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Post by darkl4805 »

Jester, I doubt they are using a pc made from a case bought at best buy... most likely they are using 1U or 2U rack mount servers... but you never know!

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Post by DeputyDog »

They are 4us and all parts were bought from newegg.
The powersupply has failed twice now, and the gig switch has a bad port that keeps going on and off
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PS and Switch...

Post by Hulgaru »

Mind if I ask which manufacturers?

Not that I'm about to jump on a high horse about one manufacturer being better than another, only that I think it might be prudent for me to know which manufacturers seem to have quality issues when I build my own stuff.

p.s. I built my rig from parts I got from NewEgg... but I think I'll need to buy a new VidCard... this one seems to have a fan or power issue. It's weird.

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Re: PS and Switch...

Post by IcemanXV »

Hulgaru wrote:Mind if I ask which manufacturers?

Not that I'm about to jump on a high horse about one manufacturer being better than another, only that I think it might be prudent for me to know which manufacturers seem to have quality issues when I build my own stuff.

p.s. I built my rig from parts I got from NewEgg... but I think I'll need to buy a new VidCard... this one seems to have a fan or power issue. It's weird.

Did you try to see if you needed an extra PSU plug in the back of your card? the newer ones do and won't run well without it.

I personally love Mercury PSU's made by AMS. I upgraded to a 400W for 49 bucks. Doesn't make a sound, and gives me plenty of juice. The 12 is right on the dot, so I don't need to fiddle with over voltage controls. I run several drives and a performance vid card and have never had an issue. Still have 1 year left on my warranty too.

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Post by Hulgaru »

Yeah, I know about the Molex connector on newer vid cards, and its plugged in just fine.

I upgraded my PSU to an Antec trupower model about 2 months ago... 420 watt i think... not exactly sure, but I know its between 400 and 450. My PSU runs fine, no spikes anywhere... 2 optical drives, 3 harddrives, floppy drive, and 4 USB devices attached.

The only time I have an issue is when I play NWN, or any other 3d intensive application... also when I play CIV III and its late in the game with tons of CPU moves.

Both conditions make me wonder if its a case fan issue, or the video card. I'll figure it out eventually :)

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Post by Kala-azar »

Man! After reading this thread, I think my Compaq which I bought from Best Buy 4 years ago is a bit out-dated...Hummmm :lol:
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Post by IcemanXV »

Hulgaru wrote:Yeah, I know about the Molex connector on newer vid cards, and its plugged in just fine.

I upgraded my PSU to an Antec trupower model about 2 months ago... 420 watt i think... not exactly sure, but I know its between 400 and 450. My PSU runs fine, no spikes anywhere... 2 optical drives, 3 harddrives, floppy drive, and 4 USB devices attached.

The only time I have an issue is when I play NWN, or any other 3d intensive application... also when I play CIV III and its late in the game with tons of CPU moves.

Both conditions make me wonder if its a case fan issue, or the video card. I'll figure it out eventually :)

Sounds like it's most likely your vid card.

The case fan could be a problem if your power cords and IDE cables are not up and out of the way. Restricting airflow can really hurt the parts...especially places like your memory. Memory restarts.

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Post by TGPO »

OK the questions of server 3 and 4 have been answered. Please if you wish (and hardware issues and solutions are a worthy topic) continue the discussion in Help and Support.
*Computers are alot like air-conditioners. They work great until you open windows*


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