I would like to thank the community

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I would like to thank the community

Post by mumoogaipan »

The major thing i would like to thank everyone for is that there is a lot less complaining over the forums. Additionally, i think that the community has pulled together and tried to implement community rules which set standards for how players should act. Quite frankly, i think that this is the way rules and norms should work for the mod. I think there should be less DM and Dev envolvement in rules like pvp fighting or dealing with okies and things like that.

For the DM's and Dev's you all have done a fantastic job. One thing i would ask when decissions are being made for the future of NS, i would hope that the option to nerf the basics of the game take a second seat to trying to find an answer. Or to tweak small minor things that help deal with the major problems.

To all, i think that this is the best mod ever created. I can't believe that this is a free service. Thank you all so much. You all are so great ^_^

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Post by ATI »

I Would like to apologize for my childish behavior at the beginning of the beta, after a while playing, this beta has been more fun than NS3 ever was. I look forward to see what the dev's, teh DM's, and DD come up with next :D
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Post by Goodall »

We are glad you like. The development of NS4 has been a longtime coming and I think was worth the wait. The intentions of the NS staff are to promote interactive play with minimal DM interference. It is great to see the players handling issues and finding solutions on there own. You get it. :)
It's just a game!
DM Goodall

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