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Post by Midori »

Yeah, if there's timestop, it should just be for the area the caster is in, not the entire server.

Was on a server where I used it occasionally and was always prepared for the swearing in spatial afterwards, haha.
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Post by JesterOI »

In NS3 most people used to warn of it's use a few minutes before hand, prevented alot of frustration since people knew it was coming.
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Post by Bob »

...or blackmail the server with multiple bags of time crystals.

That one was particularly funny.

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Post by Spura »

I often wonder if any of the proposers have any idea about saves. Will save? Yes I can already see the joy, everybody living peacefully in harmony and free of the tyranny of time stop..... and I also see NC's paladin cots being totally immune to time stop while tearing through MA territory.
Ok seriously, no save. Slow no save hold with save? What stupid kind of idea is that? First of all slow in not nearly as good as the real thing, second hold is paralysis effect=PM and RDD are immune and anyone with freedom on item or freedom spell will be immune to that effect and thirdly paladins, CoTs, paladin sorcs, people who got buffed with protection from spells will always save.

OK the best solution is to petrify everyone in huge area(or whole map area) for 2 or 3 rounds. That's all you need to do.

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Post by Denort »

Perhaps you would care to read the post a little more carefully. I did make mention of immunities and how if possible they should be bypassed for timestop as they would not be true hold or slow effects. So yes, the super saves classes will save a lot and not be held but still slowed and lets not forget the rejoicing of the group when they get an hour long haste from the mage. :)

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Post by Spura »

Are there no haste items?

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

Here is an idea...
Lvl9 Black Blade of Disaster. The caster has to keep focus on the blade... causing him to make concentration rolls on every action... mabe duplicate it for TS?

If the caster just casts TS and does nothing/whatever the spell will last its full duration. But every time the caster casts a spell or attacks, he must make a concentration check or TS ends

Try to make it so its about 30% chance of loss of concentration... that way the caster can get off a couple spells... or take it further and 10% chance of loss if its a harmless spell (buff/summon(also affected by TS))... 40% if its a damage spell (or an attack)

This way its not a retarded version of web, there is a fair chance of failure, and the spell itself is left generaly usefull

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Post by Bob »

The Bioware standard Black Blade doesn't actually make a Concentration check. Instead, it checks on the first action on a given round to see if you've done a no-no like casting a spell, chugging a potion, etc. If you've done something it doesn't like that first round, it dispels the Blade.

The SECOND action of a given round doesn't get the same check, so if you have your timing down, you can buff the Blade, chug a heal, etc., without dispelling the Blade.

There was a script floating around the Bioware boards to fix this so it does make a Concentration check. Here's hoping it gets added in, along with fixes to the BBD's weapon focuses, etc (rigged for a longsword, but actually uses a greatsword).

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Post by ATI »

I remmeber back when TS stopped the server...mainly because of throst....or at least thats what I thought happened :D besides TS lasts for what 1d4+1 rounds? Thats enough to do serious damage in this game.

Maybe just make Time Crystals a quest item with G1 guarding the crystals..eh? Eh? There's an idea. G1 and Time Crystals thats what I'm talking about :D :twisted:
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Post by Denort »

Actually I think the default for timestop is 9 seconds, being the rest of the round you cast it and the following round. Enough time for 1 additional spell, or 3 additonal spells with auto quicken.
Default timestop is nowhere near as potent with the new haste that does not give an extra spell each round.

Spura, I have been told that there are and never will be any permanent haste items so getting a 60 round haste from timestop would be a great benefit considering extended haste would max out at 40 rounds.

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Post by Psycho Dordt »

Hmm server wide TS is seen as way to annoying by loads of PPL\
Local TS is way to buggy, ive seen about 15 versions, and all were bugged
i even knew someone who could bugg the NS3 TS to liek 5 min

what about This idea? tek TS function as teh normal NwN haste, give it teh same Duration as the Blinding speed feat; 5 rounds, of if you feel liek me that that is to short in an online game for a featr set both to 10 rounds.
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Post by Spura »

Denort wrote:
Spura, I have been told that there are and never will be any permanent haste items so getting a 60 round haste from timestop would be a great benefit considering extended haste would max out at 40 rounds.

Are you kidding me? Without any porting items it takes really really really long to walk around this place without haste. And to consider PvP results. Mages will open up any fight with extended haste then just run+cast and it is over for you unless you are mage or travel cleric or monk(and since I play TC I have none of those). Druid vs mage will be crazy since he can put a mantle up AND get an attack spell off even if you do nothing but dispels 2 spells per round vs 1 is just godly. Or 150% move speed vs 100%. Monk/mage multi probably results in that guy hasting himself then running until a screen from target then IGMS, rinse and repeat. No haste for other classes like druid ranger barb, fighter, paladin, rogue,... is extremely unbalancing IMHO. And if someone tells me to get a mage for mass haste in my party I will crack his stupid head because TC+NC alliance has no mages.

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

Spura wrote:Mages will open up any fight with extended haste then just run+cast and it is over for you unless you are mage or travel cleric or monk(and since I play TC I have none of those). Druid vs mage will be crazy since he can put a mantle up AND get an attack spell off even if you do nothing but dispels 2 spells per round vs 1 is just godly. Or 150% move speed vs 100%. Monk/mage multi probably results in that guy hasting himself then running until a screen from target then IGMS, rinse and repeat. No haste for other classes like druid ranger barb, fighter, paladin, rogue,... is extremely unbalancing IMHO. And if someone tells me to get a mage for mass haste in my party I will crack his stupid head because TC+NC alliance has no mages.

blah blah blah sorry if mages use common sense... we should all just stand still with half the AC and a quarter the HP of a fighter and be knocked down and beaten to death.

Archers can do the same.

Deal with it or stop playing the bloody game. If you hate every bloody advantage every class has then you do not belong near a DnD game, or games in general

and every class gets haste. Learn to use your inventory and quickslots.

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Post by Spura »

Terminal Insanity wrote:
and every class gets haste. Learn to use your inventory and quickslots.
That is really an interesting proclamation. Unless you are refering to haste potions, they don't. As far a potions go you need the spell to craft it. And I can just see hostile mages selling me haste pots.

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

i can just see hostile clerics crafting raise scrolls too.

GIMP RAISE! Mabe add a will save or fail raise! hell lets kill the whole game equaly!


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