'Dex' Cleric of War Possible?

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'Dex' Cleric of War Possible?

Post by Qui »

Im trying to work on a good Dex cleric of war.. thinking cleric/rogue/assassin. The problem as i see it is that this basically leaves u needing alot of wis, dex, and cha for the 'war domain power'. besides for being hard in itself it would leave you with no cons.. anyyone have any ideas? or is this not even viable?
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Post by TastyTreat »

I'd suggest avoiding Cha completely and picking a different domain. Makes no sence to have high Cha for just one ability that doesn't even last very long. Keep in mind that having high Cha only helps a cleric's ability to turn which at this point is not worth the ability points.

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Post by Qui »

high charisma effects the amount of time of the 'war domain ability' basically all the buffs..
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Post by Lunas »

i would lean to blackguard instead of assassin as it uses more of the claric ability points instead of dex
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Post by Throst54 »

you want a high dex fighting cleric?
well what classes are best w/ high dex, wis, and chr?

monk, ranger, rogue are a few.

blackguard has sneak attack, very crucial for a dex fighter, and he benefits from high chr.

monk will maximize the high wis and dex.

and, bonus.... monk's get the feat for free which you need to be blackguard... not to mention they have the available skills!!

so say 13lvls of blackgaurd in the end.... since they get an extra epic feat every three lvls. @ lvl 6 w/ monk you get knockdown... incredibly useful stuff ya know? but you will wanna makx out your tumble in the end... so take 7 lvls of monk max.... which leaves u w/ 20 lvls free for cleric.

20cleric, 7monk, 13 cleric...

there are, of course, other reasons for taking 7 lvls of monk.. but i dont wanna go in2 that...

when u hit lvl 20 try to look liek this:
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Post by Agent Shiny »

20cleric, 7monk, 13 cleric...
.... uh throst u lack sleep lol

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Post by TastyTreat »

Qui wrote:high charisma effects the amount of time of the 'war domain ability' basically all the buffs..

None of a cleric's non-domain related buffs have anything to do with with charisma. My point was not to pick war as one of your domains so that you don't need charisma at all.

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Post by ATI »

War domain is good if you konw what your doing, but you can't Cha and Dex build at the same time....leaves Con so neglected that you'll be in TONS of trouble (why be a person built for fighting if you only have 100 HP at lvl 12?) My suggestion for you is to focus more on Str (more suited to a cleric). War domain doesn't seem helpful right now...why not just be a normal cleric get extend feat and at lvl 17 get 36 AB with 200+ HP? means you fight like a tiger.

Clerics aren't the right people for dex builds, yet. I would suggest monks, rogues or rangers for dex, thats it.
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Post by TangleRED »

or pick a race with no penalty t dex wis con or CHR and a bonus to some of them so you get more umph out of him.. and then you eat the ECL..

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Post by JesterOI »

I wouldn't play a dex cleric, but I would play a ranged cleric using zen archery, with the travel and air domains (or trickery domain to do some invisible healing).
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

Cleric35 monk2 rogue 3

take zen archery ab 60 without gear is possible ;) as is AC 61
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