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Post by Brennan068 »

Stormwarden wrote:Life is not always fair sadly enough.

Yeah, but this is a game, not life. Rules need to be consistent and fair.

From what I've seen of this world it will survive very well whether you force people to group or not. People have different reasons for soloing and I think we need to respect those. Like I said, there are reasons to group and reasons to solo ... don't force grouping on people who cannot (due to time constraints, skill level, social abilities etc.)

A pro story for grouping is last night, two 8th lvl characters went hunting ogres. At around 100 xp per pop and surviving to keep poping them, we got waaay more exp than we would have had we solo'd bugbears or something like that. Like I said, I like to group with people but I stand by my side of the argument:

Don't force people to group if they don't want to.

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Post by HPD_234 »

Well I may get bashed here for bringing up another game but here goes:

I played Asheron's Call for near 3 years, it's a MMORPG that was encouraged group play by giving a bonus, such as the Synergy bonus in NS, to those who grouped. The more in the group, the fewer xp's you get for each kill; seems reasonable and to me it worked out well. Then some started making the same statements made here, "Why group when you can solo and get more xp per hour". So the devs beefed up the xp per group. Then the complaint came, "The monsters are now too easy for groups and the game has no challenge unless you solo". So the spawns got beefed up. Then the complaint was, "Well some of us don't have the same time schedule as others and soloing is the only way for me to play". So the devs then added multiple dungeons with lower level critters and faster spawns. Then people started 'camping' the spawns and griefing lower level players which the dungeons were designed. So the devs created level limits to certain dungeons. Then the whole 'critters are too strong issue came into play'. So the devs beefed up buff times and added another level to buffs to make them stronger. Then lo and behold "The monsters are now too easy for groups and the game has no challenge unless you solo".

Full circle I saw this go round and round for three years, give or take a few things I left out. Thing is, Asheron's Call started gaining a lot of powergamers and loosing a lot of the RP guys. No biggie to me, I for one liked to solo cause i was one of those who has a screwy time schedule. But for others the game became too unbalanced and the whole community thing went out the window. The game started loosing popularity and AC lost a lot of long time players who PAYED to play, every month. Which in turn caused MS to develop AC2 which bombed with a vengence.

Look, nothing lasts forever. Enjoy the game and remember, the NS4 still isn't complete. NWN, in my opinion, is one of the greatest games out there and to give the end user the ability to customize, heavily, and go PW with it is just a blessing. I never got into DnD pen and paper but wish i would have. It was just kinda nerdy when i was a kid and i would have been shunned by my peers. But now that im an adult, I can play video games :P Enjoy what you have. The xp distribution is fine. Some areas could be made with super monsters so group play is the only way to get to the goal and some areas, from what i understand, will be designed simply for Epic Characters in the final version. Just hang tight till then and if the critters are too easy, make a new character that isn't so UBER but fun to play.

Disclaimer: All above statements are the opinion of said author. Any statements resembling that of real life people are purely coincidental :D

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

If they dont continue to castrate every class...

You wont need XP incentives to walk with a party. Your incentive would be defense. Little bugger rougues sneaking up/disarm/steal/run away is annoying... so keep a ranger in your party! a gorup of enemy fighters is gonna make you wish you had a cleric with you as well.

i dont think the XP should be halfed... but mabe lop off 1/3 instead

If you get 200xp from a mob alone, why are you in that area with a group? Go get better XP with your group

Psycho Dordt
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

here is the big prob,
i'm a powel lvler.
i solo lvled my sorc to 18 in 2 days.
my cleric took 7 days to get the same lvl with the same game hours with one bigg difference, we were with 3 ppl. who BTW are all power lvlers

its true that you have an easier time with a party, you kill faster, and the last thing IS the problem, you kill faster but get less XP---> XP per minutue is higher, you kill 3x as fast for about 50% XP per mob--> 150% xp with 3 ppl BUT now count in Respawn time of the descent XP mobs. and you drop back to about 75% XP, now count in that ppl get AFK now and than, you have to wait on each other for resting (diff classes rest at diffent rates, as do differnt ppl) and your XP per hour is about 50% of what you get Solo
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

sorry but that is BS.

If you realy got a lvl 18 sorc in 2 days then you must have done one of these:
1) it was in ns3
2) you used the XP exploit
3) you cheated

I have a sorc and you CANNOT get 18 levels in 2 days, that is just stupid.

Hey everyone... im a power parteyer! i went to las vegas last night... got bored and flew to Tokyo for a few hours... and then made it back to a party down the road by around in time for a pizza dinner!

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Post by rkanodia »

HPD_234 wrote: I never got into DnD pen and paper but wish i would have. It was just kinda nerdy when i was a kid and i would have been shunned by my peers.

Just so you know, Vin Diesel plays Dungeons and Dragons, and has for over 20 years. If that doesn't shut anti-gamer types up, I don't know what will.

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Post by Danhalen »

rkanodia wrote:
HPD_234 wrote: I never got into DnD pen and paper but wish i would have. It was just kinda nerdy when i was a kid and i would have been shunned by my peers.

Just so you know, Vin Diesel plays Dungeons and Dragons, and has for over 20 years. If that doesn't shut anti-gamer types up, I don't know what will.
that makes me ashamed to play PnP.

just had to be the voice of decension :D

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Post by TGPO »

Funny when you consider that he may at some time have stopped into NS and had his butt handed to him just like the rest of us.
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Post by Qui »

uhm.. you can deffinately lvl a sorc to lvl 18 in two days.. it would only take baout 10 hours a day.. and it is summer vaction..

edit that.. maybe even less time than 10 hours a day over two days..
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Post by Keish14 »

Qui wrote:uhm.. you can deffinately lvl a sorc to lvl 18 in two days.. it would only take baout 10 hours a day.. and it is summer vaction..

edit that.. maybe even less time than 10 hours a day over two days..

Your all sick, sick people. LOL. Took me ages to level when I played, I got bored of it being way too hard for me, so I'm waiting for NS4 to progress or something changed before I come back to it. Sorrry guys, I don't have 10 hours a day to play. I played for about 2-3 hours every day and still could only get to around level 8 in about a week..
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Ace Dragonfury
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Post by Ace Dragonfury »

A Final Fantasy comment if I may.... one of the things i disliked about that MMORPG is it literally punishes players xp wise if the levels aren't the same so much that if one of the group was 2-3 lvls higher than the rest, he/she was asked to leave.

I say yea or nay group or no, please allow those who do group a decent xp gain if the levels are spread apart to say 5 difference.. (The Lvl 1s with a Lvl 20 is an extreme that still shouldnt happen)

Thank you. I have said what I wanted to say on the subject.


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