
Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
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Post by Vhock »

Ok , so if im not mistaken, this is suppose to be a mod where the DM's want us to group.... why is it then that my 10th level cleric kills Formian Matyark (nice spelling), gets 208 xp... when i group with another person the same level as me i get 98 xp, plus like 30 synergy xp??!!!???? if you want this to be a soloing mod, keep up the good work.... if not, please fix this... :shock:

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Post by ATI »

This should be on ideas and suggestions, but yes, I think that the synergy experience should be buffed up a bit. Would help gruops work together which is nice.
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Post by DrakhanValane »

Default XP for two would be 104 for that mob. 128 is more that I think you should get since the mob is so much easier with two people... remember that both get this XP and the total XP between the two of you is 256. Be thankful I'm not in charge of the XP script. :)

But given that I'm not, What do you think you should get? 75% of the total each?
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Post by Vhock »

to tell you the truth, i think the total each person should get should be at least as much as i would get if i solo'd the mob.... cuz as it stands now, why the hell would i wanna group with people if i can solo the entire mod, and get max xp????? if you WANT people to group, maybe even give them MORE xp than they would get if they solo'd said mob....

just my 2 cent ( or .83 cent since im in canada) 8)

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Post by DrakhanValane »

Of course I will vehemently argue against that. Nothing personal. :)

Why should you get more XP for having an easier time? Also: where do you draw the line? Do you start losing XP at 3 people fighting? 5? Or just keep increasing XP as you add people so that 40 people fighting rats is better than 2 fighting Drakmarr?
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Post by Vhock »

ok, just seemed silly to get LESS exp with group memebers, considering this was suppose to be a GROUP friendly mod... (see Aventia for a good group exp system)

why would anyone wanna group when they can just cast a summon monster ( and they dont take exp)????

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Post by Netrom.dk »


First off, you should be able to kill twice as fast when you are two, and there for you end up getting more exp that way over a period of time, since you get more then half the exp as you would solo.

Second, you will be less attacked when in a party. I have severel times seen ppl go after either me or a party member, when the other turned up, and the person all the suddent (sp?) went the other way :evil:

But it takes a little to see the benifits, and it might not be from one group, but should be seen in the time it takes to take out the same amount of exp solo as if you where in a group, wich is almost the same.
... (hopes that last sentence gave meaning)

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Post by ATI »

This isn't entirely true Netrom...under perfect conditions what you say makes sense...but I soloed with my bro today, it took me twice as long to lvl from 15-17 than it would have if I just cleared ogres by myself.

In a scenario when I can easily takeout the mobs by myself, why would I group with someone else? Its like Vhrock said, given my example, I can clear ogres in probably 10 minutes, top to bottom. No problem. Even if I go through the caves faster with one other person, I am not going to lvl up as fast because the other person is goint to make me have to kill more monsters for the same exp, and in the Ogres, there are limited monsters. In this scenario, which occurs everywhere because monsters are limitless, I spend more time having to kill ogres for a lvl up than I would if I just lvled by myself.

Even DD said (About 2 months ago, I think if im wrong sorry) that we should change the synergy bonus to give more exp. I would argue that if you get 200 exp from a monster normally you should get 150 with a group, no matter how big the size (flat 75 percent). That would give incentive to work together, as it is now, the groups work together mainly because they CAN'T kill the mobs by themselves.

yet if I CAN kill mobs by myself, there is no real incentive for me to help people other than the fact that I like helping people....many more people aren't quite so nice. :D[/quote]
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Post by Shasz »

If two people cooperate to chop down one tree, should there then be lumber equivalent to two trees?

If 3 people plant and tend a garden, should it grow three times as many vegetables?

If you and 4 friends go down to the local Chevy dealer and pool your money to buy one car, should the owner give each of you a car?


If you can clear ogres in 10 minutes, perhaps you should take on tougher monsters when you group. I was in a group of 5 level 1-3 characters and we took on CR 5 or CR 6 monsters rather than newbie stuff we could all solo. XP was very nice for everyone and I made 3rd level (from 1st) faster than I could have soloing.
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Post by Firkraag »

Shasz and DV hit it right. If you can SOLO easy why would you kill those in a group. That makes no sence. If 208 solo why would you get more in party for it being easier. Example if you can Solo Ogres well in party you should try Giants or even add more to Party and try Gnoll Pits....

Just my 2 cents
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Post by ATI »

actually going elsewhere for me would be dumb...the CR on the ogres is 19 and since lvl 15 I've been able to take them out. I get around 180 exp per kill of the lvl 3 ogres. If it takes me only 10 minutes to clear the whole cave, and on 2/3 of the cave I am slamming monsters that give more than 100 exp...why should I go elsewhere...my lvl 17 cleric is perfectly capable of taking out these CR 19's, furthermore, gruoping with others just slows me down, thus no incentive for grouping.

And this isn't a forest, a farm, or the chevy dealership, its a game, meaning the noram rules of life don't apply....how do I know that? Well if you go to Melencia on Earth...oh wait...Melencia doesn't exist. Well If I cast heal on one person...wait....That can't happen either, Sorry i'm being a jerk, but what you have argued isn't a reason for why exp shouldn't be increased, their just bad extrapolations about the real world, incorrectly applied to a fake world.

Why not increase experience gains? It helps people group. Does something bad happen if you increase the experience gains by 30-45%? If nothign bad happens from increasing experience gains, then why not do it? This server is about parties going together and adventuring. It happens now...but I think increasing the synergy bonuses would more perfectly create the vision of what the Dev's want...group playing together. Besides, I would assume the method to do this would at worst take maybe 5 minutes to implement into the code, and take another 5 if the code wasn't working properly. :D
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Post by BigDogNate »

I agree with some things here. I would like to see more XP from grouping. My thinking is that each member of the party would not get more than if soloing but get the same as you would get from soloing. Then the benefit from grouping as opposed to soloing would be that fact that you could kill more creatures in the same amount of time. Hence encouraging group play. Just my thoughts on the matter.
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Post by Hieroneus Maxim »

The synergy bonus is good as it stands. If 2 guys (we'll assume same level) take out a monster, they will each get more than 1/2 what the monster is worth solo. Getting 128xp due to synergy instead of just 104 (half the value) means the party as a whole is getting an extra 25% xp. You can kill things faster, more than simply twice as fast if the party works together well. This means clerics buffing fighters, fighters flanking for the rogues, etc.

When I was soloing ogres, I was taking out giants in a party.

I think the synergy bonus is reasonable, however since it seems that soloing still prevails:
-Vary monsters so that different types of characters needed. More locked (unbashable) doors and traps. Monsters who dispel buffs and use IKD on the casters, or have high SR.
-Could increase synergy bonus, however I would do this by only for parties that are made up of all one faction and its ally faction.
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Post by Thanos »

Your fist problem is your a cleric(well maybe not a problem). High level clerics can solo the whole game. There is no point in you grouping with anyone.

2nd problem is the spawn rate or amount of monsters. Once you level up a bit you can kill the monsters just a fast as a group. Also the monsters don't respawn fast enough to keep your group busy. So even with the group bonus you still get more xp on your own.

1.the amount of monsters/spawn rates need to be increased. Some dungeons have 1/2 the rooms empty.

2. Synergy bonus needs to be increased even if it means giving more exp then you would normally get killing solo.

BTW a CR of 19 means in DnD that the encounter should be a chalange for 4 19th level characters.

Just goes to show how over powered the characters are.
Last edited by Thanos on Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ATI »

Hehhee. Just saying some dev's think it would encourage group play, so just give it a try. As for being a cleric. Yup...clerics can essentially do everything in the game...which is what tclerics are supposed to do. however, I also like to help people which is cool. Clerics should be intermediaries of their dieties, thus being powerful...the problem is making epic chars get to the same level as clerics later on.
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