round here.

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Post by Denort »

There are two words to describe NS4 that also put to rest any thoughts of attacking the people who made it.


If the problems of beta software annoy you, go play a module or game that is not in beta and come back when the beta is over.
If server hardware failures annoy you, go play a subscription game that has the fiscal support for redundant servers and full time technicians.

Next time try politely making suggestions and leave out the digs about how much time you think the devs do or do not spend on the module.

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Post by Kadman »

there are other two words to describe NS4,

LAZY (Developer)
POLEMIC (Dungeon Master)

Thats all folks,


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Post by Kadman »

Sorry i forgot to add.......

Ehy Sep, Denort, couple of noob thx to your spirit we may be able to play a final version of NS4 i some years.

Why u dont spend your time to play Big Gim & Barbie instead of loosing time to post forum that is for serious players.

Oh, i really need to tell that, sry for others....

Thats all folks,


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Post by sep caldessian »

Kadman wrote:Sorry i forgot to add.......

Ehy Sep, Denort, couple of noob thx to your spirit we may be able to play a final version of NS4 i some years.

Why u dont spend your time to play Big Gim & Barbie instead of loosing time to post forum that is for serious players.

Oh, i really need to tell that, sry for others....

Thats all folks,


sure, lets meet up in the final release, if you (or i) dont manage to get yourself (or myself) banned in the meantime.

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Post by IcemanXV »

Well we won't miss a sourpuss as yourself. As was said, the door is to your left. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

We've given you plenty of constructive answers. There's not much we can do but beta test our hearts out so when the devs have time they can get these issues. They are not getting paid for this in any way shape or form, so you expecting them to have a corporate mentality for this is just insane.

Oh, btw: Your english sucks. kthxbye.

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Post by Kadman »

I see you don't like to be criticized in any way or form, this is your choice and i respect it so no more reply will be on this post.

P.S. english is surely better than your italian.

Thats all folks,

________ KADMAN

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Post by IcemanXV »

Kadman wrote:I see you don't like to be criticized in any way or form, this is your choice and i respect it so no more reply will be on this post.

P.S. english is surely better than your italian.

Thats all folks,

________ KADMAN

Yeah, but I'm not trying to express my very offensive and immature comments in italian on an italian board. Why? Because I know full well that what I say is probably going to be interpreted the wrong way or with somesuch more hostility. That was your choice, and you got cheweed out for it. Live with it.

Constructive criticism is welcomed. However, your comments were nowhere near constructive. You were basically calling the devs and DMs lazy. That doesn't help any. Offering to further the process through work or donations is the way to start. Reporting every bug you come across is also the way. Calling the devs and DMs names and poking fun at their project is going to be met with ill-harbored feelings.

Sorry, but however things went down, they were your fault. If you didn't mean these things in this way, then I suggest you consult a dictionary and thesaurus, then re-state your opinion in a non-hostile way.


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