PoV on Pk (to anyone I pked and all those i have yet to pk)

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Post by Throst54 »

i cant believe you people... so, well, to say the least.. violent.

why must we kill each other? why do we even have to kill things for XP? why cant i be given xp for being a pacifist? i mean, we conscienous objectors have to make a living just as well as anyone else might.

so.. maybe if i like.. preach someone to the brinks of insanity or maybe heal them to death can i ahve some xp? or if i buff all our guards can i have a lil of thier xp when they smacketh downeth warliketh pplethz


get my reasoning?
i heal stuff i get xp..

yes, now i want to get about 130xp everytime i cast heal, and a fraction of that for every other healing spell, so every 1 spell slot my healing goes down? i get 1/8th less xp.

no, dont worry, i'll make sure to talk to all my pacifist friends.. we wont heal rocks or signs... unless someone was mean and hurt thier feelings maybe... but i will heal the poor fuzzy bunnies who've come under attack from evil do-ers alike...

beware!! the healers are coming!!
Type post, tab tab enter, wait 4page 2 load, shift+tab tab enter, REPEAT!!!

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Post by Tukaitangata »

Nice post Llew! Well said, humourous and intelligent, dont see many of those. Great to see someone PLAYING the game in the way the game was intended.

P.S. Come by LA again........and yer mine..........prolly fer about 2.7 seconds before im dead! :)

The Whisperer. L.A.

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Llew Silverhand
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Post by Llew Silverhand »

Hehe, ty Tukaitangata, i'll drop by NS sometime this week, I was storing this char in menzo to defend my hometown till the epic areas come out, but I think I can make another trip to the LA.. I am coming, you have been warned! (darn, where's a ninja smiley when you need one lol?)
Don't whine if you get pked, make sure they're gone, level like crazy, then go kick their butt.
*ahem* In other words, not my fault you're not level 23...

(i'm just asking for it aren't I?) Ah well....


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