Drow Uprising

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Drow Uprising

Post by DM-Mac- »

Deep below ground in secluded hidden places, the locals begin to talk. Rumors of a Drow Priest slowly seeking anyone skilled enough to aid him. Speculation runs high as to what his plan is, he refuses all questions, saying only that the reward will be far greater than the risk. Only those accomplished souls of at least 30 seasons will be accepted into the adventure. All those interested are being told to gather at the Grey Shores Inn, near Garagoth next Tuesday, July 15th at 5pm PDT (-7GMT).

*This is an epic adventure quest, whose outcome will shape the future of Masl and the rest of Aetheria for years to come. So use that social media to find all the old schooler's and lure in the new players that are still arriving. Level 40 is recommended but 30 are allowed to open it up to people whose only Ma or Sl toons they have access to be crafters.

All toons that join the event must be from MA or SL, unless you have a level 30+ toon that’s willing to defect to Masl. Defecting will include striping the toon of all gear after the event and then sending it to the devil angel. You will then use the same name with the addition of "traitor to (name of previous home city)", to create a new toon in MA or SL. Your new toon will get 10k XP, 10,000 gold and one random tome for defecting to the Masl Alliance. (xp gold and book must be used on your new Masl toon)

After the Drow Uprising, the after event will be an XP event for all players preparing for the DoR in August. Players who participated in the Drow Uprising will get bonus XP in the after event, no matter the toon they have logged for after event.
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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by Alkapwn »

*suddenly stirs from his deep epic slumber, slowly opens his battlescarred eyes, and bares his sharpened teeth in what seems to be some demonic form of a smile* :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by TheEdge »

Might, perchance pull up a chair and a Keg 'O' Ale to sit back and watch the lil one's spill there blood. Thinks this might provide some enjoyment. This Dwarven God has always found amusement watching the antics of those dirty Drow and such!.
Gorm-Fire Eyes


Amoenotep wrote:so drunk he can't spell devil...what a loser
And this is my curse :(

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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by frogofpeace »

Remembers a long-suppressed predilection for fallen angels and tragic antiheroes.
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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by PereV »

A truly momentous event, culminating in one very pissed off spider Queen!!

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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by mweidel13 »

Great event kind of reminded me of the old D&D days. Was alot of fun.

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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by Nyeleni »

I tried to stay awake, but 2 am was definitely too late for me :). Could we have a more detailed description please?

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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by frogofpeace »

They told me there would be rogues in NC, Nye.
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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by Amoenotep »

there were at some point....i know cuz i was there, on a rogue, killing paladins and goody goods like you.
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Re: Drow Uprising

Post by TheEdge »

Planned on attending.........Then those Kegs 'O' Ale would have felt abandoned so I felt that they needed some attention.

Glad everything went well.
Gorm-Fire Eyes


Amoenotep wrote:so drunk he can't spell devil...what a loser
And this is my curse :(


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